[UK] Jericho | Ethics Committee Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:54946885
Discord name: Kobra/Jericho#0002
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Going on 3 months, I do not have the exact time as vtime_menu is not accurate (Showing 1d)
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: GMT +1
Character name(s): Fredrick 'Jericho' Maxwell
Civilian name: 'Henry Gavil'
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
'Site Advisor/Director'
'Intelligence Ambassador/Director'
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

My warnings for FailRP was a misunderstanding of the rules which I rectified some time ago, the Minor Glitch Abuse was the D-Block table sitting glitch which I hold my hands up and take responsibility for. Bad mistake on my part.
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

I am applying for the position of 'Ethics Committee Member', now I know that many of the players that know me will find this strange as the Committee and myself have never gotten along as well as we could have but stay with me and we can go over that discrepancy.

I have played, messed around and roleplayed with so many different players from all walks of life and I can honestly say finding that balance between fun and SeriousRP is not always easy. Its important to have the committee in place to help give people that extra push in the right direction, it's always been a pleasure knowing that if I ever need to have a scenario played out without minging that the committee will be there to help. But from this I have seen that the Ethics Members of the past and present will quite often sacrifice fun in favour of RP making some players resent them and go as far as stop playing on some days, it has caused issues to the point where players have made breaking RP their fun in hopes of spiting the committee.

This is why I want to join the Committee. I have started to really get along with the current Ethics Members, I want to go the extra mile and join them and bring my experience along and help find that perfect balance so all players can RP and have fun at the same time without much compromise.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:

What makes me the best candidate? I do not play Garry's mod because my friends play it or because I like a particular group of players, I play because I enjoy interacting with other players. With this in mind I can confidently say I do not afk around in corners or isolate myself from players, I like to be up in the middle of it talking with everyone, RP with everyone and if time allows, having a bit of carry on. I do not like the way some Site Command sit in the Teamspeak talking to the same people everyday, they are meant to set the example and interact with everyone while building good relations this is what I want to do, this is what I have been doing all along and will continue to do no matter the result of this application. (for as long as I was active before my broadband cut out for 2 weeks).

I have worked in management IRL dealing with staff conflicts, disciplinary hearings, auditing I will translate these skills into my work as a Committee member helping players find the best resolutions to their problems and ensuring the CoE is upheld along the way.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:

The Ethics Committee is what I like to call the 'Roleplay Enforcers', they are the last line of defence to ensure RP is kept fluid and without immersion-breaking fun that kills the experience for others. Their responsibilities in RP reflect this as they are constantly having to make key decisions to ensure the Site stays secure and ethics in all regards, some examples of these are;
~ Approving high risk tests
~ Evaluating personnel and departments through reviews and auditing
~ Working closely with other Level 4/5 foundation such as O5 and Site Administration

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

Outside of RP they follow a similar system as their RP activities, they work in the background to focus on keeping the server as fun to RP on and support the server with applications, documents, updates to the CoE.
They handle/ help handle applications for;
~ IA
~ Medical

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Born in the United Kingdom, Newcastle in 1986. Fredrick was a very loud child who had a big talent for deception and lying, was kicked out of school for playing pranks which involved sharpened pencils sending students to the hospital. He was later sent to military school where he was later enrolled into the Intelligence and Data Analyst Development Program (I&DADP) at MI5 due to his aptitude for espionage.

Many years later on a diplomatic mission abroad Fredrick was with his handler but were ambushed by terrorists while on their way to a facility to help with a counter-terrorism operation. His handler was kidnapped while Fredrick was left for dead, that is when the foundation came across him and got him a medevac transport that was on standby and airlifted him to a nearby outpost.

Turns out Fredricks name was on a recruitment list alongside other MI5 and CIA agents/analysts. After being indoctrinated into the Intelligence Agency he began to work his way up, after receiving confirmation his handler was executed he cut ties with the outside world and pushed himself all the way as the Foundation was his only aim now.

After many successful operations the Director of Intelligence was killed in action [KIA], with a power vacuum in the Intelligence Agency, Agent Fredrick 'Jericho' was convinced he had to do his part and so he spoke to Administration about him being fast-tracked to Director to ensure that facility security could not be compromised by external threats while the Agency recovered from this major loss. An agreement was met and so Fredrick 'Jericho' Maxwell became known to the foundation as 'Jericho', Director of Intelligence.

Many years later Jericho had learnt how to run a department as well as conducting entire teams during his tenure and due to the restructuring in the chain of command there was now spots available in the Site Administration, with ambassadors trained and ready to succeed Jericho, he knew it was time to provide the tools for their advancement and to let the department grow larger. And so it was that Jericho moved onto Site Administration and re-focused his efforts into ensuring ALL site-wide operations were conducted correctly by Sr. Staff. Jericho supported the Site Director for many months alongside the other Site Advisors before the Site Director unfortunately passed away due to injuries sustained during a SCP Breach, Jericho had learned to look into all departments and saw many aspiring agents in the Internal Affairs department looking to progress and so Jericho was happy to be promoted into the position of Site Director so that room could be made to populate Site Administration with new blood.

Another year has past and Site Director Jericho has built great relations and made many changes that benefit the foundation but he feels like he has served his purpose as Administration, a new Site Director has been appointed 'Site Director Igorski' who can continue Jericho's work while he moves onto helping the foundation on a new avenue, one he has not explored yet.


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022

+ Support

+ Active
+ Great guy
+ Experience in leadership positions
+ Experience with ethics


Well-known Member
Mar 24, 2022
+ Support

+ Active
+ Friendly and approachable
+ Helpful
+ Great knowledge of the CoE, CoC and Legal Codex
+ Mentor to all on-site
+ Exceptional Application
+ Experience in Site Administration ( Site Director )
+ Overall just a really great guy

Good luck!


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 24, 2020

always been opting for serious RP while being good at it and has always been good in every position that he's been in, not someone to disappoint, best of luck.


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 27, 2022
Mega + Support.
+Amazing dude.
+Loads of RP.
+Great role model
+++++Mentioned me in his lore <3.


Active member
Mar 14, 2022
+Mega Support
+Very Active (From what I've seen)
+Very Detailed
+Pretty Mature
+Very open to people

-Got Stabbed in the Showers by me

Good Luck!


Well-known Member
Feb 9, 2022
+Has good leadership skills
+Detailed app
+Is a homie of Nu-7 <3

Deleted member 55

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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Jericho's application for a position on The Ethics Committee.

Thank you for showing your interest as a member of the Ethics Committee, the committee is in agreeance that you are suited to be on The Ethics Committee. However, you will be put on a trial period for the position. Please contact me on Teamspeak once you're ready for your interview.

Once again, The Ethics Committee appreciates the time and effort you put into your application and congratulate you on your new position within the facility.

Signed and Approved

Director of the Ethics Committee​
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