[UK] James Kennedy's Director Of Research Application #2

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Jul 22, 2023
STEAMID: STEAM_0:1:196792033
Discord Name: Kinlep
Time Spent On SCP-RP: 8-9 Months
Age: 17 Years Old
F Name: James K.
GOC Name: James 'Wolf'
Civ Name: James Kennedy
Which Server Are You Applying For: SCP-UK
Do You Have A Mic: Yes

Foundation Roles:
Ethics Committee Assistant (Holding)
Executive Assistant (Held)
Overseer Assistant (Held)

IA Ambassador (Held)

MTF / UNGOC Roles:
UNGOC Non-Commissioned Officer, Corporal
UNGOC [141] Member (Diplomacy Team, Deals With Negotiations & Relations)
MTF Nu-7 Enlisted, Lance Corporal

MTF E-11 Enlisted, Lance Corporal

Warning List:
FailRP (Inactive) - Entered F as a civilian
Mic Spam (Inactive) - My Sound Board was too loud
Meta-Gaming (Inactive) - Used someone's 'God name' to identify them
FearRP (Inactive) - Broke out of cuffs while I was under gun point

ERP (Inactive) - Made a very very bad joke.

Application #2 Return Of The Executive
(Funny name lol)

Why are you applying for Director of Research
While I maintain similar reasoning to my first application, I have several more reasons at this point in time, firstly, I believe I am easy to talk to and can handle relations within the department very easily, this was proven to myself when people within the department came to me on discord for help to do with several things, from issues with other researchers to some simple document / test help, while I have had regrettable issues with fellow people within my own department and this is due to nothing but myself being a prick, I can still help others fix their issues and help with creating healthy RP.

Secondly, another reason for my application is due to the current state of the research department, since RsD is one of the most vital sources of RP within this Gmod server, it is crucial that it gets repaired to a healthy state, I believe with a few of my ideas and my creativity, that I will be able to restore this department to a state in which roleplay is not just supported but is incentivised, in its current state, the only thing that is incentivised is basic and repeated testing, as DoR I will make sure to reward creativity, not just acknowledge it.

Again, a further reason for this very application is due to the lack of current candidates, the current executives are all amazing at their roles and I wish them the best as they all deserve the role unlike myself who simply left during a time that I was needed within the department, but simply due to the low executive count I feel that I have to apply in order to raise the numbers within the department, while currently their is a low amount of executives, I believe that I may be able to fix that, as all that would be needed is to make the department seem more fun and less of a document writing chore.

Lastly, another reason for this application is because I have made an effort to improve my RP skills and my general attitude, while it is a long way from perfect, I believe that I will still manage to create unique and interesting roleplay for other players, whilst I may lack some RP skills myself I can easily create it for others therefore increasing their enjoyment within their time on this server, I have also fixed my attitude problem which started with how I treated a fellow executive during my previous application, this was a bitter and plain stupid of me and I wish nothing but the best for him at this time.

What makes you suitable for Director of Research
Again, I still maintain the same reasoning from my last application but some more reasons include that I have several ideas on ways to improve the department in mind, one of these ideas includes trainings, within my current time in UNGOC I have found that people enjoy trainings that involve various people as long as it is unique and enjoyable, some examples of a training for RsD includes doing a large scale mock cross-test, this would involve gathering a large amount of researchers and letting them all work together to conduct a cross-test, furthermore, I would also love to attempt to get RsD involved in more GM events to improve RP.

Again, another reason for my suitability is due to the fact that I can make new players feel very welcomed into the department which will hopefully result in them becoming long time researchers or even executives, this helps the department in several ways, firstly by increasing the player count for the department it generates RP for not just researchers but GSD, D-Class and even E-11, this is beneficial as with servers current state, enjoyable RP is necessary for its survival, it also helps the department by generating people with new ideas which leads to new and unique experiences.

Furthermore, An alternate reason for why I am suitable for DoR is due to the fact that I am very good with external & internal documentation, while the previous DoR has removed several pieces of information from the external side of the department, I will not rewind his changes but improve upon them, while initially I was sceptical about some of his changes, and I outright denounced them, after further seeing some of the implementation of the internal whiteboards, I would enjoy adding to this although I would still like to keep externals due to their importance, I also have experience with the current roster and I was the person that informed the previous DoR how to use some of the systems, the roster has also became broken within this time and some vital information has gone missing due to parts of the code being accidently deleted, with my experience, I will be able to not just fix that, but also improve upon it.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP
Management of personnel, this includes assigning projects, recruiting executives and onboarding Jrs, this is important because it helps people understand if this role is for them, if they find the projects interesting and unique, they may attempt to join the leadership and help the department I more ways than just researching.

Informing researchers, this includes many things, from announcing on discord that a planned event is happening to informing people of policy changes within the department, without being their to inform people the department will remain the same and will not improve.

Editing external + internal documents, this is crucial in many ways, from fixing a broken roster to updating a policy mandated by SA, without being there to update crucial documents, the department will slowly fall apart in more ways than one.

Upholding relations, this includes inter-departmental relations as well as relations between researchers, this is crucial as fallouts between departments can result in less RP for the both of them which is detrimental for obvious reasons, while also keeping researchers friendly with each other which can create friendships which is great as it gives people a reason to hop on the server everyday.

Extras, this includes conducting interviews, grading documents, engaging in meetings and most importantly promoting RP, these are all extremely important due to the fact all of these are needed to keep the department active and running, promoting RP is crucial due to without it you will have a department that has no sense of reward when playing in.

(I am aware this is short, I tried to group this up so that the app is not too long)

Director of Research Lore
The day was dark, cold and empty, all he could see was black, where? what? who? thousands of questions racing through his mind, he was lost in a black void of emptiness.

