[UK] John Strive's ECA Application


Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
Most of the people who know me, may know me as OSA "Cloud", i've played on this server for more than a year, about half of that completely active and the rest either in burnout or on and off playing, i've once again come back to cn after about ~2 months of rarely playing, to firstly fuel my crippling addiction to this game, and secondly appreciate this server again, i've rarely had as much fun on any game as here, and i just want to get back into it, anyways i really hope you'll like this application, im fully aware that me applying this early after coming back is a reason to be denied and i'll gladly reapply in 2 weeks if that is the case, and for anyone that has had bad experiences with me, i'll reasure you, i have held my OSA position for about 3 months without a single complaint, i hope it works out like this, but even longer this time, if i do get accepted, but mostly this is just meant for a way to get feedback, thank you for reading this!
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as said, i just started playing again pretty actively
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Steam ID:

Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
More than a year, 722 hours of Vtime

In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
John Strive
(formerly "Cloud")

Civilian name:
Deron "Diabolo"
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Overseer Council
CPL x2

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
All of them were a LONG time ago
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CL4 ! 1 New Message ! CL4
Application for the promotion to Ethics Committee Assistant
"John Strive"

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

Experience as Overseer Assistant
As you may have known, I have been an OSA in the past, this lasted for about 3 months until i resigned because of a burnout, I did alot of things in those 3 months, which i will list in detail now,
PROJECTS - All OSA's, i imagine much similar to ECA's have projects they can create on their own, these projects may last days to weeks depending on their complexity, I have had 1 Completed Project and 1 Project Planned.

This was a project, as its name suggests, to pray on something, not an animal, not a GOI and certainly not a person, it was a project to pray on the apex predator of all the biological life on planet earth, SCP-008, turning the predator into the prey, you might say, this was the purpose of the project. I know, everyone knew, a lot of people tried and failed this. They did not use what they had available, they focused on what could be. The Projects goal was to change the Decontamination Foam, into a more effective variant of itself that could effect the infected subjects aswell as being more efficient, while staying in the boundaries of our resources, the ways that were tested were: SCP-914 on all settings, The doctors cure, SCP-500 and more. Anomalous means weren't the only way we were going to fight the virus though, one of the successful runs of the Foam, was creating a Foam variant that had a mutation of T-Cells. These Cells were modified by Research Chemist █████ R. "████" , Resulting in the death of 2 other Chemists, before the extreme aggression of the new cells were understood, this new variant managed to severely damage infected instances to a point of slowing them down a noticable amount, spores were gone in a lot less time, but the problem was that it was severely dangerous to the human body, one time infected, you would have an auto immune disease but on steroids, research was continued by RsD, other anomalous methods were a smaller success, which is a success giving this status a confirmation of successfully being completed.

████████ ████████ ██ ████ ███


Of course, we had other duties aswell, like completing orders and managing the site in cases of me being the highest ranking on site currently, filling the role of a Sr. CL4, I am normally a morning person so i needed to handle things alone a majority of the time, this means i already have alot of experience in being a responsible CL4, while being set on my own. I aswell commanded A-1 to my needs, doing samplings and simple walks around the facility observing the operations.

CL4 Experience
I for one had the role of GOC SGT right before being an OSA, altough for a short time, my main CL4 experience came from the OSA role, I know the duties well, opening blast doors, keeping an eye on the facility/subordinates, escorting people to CL4 areas if needed (Techies to electrical rooms before they added the better system), Personnel for a project.. etc. As a part of CL4 you are also there to be someone people look up to of course.

General Experience
As said prior, i have been on this server for well over a year, i have an insane amount of experience i'd say myself, I know the in and outs of the foundation, all scps, chemistry, diplomatics and combat, not all of these may count to conventional experience but it is the experience i can bring to the table as ECA, and i believe that having been an OSA would help alot in my role as ECA, ontop of all my knowledge gathered from being in this faciltiy for this long while.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

Representing the Ethics Committee and its Interests.
As an Assistant of the Ethics Committee, you are the left-hand man of the Committee, making you the closest subordinate to the committee, you fully represent them, just as 0-1 does, any missbehavior on your part, will reflect negatively onto the committee. ECAs Represent the Interests of the Committee by fulfilling orders and using 0-1 as their force to commit arrests under the name of the Committee

Hosting Tribunals
A lot of the misbehaving personnel in the foundation will be handled by IA(ISD), but on larger cases, if requested, a tribunal may be hosted by the ethics committee, to lay charges upon a person or even department depending on who is getting tribunaled, ECAs have the privilege of hosting these Tribunals as a Judge, This requires them to be completely Neutral at all times.

