[UK] Nate Mercer's 096 Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:581568489
Discord name: o0Thefirebird0o #5270
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 433 Hours
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: BST (British Summer Time)
Character name(s): Nate Mercer "The Pimp Daddy"
Civilian name: Huell
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: E-11 LT, O-1 LCPL, Gensec CPT.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: x1 Metagaming (Talked about Code Black in Comms as CL2) in March.
What makes you suitable for SCP-096?: With my experience as E-11 LT I know how all the SCPs operate and rules that each induvial SCP has and with my with the amount of time I've spent on the server I could easily say that am able to follow all the rules as an SCP with little to no problems. I've also read the Sliver and Golden rules of SCPs so I fully understand what I must follow when I play SCP-096.
What is the usual behaviour of SCP-096 when pacified?: When he's not in his rage state, SCP-096 will sit and cry facing a wall/corner trying to cover his face from all people not purposefully looking at people to become angered.
When breached, where is SCP-096 allowed to go? Can SCP-096 beeline straight to D-Block?: SCP-096 can go anywhere in on the map as long as the that where his target is, so if his target is inside D-Block then he can go straight to D-Block to kill the target. If SCP-096 isn't contained and left alone for more than 60 seconds then he can roam freely but he cannot roam into D-Block to gain more kills as that would be considered kill-farming, which is one of the rules SCP-096 players must follow.
How is SCP-096 re-contained? Please describe all steps of the process: If all pictures of SCP-096 are destroyed before anyone has viewed them then he is contained as there no further way for him to breach. If SCP-096 face as been viewed then MTF personnel should bucketed to stop anyone else seeing his face then follow SCP-096 around until he has killed all the SCP-096-1 and after becoming calmed downed then MTF personnel can beam and cuff SCP-096 taking him back to his containment cell. Another way in which you can speed up the process of the termination of SCP-096-1 having them terminated by MTF personnel so it stops any further targets.
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CG Super VIP
Feb 20, 2021
Application accepted

Congratulations on having your 096 whitelist application get accepted, please contact any Admin+ in game by calling a sit (@096 whitelist) and you will be handed your whitelist. (Make sure you copy the link to your 096 application before-hand as they will have to double check.)​
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