[UK] Jaqueline Claire Reacher Director of Research Application

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Dec 4, 2023

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:582966550
Discord name: ggooose1
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 Year
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT +0
Character name(s): Jaqueline-Claire Reacher
Civilian name: Jeremy Elbertson
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have four warnings, shown below in the screenshot, each inactive.

Why are you applying for Director of Research?
I have been dreaming and setting myself the goal of becoming the Director of Research role since I saw how effective it was at creating RP and the benefits that it can bring towards creating a better department of research. While applying to this role is terrifying, I feel I am now ready to take on the responsibility.

Creating engaging and exciting RP is something that I hold very near to me in the ability to create something interactive towards other departments as well as other personal, whether it comes in the form of writing projects, testing ideas as well as creating unique objectives towards benefiting The Foundations knowledge towards the department as well as Foundation itself, or simply walking around and talking to people and interacting with different types of personnel, I feel at home both writing and creating for people allowing myself to explore areas of documentation as well as creating unique documentation that gives the sense of comfort. Applying to Director would not only let me help bring life back towards the department as well as creating more interaction and engagement towards the research personnel but to arguably one of the most diverse and variable opportunities within the research department compared to any other department within the foundation but also give research a new perspective.

I'm applying today, despite my projects being put on hold meaning that my projects have been halted for a period of time, because I want to put my hat into the running shouting and putting myself forward and prove that I can guide research department in a direction that people will be eager to join this means that I want to create a department that has the capability to create a sense of meaning, how members of the foundation long to be a part of the department as a sense of purpose, a department that can make people excited to log on each day. Along for more engagement as well as enjoyable experiences within the research department to have for each moment being categorized as an enjoyable experience to look back on.

As I always say, research is my most experienced as well as first main role within the server. Just like everyone else, I started on Jr and worked hard to get up to Executive Researcher through trial, error and a massive amount of experience provided each day. I held that position for the majority of my time on Civil Networks, focusing on improving myself with each passing moment, allowing me to become more experienced and skilled within the department, and I always felt I could do more within the Department of Research. However, I never had the confidence or capability to go towards it. After my promotion as Site Advisor ( as well as the subsequent removal) I took some time to reflect and found that outside of being a bit of a minge, I genuinely wanted to help the department and its players. I have gained experience in change and instead of being unable to control myself, I am channelling my energy into helping the members of the department, teaching them how to gain the same experiences that I have in the skills capable to benefit its members.

I want to direct the research department into becoming something even greater than it already is, taking those factors that are wrong by working with the current director of research to highlight areas of improvement and effectively striking at the core of where the department is missing key areas. An example could be the current organization of projects and the fact that some projects have no background information for executive researchers currently working with them. This means that I can identify areas of the department to improve upon instantly, finding core issues that are noticed and improving them. Taking in aspects of feedback and responses that are here from other personnel and then directing them to improvements in the department is so important to me. Feedback and criticism are arguably one of the key factors in creating a healthy and sustainable environment for RP. How are we supposed to improve and reflect on poor decisions and bad communication if we don't value the words and problems of those who are affected by it? I am striving to create a friendly and inviting department, where people are not afraid to speak up about problems, as it is these very problems that give us the tools to learn.

What makes you suitable for Director of Research?:
I am more than suitable for Director of Research due to my approach to performing in the research department, as I value creativity and RP over documentation. I realize that this may be controversial due to the importance of documentation within the department, but it is a well-known fact that no one (other than one insane Jesse Soul) likes to sit and write documentation. I find it far more important to let researchers enjoy their time properly, rather than spending their time creating documentation. Roleplay is the very essence of this server and site, and by enforcing those ideals that, yes, you can do these tests, is immensely important to me. Experiencing creative testing opportunities and finding ways to use them in the department to benefit the foundation is the most effective way of creating engaged researchers. Below are just some of the ways I'd handle the different kinds of researchers within the department.

