[UK] Mark “Billy” Bob’s OSA Application

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Mark “Billy” Bob

Well-known Member
Mar 30, 2023
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP?
Quite a few months


In what country are you located?:


Time zone:
GMT +0

Character name(s):
Mark “Billy” Bob

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Nu-7 Lieutenant (Holding)
CI-A (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 warn due to me getting confused and killing a D-Class in D-block watch tower without warning him

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

Skills I have:

Document writing - As Nu-7 LT (RAISA) office lead, I write/check docs a lot and all my documents have all turned out perfect so far.

Leadership - As Nu-7 LT I have to always make sure members are always busy and not messing around and are on POIs. As I also have to lead the protection from CI raids on the foundation and we always deal with them very quick. And lots more…

Communication skills - As a LT and staff but also a good RP player I have gained great communication skills in the community and never had any problems

Issue solving - I can deal with issues and problems very quickly and efficiently when needed to. I’m also the one usually called when there’s a issue like behaviour,inactivity and such in the regiment and I always deal with it and make sure everything is smooth.

TeamMate - I can work in a team very well and my communications are always on point. I’ve never had any issues before.

Activity - I’m a very active player. As being in nu-7 for some months now there’s only 1 or 2 days I didn’t many to get on. I’m sure my superiors can say that’s true

Management - I can manage things very well, if given projects, task I will always deal with them in no time and will be done at the top of my ability.

Motivation - I’m motivated for anything new and old I’ve never lost interest in much as I always keep moving forward.

Extra info:

Currently I’m a Nu-7 LT and a Moderator I have all the skills and more that OSA requires. I will be on a lot trying to help with everything and working with the O5 council to make sure everything is going well in Site-65. I will complete all tasks set and be professional at all times. But I also wanna learn more and discover more skills for myself. I believe I will be very suitable for the position.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
  • Complete tasks set by O5​
  • Assisting O5 council looking after departments in the Site​
  • Always act professional (no excuses) as you represent the council.​
  • Writing documents​
  • Authorising AA when there’s no higher rank to authorise it​
  • Ordering the A-1 Regiment when needed​
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

[Scanning keycard…]

[Accessing Terminal…]

[Logged in]

[Selecting Mark’s file]

[Open File…]

Name: Mark Bob

DoB: 20/01/1999

Gender: Male

Religion: Christian

Ethnicity: White British

Job: Nu-7 Lieutenant

Salary: £120,000 Per Year

[Message History]

You have been selected for Overseer Assistant, no one may know about this, or your existence moving forward we need to see you ASAP…

[Message History Closed…]

(Some time in the past)

[Message Received]

Mark was collected by a few figures dressed in black. A mask but put on his head, he could see nothing, but he heard himself entering a elevator and moving up. [Ding] He knew he arrived. He was taken to a dark office and questioned about everything.

(2 Days later)

[Loading Data…]

[News Report Of The Foundation]

A young lieutenant was found dead in a turbine explosion caused by some chemical reaction. Keycard was recovered and the man was knows as Mark. Many people knew him and couldn’t believe such a strong lad could die this easily.

[Report Closed]

Mark awakes under the new code name “Billy” in a luxurious room. First thing he could see is a brand new suit waiting for him, he couldn’t believe his eyes. He rubbed his eyes to make sure it wasn’t a dream, it wasn’t. He put on the suit and then was greeted by the same figures dressed in black from last time. He was taken to a massive office where 4 of the Council members met him. Everything was explained and even his faked death.

[File Closed]

[Logged out]

Billy closes his file and then is awarded with his first task secretly given to him by the council. (Proceeds to read) “You have been selected to overwatch your previous regiment under your new code name and a disguise that we put in your room please report back ASAP” (end of note) Billy quickly gets up puts on the dark clothes the same clothes those men wear and proceeds to the bunks of Nu-7 to gather all info possible on them right now. (This was done for a week daily)

Finally, a meeting was booked with the council, Billy explained everything to them and gave them the doc where it showed all of the info discovered on the regiment. (Council member said nothing looked at him shook his hand took the document and left) Next day, Billy revived a note (starts to read) “Thank you for your latest discovery this will help us lots and u completed this task very well please await for your next one” (Closes note with a smile)

(Billy spent the next 50 years working for the council as their top assistant)

Thank you for reading my application any comments are welcomed. Thank you for all support. ?
Mar 20, 2022

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @Mark “Billy” Bob Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. Your request has been moved onto the next stage. Get in contact with a representative to arrange an interview.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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