PAC Approved [UK] James Kennedy

Character bio has been approved to use PAC matching description of the thread.
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Jul 22, 2023
Requesting approval for the face since its classed as changing the base model
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James Kennedy, born 3rd of May, ███
On July 19th ███, a large containment breach including SCP-939, SCP-096, SCP-076 and SCP-079 James Kennedy was injured with an almost lethal strike to his upper left side of his face, the recollection of events told by James go as follows:
"During July 19th, on the year [DATA EXPUNGED], I was walking into Heavy containment zone doing an operation for the chairman,
this is when I heard a loud alarm coming from behind me, it was a containment breach, unsure of what to do, I ran to the exit of HCZ and proceeded up the elevator."

"Upon arriving to the top of the elevator I heard screams, something was unusual about these screams, they didn't sound particularly human, upon moving into LCZ I saw corpses litter the corridors and blood everywhere, upon examining one of these corpses I saw teeth marks which were believed to of come from SCP-939"
"After pushing deeper in, I heard my name called, this sent me into a panic as SCP-939 might if heard us, this is when I witnessed the MTF that called my name get torn into shreds by SCP-939, In a short panic I let out a fearful yell, this is when SCP-939 charged me."
"The dog lunged at my head knocking me to the ground, before I fell unconscious I heard 1 more thing, it was some MTF shouting "Collect the VIP, terminate that Fucking dog" I don't remember anything more after this"
"How am I alive?"
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