[UK] Massimo Marchetti's Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I have been playing on CG SCP-RP Since January 2022, I started way back when the server was created but I was not as active as I have being since January 2022
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Massimo Marchetti
Civilian name:
Massimo M.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-MTF E-11 Private
-MTF Nu-7 Specialist
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
No I haven't recieved any of them
Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
I have a lot of reasons why I am currently applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador, one of them is because I want to take a step forward within this departement, I know the fact that I recently joined the Internal Affairs (Around a week ago) but I have found a lot of interest in this branch, I have met a lot of nice people, like Joe Biren or Roual, I had the possibility to learn about the Internal Affairs really quickly and I found myself on my feet pretty fast. I am applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador because like someone said "IA has as much traffic as much incompetence between some Agents", Im trying to change this by helping more Agents to find themselves on their feet instead of getting angry for every single mistake they do.
What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
What makes me suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador is my activity and my mentality, I play on Internal Affairs all my free time, from 2 to 6 hours a day. Unfortunately I did not show publicly my leadership abilities but I have been helping Agents that were struggling on doing their job, I told them how to sentence someone, how and when you should disguise, told them where were our handbook and sent them all useful links they should always be open while playing as IA.
I currently have 1 con: I recently started playing as IA but this is not going to stop me for a reason, I learnt about IA and all laws quickly, I help and report newbies to IA and I show dedication to the departement every day I am on it.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
I have written 18 Arrest Records by now, I am sure that a good document must follow the following instructions:
- Have a good looking layout, someone who is going to read and approve a document will be more happy to read a good looking document than a couple of informations written on a page. to do so I suggest to put an Image followed by some decorations on the first page (I will put an example close to this)Immagine 2022-05-16 175325.png, on the second page you should put a description of the offender and their charges. On the 2nd and 3rd Page you should put in small text a description of the events, I suggest to write what happens before and what happens in the middle of the offense and what happens later. Lastly, on the 3rd or 5th Page you should put the conclusion of the arrest.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
In RP an Internal Affairs Ambassador, as Senior Agent, must supervise Internal Affairs Agents operations, from what I have seen Ambassadors are to host regimental meetings where they can assign different duties to each Agent. These Senior Agents also have the ability to authorize arrests of MTF Personel (Not 100% Sure about Cl4), they should always teach new Agents how to play if they ask to and if they break multiple handbook rules Ambassadors are the ones to talk to or even punish them.
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Massimo Marchetti was born on 13/03/1947 In Italy, more specifically in Milan. When he reached the age of 14 the Marchetti's family was not wealthy, they used to live in a wodden house and barely had food to eat. Marchetti had to steal for the family's sake, he used to steal bread, water supplies and sometimes meat. When Massimo Marchetti had his 18th birthday he was going out to have fun with his friends in the forest, that day something that changed Massimo's life forever happened. An Helicopter with the symbol "SCP Foundation" Crashed in the forest. There was a big explosion and Massimo and his friends decided to check out what happened, they found 3 Soldiers with a strange blue uniform dead, they found a document close to the helicopter and decided to pick it up. That document was talking about an incident about SCP-096, everyone was confused and when Massimo turned around to see what was going on he was injected by one of the misterious soldiers. He did not remember anything, he woke up in a cell with an orange uniform, he saw a document with all the instructions about the SCP Foundation, he learnt he was a Class-D and luckly he saw a sign saying that after 30 Days of cooperation he would have been free once again. 1 Month passed and instead of going out Massimo decided to apply for a job as Security Officer, the entry position was skipped and he was entitled with the rank of Security Officer. After a couple years of service he decided to apply for Internal Affairs, people may ask why, he started remembering about his past and about how many lives he ruined because of his crimes. He was accepted and entitled of the rank of Agent, he learnt everything about the Code of Ethics and Conduct. He did a wonderful job, he started from writing mediocre documents to excellent ones. After a couple years he applied for the Rank of Ambassador and he was accepted. He helped out the Internal Affairs departement in a significant way and found himself in all kind of scenarios.​
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Application Denied

Good day, Agent Marchetti

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application form, we truly appreciate your interest and effort. I've come to the conclusion that you are not qualified for the position of Internal Affairs Ambassador.

As you probably know, I am currently on LOA due to my college finals, which means I have based your result entirely on the feedback that ambassadors have given me on a daily basis. When asked about you, the answers I get are always very mixed, meaning approximately half of the ambassadors think you do a good job and the other half believe you're still not ready for the position. Sadly, I cannot take a 50/50 chance on a CL4 whitelist.

Nevertheless, from what I've been told you have a lot of potential, but you're lacking some communication and leadership skills. Try to work on those through the following days and talk to the Department Ambassadors about how to improve, ask them to give you tasks such as training new agents and such, and prove to them you're ready for the position.

Don't let this discourage you from applying again in the near future, as we think you're a potential candidate for the position.

Kindest Regard,
Director Katona.
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