Junior Roles:
One of the ideas that I have is such as letting people test and RP before dumping them into documentation as a junior researcher. As a junior role, I want researchers to experience the RP aspect of the department and realize that they do have these fun experiences that they can achieve and create, giving them more freedom in their RP and then, when they have stakes to claim, teaching them how to write the documents that will elevate their experiences. However, this is not to say that the current leadership team isn't valuing these same things but from an outside perspective of looking in as a Senior Researcher, I don't see the same passion in place. Junior researchers are being driven away from the department due to the instant restrictions on documentation and testing protocols, when they were promised freedom and a creative capability towards creating interesting testing.

Most junior researchers will find it boring and the fact that they have to type for hours in the hopes that it can be approved for them to create the RP that they want, is no way to conduct a department that has its roots in creativity and immense potential for stories to be made. This is something I want to change when becoming Department Director, as junior researchers should be encouraged to see the best parts of the research department. Whether it be through lectures, contests, challenges or even just giving them tools to enhance their learning, or guiding aspects of what they enjoy within the department, and offer that into learning in creating their skills. I want a Junior to experience the very best parts of the department, guided through the journey of what makes a researcher a /researcher/, before telling them about the paperwork. While documents play a vital role in keeping research alive, throwing it onto people who haven't broken the one-month mark of playtime is not how we ensure its survival.


These are the people who have worked hard to reach their current role, and who value their time and effort. I want to show that I value their time and effort too, especially when it comes to their projects and tests. From what I've been told, the organisation within the department is something that falls short, and something that I'm already looking into fixing through monthly check in's, proper documentation, and fixing the roster. The Executives are people who care deeply for this department, and I want to show that I care just as much, if not more, than they do.

Specialties is something I want to reintroduce, as with the increase in Executive slots, there can now be upwards of 4 sub-divisions! This is something I'm told is being worked on, and if this application is successful, I am looking forward to helping those sub-divisions create interesting RP.

My time away from research gave me clarity of what needed to be done, and what needed to be improved on and there is no one as enthusiastic than me. I care and provide attention to each type of personnel within my department, with open communication and a friendly environment. I feel I am currently one of the best candidates for Director of Research because no one else is putting into this department as much as I am. Currently, I've been planning weekly activities writing projects, and sitting down and planning events for the research department to make it more enjoyable, pouring as much effort from my heart within the department every single day from day one. And it's time for me to start doing more. Some of the examples that I've created and are being worked on which are planned to be implemented are some of the main ideas that I have towards creating a better department, which are listed at the bottom of this wall of text.

One of the most impactful aspects that allows me to be one of the best candidates for the Director of Research role is the fact that I have the necessary skills required. The list of skills that I have achieved is represented below which involves the improvements that I have made in the skills that I've developed through time and effort as an executive researcher:

A huge benefit of me becoming Director is I'm just active within the department. This means that you can see me regularly in any necessary needs as well as being active towards issues and sorting out and creating events within the department that can be seen during my time. This also means making my work as efficient as possible making sure to not waste time while also enjoying the parts of the department at interacting with personnel. This also allows for reliability that research personnel can rely on when they need a Director of Research to approve cross-tests as I am always available when necessary for approvals from research department members.

I also possess the necessary dependability for a department director, allowing me to easily understand different situations and adapt to the correct response. I can think of solutions and avoid issues, such as in a containment breach situation. I can create a wide range of effective solutions for departmental safety and research, such as ending tests or creating containment procedures while enhancing research. This dependability allows me to adapt to situations and ensure the best possible outcome, even when faced with unexpected challenges. As of recent I've been the main point of contact for the GOC and RSD, and I've been working with them to bring more projects to the Research Department.

