[UK] James "Wolf" Kennedy Ambassador Application

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Jul 22, 2023
Steam ID:
Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
8 Days 7 Hours (Time spent online)
In what country are you located?:
UK, England
Time zone:
BST (+0)
Character name(s):
James "Wolf" Kennedy
Civilian name:
James Kennedy

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-IA Agent
-DEA Agent

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- FailRP, I entered the Facility as a Civ.
-Mic Spam, my soundboard was louder than i wanted it to be.
-Meta Gaming, i said "Missclick" in in-person chat.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
-When i play SCP-RP most of the time i play as an IA Agent, i find it fun and an interesting way to play the game, i have only been an agent for a short while yet i cannot stop playing as one as the role is unique to most others, because i find being an agent so fun, i believe being an ambassador will be better, because being in a position of authority has its benefits and it must feel nice for people to come to you when help is needed, I would wait longer before applying but i thought i may as well give it a shot, if i get accepted into this title, so after all that, all i can say is that I promise nothing but the best of my ability put into this role.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
-I play as an Internal Affairs agent almost all the time so i have decent experience,
-I know the department rules, policy's and the Codex very well.
-I am known to most of my fellow IA Agents,
-I am easy to talk to, so any agent that need help i should be able to help quickly.
-I am almost always online during the day, so i am available to help people whenever.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
-I have written few documents, mostly arrest reports, but i always make sure they are very detailed and that what has happened is clear and is focused on the relevant facts.
-A good document is detail oriented, and should have all relevant info about the document included, all people writing documents should take there time and make sure they have not produced a rushed mess, a good document will should be convey all points in a detailed way yet still getting to the point, finally a good document should follow the appropriate format, for example in arrest reports, the incident report preset should be chosen on the clipboard.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
-Ambassadors should train people aspiring to become agents and help them with any questions they ask.
-Responding to reports made upon agents in a fair and just manor.

-observing staff, especially agents to make sure there are doing there job correctly and helping them when they struggle.
-Accepting/denying arrest reports that have been placed on the IA scriptnet.
-Dealing with relationships in the Internal Affairs Department as well as outside.
-Being there when people need you, meaning to be able to respond quickly to calls on comms or on the radio.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
-James Kennedy, later nicknamed the Wolf, was raised in a small town in the north of England, he was apart of an abusive house hold, in which he would often be beaten and whipped often, he would run away and sleep in dark ally ways to escape his family, it was a relief when he hit 16, because as soon a he could, he enlisted in the army, during his time in the army he showed great skill in de-escalating situations, the army was where he gained the nickname wolf, it was given to him by his platoon and was for his cold and introverted personality, yet how he worked well as a team, he was recruited into the foundation after he was deployed in Iraq and he stumbled across rogue foundation personnel, he believed these people were crazy, yet after learning so much from them he gave in, he went to the place that they mentioned, yet it seemed like an averaged military complex, until he mentioned what he was told from the rogue personnel, he was bagged and taken into an interrogation room, the DEA interrogating him had made 1 large mistake of not checking the restraints, after the agent left, James Kennedy used his army training to sneak out of the facility through a sewage system, this caught the eye of a higher up in the foundations ranks, who just a day later re-captured James Kennedy and offered him a job, it took awhile but he was found to be the best fit as an IA Agent, which is where he remains to this day.

-Thanks, have a good day, also sorry this was so long. :)
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John Dear

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 14, 2021

Interview Required

Good day, Agent James "Wolf" Kennedy.

After seeing your hard work through the last weeks and getting positive feedback from the Ambassador team, we've come to the conclusion that you're capable of performing the duties of an Ambassador. The next step in the application process will be an Interview. Please contact me on teamspeak or discord once you are ready for the Interview.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs John Dear
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