[UK] JustDanny's 22415 application #2

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jul 27, 2023
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- Started early 2023 but took a big break due to active military service. Returned late 2024.

- 22

In what country are you located?:
- The Netherlands

Time zone:
- GMT+1

Character name(s):
- Daniel "Dagger" Janssen (ISD Investigator / MTF NU-7 PVT)
- Danny Janssen (CI NCO, Gamma, MRU, ASU, R&D)

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes I do and I always use it unless the server is lagging and the microphone is cutting out. Then I will use chat.

What is your SCP level and total level? (Provide a screenshot of the level menu):
- 1736547413687.png

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI Gamma PLP, MRU, ASU, R&D
- ISD Investigator

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- No, I have not.

What makes you suitable for SCP-22415?:
- I have great knowledge of the general SCP lore. Therefore I know how the foundation side of things work and what the behavior of SCP's is. Also I have interacted with SCP-22415 often which results in great knowledge of their behavior and way of handeling things.

What is the usual behaviour of SCP-22415?:
- SCP-22415 is a normally found roaming the foundation. He can interact with foundation personnel by talking to them or assisting them where necessary. They are friendly and passive whilst roaming.

When there's a CI raid, you see MTF's combatting CI, you also see researchers running away from the fight. Who do you aid and why?
- I would aid the researcher as my priority is protecting non-combative personnel. This aligns with the rules to assist morally good acts and support the Foundation's goals. I would not interact with or assist the combatives, as this would go against the rules.

You are playing as SCP-22415-3, 076 is currently running towards you. There is a researcher behind 076 which he hasn't noticed. Should you repel 076 and why?
- I would repel SCP-076 to protect the researcher, as this is a morally good act and aligns with my duty to safeguard individuals. Ensuring the researcher’s safety is the priority, and if repelling SCP-076 is the most effective way to prevent harm, I would act accordingly while minimizing collateral damage.

You are playing as SCP-22415-1. A D-Class is proactively escaping D-block, he is low on health and demanding medical attention what do you do?
- I do not heal the Class-D. SCP-44415 shares the same goals as the foundation, in this case especially when they are escaping and actively working against the foundation. Therefore I would not heal him and report this escaping Class-D to foundation personnel so they can recontain him.
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Walter Unrich

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Feb 9, 2023
Hello, @JustDanny

I will be Accepting Your application for the Position of SCP-22415.

I see you have took my feedback to ensure your answers matched the rules this time, brings a smile to my face when self evaluation is present in people as of current.

Contact an Admin+ Ingame to receieve your whitelist via the Staff Ticket system.

Kind Regards
Walter Unrich, Platform Supervisor
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