One of the key aspects towards becoming a DoR is the fact that I'm able to create and grade excellent documentation. I myself have several excellent documents, as well as a few exemplary. Due to my dyslexia, I sometimes struggle to create large pieces of information, however, I still try to create in-depth and interesting writing pieces when writing for tests, projects, and proposals. I will be upfront and admit, I use Grammarly. My spelling and punctuation are often a swing and a miss, and I want to come across as effective as possible despite being dyslexic. However, I will never use AI. I find using ChatGPT or other generative AIs to be, frankly, disappointing. Research is a department I want to grow and flourish with people who are passionate and thoughtful toward their tests and projects, and I sincerely hope that AI will have no place in the future of this department.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Research in RP?:
There are hundreds of responsibilities that come with being a Director, however, one of the key responsibilities is the ability to have true management within the department, and being able to have an effective management system for not only the department and the roster, but also in terms of projects and tests. Managing the department's files and cabinets as well as information that is provided and stored within the department's resources, making sure that no classified information is presented to unauthorized personnel. The management of the department also involves the true management of all the researchers ensuring that they are conducting effective research and following the policy that is provided towards the research department making sure that researchers understand the research policy and a taught by executive researchers at an effective pace for them to learn and understand efficiently. There's also means ensuring that they have a good educational system revolving around the creation of documentation as well as making sure that documents are still an important part of the director of research ensuring that management of policies and projects for the research department members means giving up projects as well as test ideas for them to work on ensuring they have something to work towards within the department making sure they always have a goal to motivate them towards creativity and departmental research-creation.

Responsibilities of the Director of Research also include making changes towards the pursuit of the perfect policy that has the capability of ineffectiveness to create a universal policy for the department to look at towards the rules and regulations for research. Creating changes and persuades for the order of conduct within the research effectively. This means managing the rules and regulations within the department ensuring that researchers have boundaries and regulations that they are known and to use as guidance towards effective restraints towards safety within the research department. It also allows for the management of in-order state rules for the management to have order itself. This means that the department can Grant organization through the department policy with the fact that researchers will follow the structure to create effective documentation while following the guidelines presented. The policies are also there to instate researchers to what they can and can't do and what they can test on with authorization steps. As well as the discussion with the site command about the effective changes within the research department. Making sure the research department ensures these steps of the management of researchers are ensured by executive researchers, making sure that researchers understand the policy while conducting testing and making documentation.

I am already working hard at the level a director should be working at, with my hand guiding the creation of the subdivisions, working close with the Executive team to support them on their projects and help network with the other departments to create a fun and friendly environment. So far, I've managed a good rapport with GOC, created informative posters around site for each division and the department, worked closely with SA to start working on an award scheme, and stepped up to manage the department when our current DoR went on LOA. I feel I have shown that not only can I manage the department, but I can manage the department with excellence. I believe my RP forward thinking schemes and attitude toward encouragement and incentives make me the ideal candidate for Director.

Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:


[ScriptNET] Please input ID and Password

[USER] ID: Jaqueline-Claire Reacher
[USER] PASSWORD: Rennaissance.

[ScriptNET] Welcome Dr. REACHER. Showcasing Files Matching ID and Password...
[ScriptNET] Personnel Dossier - Jaqueline Claire Reacher
[ScriptNET] Anomalous Personnel Leaflet

[ScriptNET] Log Of Anomalous Item#587
Last edited:
Over the last month during my tenure as site advisor I saw you work effortlessly to help improve RSD and allow for them to properly engage with the role play that is to offer as a member of RSD. Alongside this I have worked with you for along time and believe with total confidence you would be a great fit for DOR. (I’m glad you applied after we spoke.)


Well-known Member
Jul 10, 2024
You know it's bad when people dm me to look at this

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Goodluck though
Major + support

-Very active
-good application
-good interactions
-good documentation
-Amazing LORE!
-Unique ideas as well as rp created
-Brought back division and was the main exec working with the director of research at the moment

- Would make an amazing director good luck


The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @Jaqueline 'Gamemaker'

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.
  • Cool
Reactions: Cheetah
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