[UK] Johnson 'Cubic' Huggman's Director of Internal Affairs app

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As a short intro before jumping to the rest of the app, I'd like to say that I am genuinely trying my best. I may not be perfect and I may have A LOT of warnings, but there is nothing I can do to remove them. You may see them as a permanent reflection of my present self, whatever. I am however going to keep pushing over the practical limits to prove that otherwise. With that being said, I don't want to get +supported if you strongly believe you should instead criticize me, it's how I grow up anyway.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:226820368
Discord name: costin_dev
For how long have you played on CG SCP: For almost 2 years, very active throughout the time I'd say. Below is my !time screenshot.
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Romania
Time zone: EEST/EET
Character name(s): Johnson 'Cubic' Huggman (Foundation, I don't play CI)
Civilian name: Jonathan Huggman
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- IA Ambassador x2 (first time had to resign due to vacation)
Nu-7 CSG, very close to LT at the time of writing this (will resign if getting DoIA)
- 096, 22415, IA/DEA
- Have held CI-A several times

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I've got a lot of warnings during my mingy period, however it all ended on January 9 2024 and I've been dramatically improving my character on the server since then.
Below you will see the list of warnings as some players may request. I understand it is a shame but I cannot change the past.

Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?
- I want to start by saying that IA is clearly in a state of ruins right now until the update. When it comes, who can guarantee that it'll go well for long enough?
- Either way, another director is pretty much ideal to continue stable management of the department and fresh new ideas.
- I also think I'm suitable for it, in which I'll explain why in the next question.
- I've also got some big plans and goals for the department, which again, will be explained in the next question.

What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
- I've been a bad, but also a very good agent during my pre-ambassador times. I've shown my strength and I've almost always uploaded so many documents to the point that some CL-4 personnel from departments like RSD got frustrated from the notification.
- I've become an ambassador in June, and had to resign only because of a vacation, which proves the trust between me and past colleagues/members of the ethics committee.
- I've become an ambassador again in August after the end of my vacation, and I'm still an ambassador right now. This further proves that having a bad past (e.g. the mingy period) doesn't always reflect the person. I've changed and I hope to also change the department and members of it.

- There are also a few ideas I have to improve the department as a whole and fix the issues I personally have. Some of these changes may have been already done but could have been better if I could directly control the IA Department as a whole.

1. Operation "Feedback" (Already done)
-> This is a public IA operation with the aim to interview various Foundation personnel about their opinion on the IA department. This data gained can then be used to further improve the department using a more open personnel input.
-> By becoming the Director of IA, I hope to further push the efforts of this operation by further announcing it, with the aim to get more input, faster, to be then analysed and used to make changes to the department directly, without the need of any approval as the Director.

2. Ads: these are decals/posters. It can be split into 3 categories: (The operation ads is in process of being done)
-> The operation ads: these can only be found inside the IA agent/operative office room on the wall, and shows some posters of operations (with the sole exception of investigations against departments or personnel).
-> The IA recruit ads: these may be straightforward. Basically posters encouraging others to join the Internal Affairs department.
-> The reporting ads: these remind and encourage personnel to report any witness of an FLC violation to IA authorities.

3. Weekly merit point system for Ambassadors:
-> I genuinely believe a concrete way to verify Ambassadors activity is required, which is why one of the first changes I'll make as DoIA is to add merit points that last for one week.
-> Essentially, an Ambassador will be required to log whenever they do something such as general IA duties, RP, investigation, or contribution to any operation. These will each give different amounts of merit points.
-> An ambassador will be required to have at minimum X merit points per week or they will be questioned and potentially discharged if not given a good reasoning behind their lack of merit points.
-> Lying will not be easy as they either have to be seen in-game by others or have visible contributions on externals (TS3, Discord).

4. Enforce IA's level of Combativeness:
-> Currently, IA is seen as that one department like research, where there are few guns except for self-defense.
-> Instead, Several changes will be planned to be implemented. First of all, everyone should be reminded that IA is pretty much very combative when it comes to relevant gameplay (e.g. operations, investigations, arresting).
-> IA Agents will be allowed to use their guns whenever there is a combative conflict between personnel or regiments (MTF wars as an example).
-> They will also be allowed to have their guns in their arms but on safe mode at all times in the case that such a situation like above occurs.
-> TL;DR, IA (who I'd like to now call ISD) will be an equivalent to real-life FBI and SWAT.

