[UK] misterlol29's SCP-096 application

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Well-known Member
Jun 10, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:54620787

Discord name: Misterlol29#3614

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5 days | 21 hours

Age: 22

In what country are you located?: Belgium

Time zone: (GMT+2)

Character name(s): Jonny 'Dagger' | John Mark

Civilian name: John Mark

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes, I do.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- E-11 CPL

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- If I remember correctly I was once banned for LTAP I believe. For what situation/punishment specificly I do not know as the day before that I disconnected I did nothing that would warrant a staff intervention (to my knowledge). I also was not in any interaction or RP before my disconnection to the server(to my knowledge). So the 'why' I can not really say.

What makes you suitable for SCP-096?:
- I believe I am suitable to play as SCP-096 because I try my best to know the rules before I start playing and the same goes for a new job to make sure that I don't break any rules and risk getting warned/blacklisted/kicked/... The times I do end up breaking a rule (in the unlikely event) it would be most likely because of a situation I never encountered (As we all know 'common sense' is different for every person) and end up breaking a rule because of it. But what I am trying to say is that I try my best to play the game to the best of my abilities which include roleplaying in a decent/good manner, not breaking the rules, be friendly to everyone (or atleast try) and just in general try to have fun and make sure other people also have fun.

What is the usual behaviour of SCP-096 when pacified?:
- SCP-096 in a 'pacified' state usually tries to avoid 'interaction' and by that I mean he would try to find a suitable location where he can sit and avoid people from looking at him (Basically sitting in a corner [facing the corner] to ensure the least possibility of being looked at). Although if left unattended for too long (1 minute) he could start to roam around.

When breached, where is SCP-096 allowed to go? Can SCP-096 beeline straight to D-Block?:
- To answer the first question (and by that also the second question), SCP-096 when breached goes to where his 'targets' are until they are dead. So that would also mean that he can go into D-block if there are 'targets' inside although this should be avoided due to the fact that respawning D-class will trigger a never ending massacre until SCP-096 is bucketed. So yes, SCP-096 can go into D-block if his 'targets' are there but shouldn't if they are not there. [ Targets: SCP-096-1's (people who have seen his face either directly/indirectly)]

How is SCP-096 re-contained? Please describe all steps of the process:
- SCP-096 is recontained by having Combative personnel (E-11, Nu7, Containment Specialist, etc) grab SCRAMBLES from the armoury to ensure they themselfs do not become SCP-096-1. Afterwards they should go grab a bucket from one of the designated locations so that it can be put over its head and no more "direct SCP-096-1's" can be created. If SCP-096-1's are created indirectly by picture it should be found and destroyed. Afterwards SCP-096 will find and terminate the remaining SCP-096-1's before he will go into a 'pacified' state. Any attempts to re-contain SCP-096 before he goes into a 'pacified' state would be fruitless and meaningless (He can not be killed by shooting or beamed while enraged). Once SCP-096 has entered its 'pacified' state (note: he will stop screaming and sit down) he can be Beamed with a "containment beam" and afterwards cuffed with "SCP cuffs". Once cuffed it is strongly advised to immediatly escort SCP-096 back to its containment chambers as SCP-096 will most likely attempt to destroy the bucket on its head and re-create more SCP-096-1's. Once brought to its containment chamber its blastdoors should be fixed either beforehand or at the time by personnel that have SCRAMBLES on. Once SCP-096 is in its containment chamber and the blast doors are fixed (and closed) only then is SCP-096 recontained.

(PS: Sorry for any grammar mistakes as English is not my native language and I am also deslectic)
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