[UK] James "Wolf"s OSA Application

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Jul 22, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:196792033
Discord name: Kinlep
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Around 3-4 Months
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: UK, England
Time zone: GMT (+0)
Character name(s): James "Wolf"
Civilian name: James Kennedy
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI-A (Holding)
- IA Ambassador (Holding)
- SCP-096 (Holding)
- E-11 LCPL (Held) (Resigned)
- DEA Agent (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- FailRP, I entered the Facility as a Civ. (Inactive)
- Mic Spam, my soundboard was louder than i wanted it to be. (Inactive)
- Meta Gaming, i said "Missclick" in in-person chat. (Inactive)
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
-There are many reasons to why I am the best candidate for the position of Overseer assistant, one of these includes that I am very active, I'm often seen on for over 6 hours daily, (A little less on Mondays to Wednesdays due to college), due to the fact that I am very active means I can often perform my duties way quicker than anyone else.
-Another reason for why I would be the best candidate for OSA is because I will always meet whats required for me and more, I will never leave a task unfinished, and if something needs doing I will be sure to be the first one to complete it therefore completing tasks fast while maintaining a high work standard and ethic.
-Following this, another reason for me being a great candidate is that I already have CL4 experience in the form of Internal Affairs Ambassador, this job required me to over watch agents and make sure people were being ethical, some of these roles would also benefit the position of OSA, as the similar duties would give me an advantage upon other candidates.
-I have experience in writing documents, for example I would often write arrest reports and I have written a few scientific reports as well as Investigation reports, I am sure writing documents would be an important factor of the OSA position, I would not be surprised if one of the common tasks set by the Overseer Council would be to create a document on a certain event.
-I've already had experience with interacting with the Overseer Council as I have talked to them several times within IA to talk about Investigations among other things.
-With my CL4 experience i already know the basics, so how to operate CL4 blast doors and how to deal with ethical issues.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
-OSA's primary duties are to perform the Overseers Council's wishes and commands, for example to write documents.
-Performing duties that would benefit the O5 even when they are not present.
-Autherising AA when no-one else is available.
-Helping the Overseers with decisions to do with the site's safety and / or operations.
-Ordering MTF Alpha-1 to do what the O5 needs.
-Performing O5 duties so that they wont be put at risk.
-They are expected to maintain a strict rule of professionalism.
-They need to ensure no risk will be made to the Overseer Councils life's.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
James "Wolf"'s OSA Lore
<:CL4 Required:>
<:Case File: James Kennedy:>

DOB: 03/05/1998
Full Name: James Arthur Kennedy
Aliases: James "Wolf"
Status: Unknown
Next of kin: Deceased
Location: Unknown

Born in a small town in the north of England, James Kennedy had a simple life, A job, A family, A simple man for a simple life.
Working in a small pub called the Wolfs inn, he was satisfied with life until an afternoon when the most questionable thing happened, from what seemed like a normal day turned very quickly into the worst of his life.
After a short Sunday afternoon, hes driving home, Stella in hand, listening to the radio,
*# The Radio Buzzes #*
*# Breaking News #*

*# A strange human like creature is running around massacring people #*
*# For the viewers at home a photo of the crazed lunatic has been put on your screen #*

James was questioning what was going on, A crazed lunatic?

It was a shame he couldn't see what he look like, maybe he should keep a look out.

*# For those listening on the radio we will describe its looks now #*

*# But just as a warning DO NOT INTERACT with it #*
*# Okay, from what we have seen it is a #*
*# humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height #*
*# Very skinny figure, with pale white skin #*
#* Oh....... God What the Fuck....... *#
#* Its eating people.....? *#

Eating People?!
James, more confused than ever now, should he be run?

*A loud crash is heard on the radio*
*# Static......... #*

Only one thing was going through his mind now, get the hell home!
Saving his family was his only priority, he got to his street and all he saw was destruction, blood and bodies, it looked like a war zone, he got to his house and slammed into the drive way, he knew what he was about to see but it still hit him full of surprise and guilt, he didn't even dare enter, you could see the blood from the broken open door way, the fresh cent of blood covered the air,
"no........ no........"
James wasn't sad, nor was he crying,
he was Pissed he wasn't about to let some pale freak get away with killing his family,

First thing he did was go to the kitchen and grab a large kitchen knife, then getting back in his car he notices it,
he doesn't manage to see its face but he speedily chases after it in the car,

Looking down he noticed the speed dial
*72 MPH*
"This thing is fast but it ain't getting away" he mutters to himself.
"3..... 2..... 1....."
He crashes straight into the creature yet unfortunately hitting his head in the process.

"Where am I?"
Looking up now, he doesn't know where he is?
He looks around, A blue server room?
That's when he notices the suited person in front of him, he looks important James thought, armed security surrounded him,
they had badges reading ISD?
Where was he?
"Welcome James" The mysterious man said in a calm tone.
"You are dead, you don't exist no more"
"So I will give you two choices"
"You see, I liked your courage, instead of running like most, you did the opposite"
"I like that, your no snowflake, I will call you "Wolf" "
"Okay! your options, you can stay dead like most see you or......"
"You can work here"

James stuttered but responded
"Yes, Site 65"
"As my assistant"

"Site 65?"
"Here, you will learn more than most can comprehend"
"We Die in the darkness, So the others can live in light"
With no family or other future what else could he say but....

(I'm not good at writing lore so don't judge to harshly)
Sorry the lore wasn't very good : ) have good day
Let me know of any issues so i can improve, thanks



The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @"Wolf" .Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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