5. Agent/Operative Rewarding:
-> The !credit command is currently the only way to reward agents/operatives, and this is clearly something that very few agents/operatives care about.
-> Instead, a merit point and roster system will be introduced for agents. Most agents will have 0 merit points, but those who have more than 0 will be added to a roster (that's expected to be a HUGE) list of agents that have been given merit points at least once.
-> Merit points will then be used to promote them to the currently unused senior agent idea (that Judge added but was forgotten about), and after the update they may as well have the opportunity to be a more senior job as well.

These are 5 big plans I've got for the department. There may be more potential plans I've got that I will not include but will hopefully introduce to the department IF I get IA Director. The sole aim for all of this is to make the Department of Internal Affairs COOL and ACTIVE like it was several times in the past.

Let me also state that roster management and in-game documents are 2 areas that I personally enjoy a lot managing if I were to become a DoIA.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
To answer, I will be splitting the list of responsibilities into 3 categories:
Clearance Level-4:
- Managing blast doors, electrical centers (e.g. switching teslas), general site maintenance duties that need a CL-4.
- Managing inter-departmental relationships.
- Training & teaching fellow members of lower clearance levels/position in chain of command. This includes e.g. Agents/Operatives (for Ambassador), but can include e.g. Cadets too, if disciplining is required.
- Punishing department inferiors (Agents/Operatives) if deemed necessary.

- Keeping up the department alive and add variety/more RP to it.

Departmental Leader:
- Monitoring Ambassadors, and discipline them if in any way necessary.
- Assisting Ambassadors, e.g. in RP scenarios, tribunal tips, etc.
- Assisting, disciplining, and training Agents/Operatives if no Ambassador can take the place at the moment.
- Keeping inter-departmental relationships even stronger, and adding variety/RP at an inter-departmental level.
- Reporting every major operation/news of the department to the Ethics Committee.
- Keeping up good relationships with the Ethics Committee (and the other departments, as stated before), but also, and especially, with the Overseer Council as they do not manage us and as such shouldn't ever be implicated in managing us.

Internal Affairs:
- Keeping the Foundation Legal Codex to standard by arresting or warning personnel breaking it.
- Talking to junior staff on potential FLC violations or small violations that already occurred.
- Potentially reporting other personnel to their superiors (e.g. MTF regiments) for any FLC violations.
- Reporting senior CL-4 and above to their own superiors for any FLC violations.
- Managing the site while under a certain emergency protocol (Code 1, 2, 5) by suggesting non-combative to seek shelter, operating Checkpoint Charlie or any other relevant checkpoint, etc.

Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- December 17, 19██. Long-awaited. Everyone lost patience. The day is never coming.
- What?
- The day is never co-
Alert: A critical RAISA database has been detected to be accessed by a potentially unauthorized personnel. All Rēsh-1 operatives to the suspected Area.
Access the files in directory ██████/████.
> Files in folder : info_█_.fo, info_ia_supervisor.fo, info__.fo, info_█_█_.fo
Access file "info_ia_supervisor.fo".
> Reading file "info_ia_supervisor.fo", standby.
Click here to view file.
Last edited:
Feb 22, 2024
lore file is really just gibrish, the file is supposed to look like a legit file, and the overall app seems kinda rushed with not a lot going in depth but a lot of "fillers" and extra characters to make it look alive.
and the vtime is really eh for a DoIA position, i think kayla and the DoR's are the only directors who are actually active, if youre on for 20 minutes (making an assumption) a day there isnt much you can do

Over all ill give you a -support
while i do think you have potential, you have a long way to go regarding your rp skills, whether it be when i was ECA or now, i really didnt see much from you
Its an ok application and you highlight a lot of things that have been done in the past but seemingly fell off according to what you are writing here.