Observing the Facility.
The Facility has alot of things going on at the same time, this brings chaos, having Assistants who can directly report to the Committee makes things easier, alot easier, Observing the facility may be just roaming around and if "lucky" enough maybe even catching a code of ethics breaker, or targetting a specific point of the facility as either per orders of the committee or general supervision of a certain operation area of the facility.

Enforcing Orders
Orders will be enforced when given by the Ethics Committee, these orders may be carried out with 0-1, enforcing arrests, observing activity or maybe even more, is what is required of ECAs to perform, Assistants have around the command on their respective MTF on the level of about a jr CO (LT) from my experience, aslong as those MTF members are not busy escorting a member of Ethics.

Creating RP
As an ECA your duty is also to create and lead roleplay, this can be in the form of tests, projects, having involvement in a 008 test, carrying out orders, its definitely not limited to just that, there is a huge amount of roleplay which may even require gamemasters to be done, Projects from ECA, I imagine have alot of freedom similar to OSA's, while I'd say on the side of ethics the representation of Ethics plays a big role aswell, Ethics projects are going to be alot more restricted in the way of doing "illegal" things, which is good as the ethics are the most powerful faction over law and ethical behavior, i cant really judge this though, as i've never been affiliated with ethics before!

CL4 Duties and more
Duties of the ECA are also to manage the site and its personnel, as well as giving orders to lower ranked personnel in the case of emergencies like a code 5, ECAs should authorize AA ( if highest rank on site) and man AA doors, if multiple SCPs are breached and taking the site into a lockdown if needed, aswell as commanding combatives to assist and non-combatives to evacuate to safe areas, ECAs may also be needed for authorization of MASS TERMINATIONS in the case of a uncontrolled D-Class riot, this should only be done as a last case scenario in a breach or MAJOR raid, and should not be done if there is no higher ranking that is currently IN-SITE agreeing with it, if the ECA is the highest ranking member of SA+ on-site they are permitted to authorize all of this, discretion is advised.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

<<Accessing Database [PERSONNEL_FILE_JOHN.STRIVE]>>

<<Clearance 5 biometrics required>>

<<Biometrics Succesful>>

<<Login Attempt hidden>>

<<Switching to Site Command Servers>>

<<Connection Complete>>

<<Access Granted, Welcome ███████ "████">>

[WARNING Document may contain cognito hazards]

CL5 File 0002# CL5
"Anomalous Contact"
On the 21th of October ████ a yet to be identified anomaly had breached containment from a secure containment underground structure in the Saskatchewan area in possession from the U.N.G.O.C , the anomaly was destructed in Destruction site-43 from a U.N.G.O.C "Strike Team" approximately 15.5 km from the location of John Strive, following abnormal events were recovered from a log in the terminal of AI.C "██████", raise of the temperature on all of the planet by 0.5 degrees celcius, this anomaly was blamed on a "Global Warming" phenomena and is believed by around 99.68% of the world population. Also to note, people before the incident do not remember the "great red spot" on jupiter, while all after insist the spot has always existed, this has not been researched further, as the great red spot has always existed, and research is deemed futile.

CL4 File 0003# CL4
On the 01/10/20██ John Strive was captured from the U.N.G.O.C in an experimental "HRH" a high area hume scan experiment, revealing low humes across his vicinity, after a raid from the SCP foundation on U.N.G.O.C destruction area-43 John Strive was recovered, interrogated and employed at the foundation, under the influence of several amnestics and brainwashing procedures. most of these amnestics were all neutralized upon the promotion to ECA.

CL4 File 0000# CL4
"Personal Document"

I hope you liked my application, leave any feedback in the replies!

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Can you send a screenshot of your monthly V-Time please.

Furthermore, several parts of your application make little sense, I recommend reading back over to correct things like this:
This requires them to be completely at all times.

as said ECAs can freely command 0-1 on the level of a CO
This is not the case on the UK server and I don't believe it states this anywhere.
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Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
Can you send a screenshot of your monthly V-Time please.

Furthermore, several parts of your application make little sense, I recommend reading back over to correct things like this:

This is not the case on the UK server and I don't believe it states this anywhere.

There's a big difference between O5 and EC. O5 are known to do 'dodgy things' whereas EC are the 'knights in shining armour' and I don't feel you've reflected that in this statement.
Thanks! i wrote this a little late so i might have messed up some wordings, i'll go over it again and add the Vtime aswell