He felt a rag be lifted from upon his head and a glowing white light covered his view, as his eyes adjusted he realised where he was, blood pumping, adrenaline rushing and fear enveloping him, he was sat on a cold metal chair with a cold metal table in front of him, he was on the floor 3, locked into the dark interrogation room, the shock of his location had lifted now, he remembered who he was, he was Overseer Assistant “Wolf'', he proceeded to glance around and saw a tough A-1 behind him.

Then the A-1s radio lit up the room full of sound saying “he is coming” who is he? Should I be scared, he asked himself.
Questions filled his mind, was it his boss, the Overseers?
The door flew open, and a man in a large black suit appeared, “You have fucked up too many times!” The man yelled “your intentions are misguided and your thoughts unclear, you are being removed from this role, as you are no longer needed, although I do admit your work is satisfactory, I will not kill you but you will go to Site-██ for amnestication and retraining, understand!?”, “Yes…” wolf muttered, he was going to forget everything he thought, at least he wasn’t killed, what will he do to him? throw him out on the street like a beggar? Or make him something else, something new….

6 Months Later

Newly arrived at site-65 was James K. The place felt dark, cold and empty, he had never been here before yet the place seemed so familiar, he couldn’t place these feelings and just pinned it down to an anomalous like affect.
James walked down through the several corridors and reached core sector, the home of his new job, executive researcher, James came accustomed to this role almost immediately, he wrote documents, managed researchers and came up with theory’s to do with new SCPs, but something always seemed off, cameras watching him, ISD tracking his every move and that familiarity that he could not quite shake, there was something wrong with this place and he needed to find out what it was, he decided his best chance to learn about this place was with the overseer council.
James knew very little about there activities and who they really were, every attempt to learn more about them was quickly shut down and access to the secret floor was limited due to documentation being needed for entry, he knew if he had to learn more,
that this was the place.
This is when he learnt about the role of department director, after investigating it, he found out that they have an interview with the council themself to demonstrate if they are suitable for the role, this was the perfect opportunity he thought, he was already doing outstandingly as an executive but getting the role of director of research was still no easy task, with his seemingly superior intelligence he managed to catch the eye his fellow executives and researchers who proceeded to support his climb to director, everyone believed he had one purpose, to become the best, but his real intentions were more selfish, he wanted to meet with the council and to demand answers.
After countless planning he knew that the role was his.
James was just waiting for the email when he decided he would need a course of action for when he got to floor 3, would he bring a gun and force the answers out of them? No that couldn’t work, they would certainly search him prior he believed, that’s when he stumbled across an old file, this file was titled “memetic kill agent” this was his golden opportunity, he could reprogram a cognitohazard to work with him, his plan relied on one fact, that the interview room would have a computer in it.
He slaved away for countless hours reprogramming the kill agent to instead cause distress and harm when telling anything but the truth, he downloaded this file onto a small USB stick, this is when he heard a small “ding” it came from the computer, a small notification popped up saying “new email from ██-█” he clicked on the message and read “James K, congratulations your application to Director of Research has been moved up to stage 2, the interview, please report to floor 3 at 12:30 on the 12/7/████” James knew it was time, these fuckers better know why he has these feelings, why he recognises all these things, why he feels people watching him, if they don’t he may just lose it…….

3 Days Later

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Click* *Ding* Now was his time, he felt the familiarity way stronger while going up the elevator, it was so familiar that he didn’t quite understand why, but he was getting answers, he knew that for sure, the elevator doors shifted open and a member of ISD was there waiting for him, something seemed familiar about him also, the best description he could think of for him was tough, the ISD looked at James “You….. I remember you” The ISD spoke in a dark and druid tone, unsure of how the ISD knew him.
James guessed that they were trained together on foundation basics, hence the similar feeling, James proceeded to be escorted into a dark office room.
4 men waiting for him, “Welcome James, you probably know who we are, but don’t know much about us,” One man said “let’s keep it that way, A1! Leave the room and give us some privacy now!” James glanced side to side around the room, a computer, next to a projector! This was the perfect opportunity and he needed to seize it, he was asked a few basic questions by the men including why are you suitable for this role and what is your biggest weakness, then the biggest question came up, “what makes you stand out from other candidates”,

“I cannot tell you why I am better than the other candidates” James argued “but I can show you, if you allow me to present something on this here projector”, 3 out of the 4 men looked left and right before fixating on one man in the middle, he must be the leader James believed, “You may” the man in the middle said, James walked up to the projector and placed in his USB, he made sure to not look at the projection before hitting play, “Okay, listen up you son of a bitch! You will tell me everything right FUCKING NOW! Or this memetic kill agent will destroy you all” James yelled, “Sir! Are you alright?” Yelled a guard from outside the door, “Yes… we’re fine” said the middle man, “James, you always were smart, I should’ve known that you would’ve not settled until you figured out what happened, so I’ll tell you, you used to be my right hand man James, your code name was “Wolf” you were perfect, you could do almost anything, predict a CI raid or even infiltrate departments to gain information, until you fucked up, operation unity, you called it, it was a project about harnessing SCP-079 for the good of the site, this fuck up of a project resulted in the death of an ethics member, but I argued for you and managed to save your ass from a simple execution to an amnestication and retraining program , you cost the foundation a lot of resources, there is no doubt about that, but with this current outburst there is nothing other than to say congratulations, you are the new Director of Research” “What…..” James questioned “You hired me? After I could’ve killed you?”

“Yes James, you may be a liability and a risk, but if this foundation does one thing, it is containing these risks and using them for our benefit, so I advise you to take this job, and do not tell anyone of this new information you have learnt here today, because you can believe me when I say, you will not be given another second chance…..”

To all other candidates, good luck.
Apr 4, 2023

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @James K.

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​
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