Department management aside, what roleplay have you brought as an Ambassador? Any stories for people to get involved in?
Frankly, when it comes to "major RP" I have no idea what people expect from it, however something big that I am doing right now and believe is "major RP" is Operation Feedback, that was announced and all agents that flag on at a certain time will join a meeting further introducing it. Further RP scenarios will also come very soon, I have more plans than you may think, it is only a matter of time.
Frankly, when it comes to "major RP" I have no idea what people expect from it, however something big that I am doing right now and believe is "major RP" is Operation Feedback, that was announced and all agents that flag on at a certain time will join a meeting further introducing it. Further RP scenarios will also come very soon, I have more plans than you may think, it is only a matter of time.
Sorry Cubic, this is a very weak reply and as a former DoIA, I've got to leave a -Support

You need to elaborate on what these plans are. Explain them further as you need to sell your skills when applying to these positions. At no point did I mention 'Major RP', if you consider bringing roleplay and stories to a department as major roleplay then I am also concerned with that.

Regardless, I will always wish you luck in your endeavour.
Sorry Cubic, this is a very weak reply and as a former DoIA, I've got to leave a -Support

You need to elaborate on what these plans are. Explain them further as you need to sell your skills when applying to these positions. At no point did I mention 'Major RP', if you consider bringing roleplay and stories to a department as major roleplay then I am also concerned with that.

Regardless, I will always wish you luck in your endeavour.
Thank you for your feedback. I'd like to say that I've wrote 5 of these plans in the application itself. Second, I am sorry for generalizing. Some people, especially on my cancelled app a few days ago, questioned me about what "major RP" I've did, so I assumed you expected what they also expected.

Now to properly answer your question, if you expected minor amounts of RP, then yes, I did every now and then integrate myself into Roleplay, and I made attempts at driving the agents and operatives. I don't only do general IA duties.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
Major -support
Every interaction I have had with you both IC and OOC has always been incredibly unpleasant. I also know for a fact that many other people have had this same experience.
I've also never seen you do any meaningful RP on the server even since somehow getting Ambassador back.

Your attitude needs MAJOR improvement before this application should even be considered in my opinion.
I have seen some improvement from you in-game with our interactions. That is good, keep that up. Furthermore I see that you are actively trying to improve the department (I.E. Operation posters that have just been added).
My concern here is that you have only been an ambassador as of recent and I would like to know why you initially retracted your application for it only to be uploaded a couple days later?
I have seen some improvement from you in-game with our interactions. That is good, keep that up. Furthermore I see that you are actively trying to improve the department (I.E. Operation posters that have just been added).
My concern here is that you have only been an ambassador as of recent and I would like to know why you initially retracted your application for it only to be uploaded a couple days later?
First, I've been ambassador twice, first time in May-June and second time Late august until present. This is a total of ~2 months of ambassador.

I've retracted my app because I honestly got mad since people were mass -Supporting me with pretty much valid reasons, in which I've taken feedback and I've reposted the app fixing a few issues there were in the app (e.g. very short story, not specifying my plans for IA as DoIA).
This is not the only reason I've reposted the app (to fix those issues) though. It was also because I realised -Supports are not coming from the Ethics Committee. THEY are the ones to decide whether or not I'm fit for the job, and I shouldn't take -Supports for granted (which again, I did in my cancelled app a few days ago)
and the vtime is really eh for a DoIA position, i think kayla and the DoR's are the only directors who are actually active, if youre on for 20 minutes (making an assumption) a day there isnt much you can do
bro compared the 2 directors who play this server 24/7

People have lives you know outside of this server! They can take breaks on days!
-Positive interactions
Jan 2, 2023
yeah, but it seems like Vtime is a super important unattachable part of apps lately
no you just need to show that you can play, not show that you play all day

the reason ppl hound you over vtime is because you constantly leave the server then come back shortly and apply for a new position then repeat
New Email Received
From: The Ethics Committee
Subject: Internal Security Directorship Application

>>Open Email

Attached: Position Request Results

A Letter from the Ethics Committee

Greetings Ambassador Huggman,

The Ethics Committee would like to thank you for your interest in becoming the Director of Site-65's Internal Security Department. We can see you have the initiative, drive and ambition to make such a bold request. Your position and eagerness to work for the foundation has been noted and is greatly appreciated.

The Ethics Committee has carefully reviewed your application and has run the necessary background checks on your person. After deliberating with the Committee regarding your request, we have come to a unanimous agreement. This request has been denied. We hope this result does not cause any disruption or offence. Feel free to request elaboration on this result with a Member of the Committee. We look forward to your next application and observing how you will grow to hopefully be in a position of being accepted. You may re-apply in no less than two weeks time should the position remain open.

Ethics Chairman Remmy Marshall
  • Sad
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