[UK] Nate Mercer's Chief of Security Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:581568489
Discord name: o0Thefirebird0o #5270
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 425 Hours
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: BST (British Summer Time)
Character name(s): Nate Mercer "The Pimp Daddy", [REDACTED] “Phoenix”
Civilian name: Huell
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK.
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: E-11 LT, O-1 LCPL, Gensec CPT, CI-A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: x1 Metagaming (Talked about Code Black in Comms as CL2) in March.
Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?: I'm applying for Chief of Security as in most recent time we have been left with no Chief of Security as they have all resigned due to all different reasons and I'm also applying for Chief of Security as they are the department leader of one of the cornerstones of the Foundation so they play a big role into people first experiences of the server so I wish to further improve on this department. Another key reason I'm applying for Chief of Security is that there isn't enough leadership in D-Block at the best of times and the little communicate between security seniors in the department makes a lack of order in the department so many goals are never set or completed.

What makes you you suitable for the Chief of Security?: I've had month experience as a Gensec Captain and I can say that I'm able to effectively organize D-Block making sure all Gensec follow the COC and COE even being complemented by an Ethics Committee member on my performance inside D-Block. Furthermore, my previous experience as E-11 LT gives me further experience in directing orders to troops and deploying quickly in tense situations and the CL4 experience in both Gensec CPT and E-11 LT makes me knowledgeable in the responsibility in those roles. A final reason I believe I'll be suitable as Chief of Security is that I have plans ready to be used to improve the performance of both Gensec CPTs and RRT.
What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?: They are to uphold the security of D-Block with the use of RRT and Gensec to ensure the safety of the rest of site. They are also tasked with the supervision of all RRT and Gensec that they are maintain and enforcing the COC and COE with in all areas not matter the rank within RRT or Gensec and the Chief of Security makes sure the Gensec CPTs are able to perform their duties with ease and efficiency. They also ensure the safety of high level personnel with the use of RRT.
Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what story lines are they involved in: Nate had a pretty simple childhood in the small village of Abbotsbury but he always felt that he was meant to be in the military. Straight after education he joined the Royal Marines and after spending 8 years in the Royal Marines and becoming a Sgt for his valiant efforts during his services. After a disagreement with COs, Nate left the Royal Marines and became a PMC (Private Military Contractor) fighting for whomever payed the right price. During one of Nate's private operations he stumbled across Agent [REDACTED] and Agent [REDACTED], they were investigate a anomalous entity and one of the agents was injured so Nate offered to help them. After finding and containing the source of the anomalous entity the SCP Foundation took keen interest in his abilities and efficiency during the containment of SCP-[REDACTED]. So the Foundation offered Nate the opportunity to work as a E-11 PVT where
he rose up through the ranks with ease and took the position as Gensec CPT and the [REDACTED] decide that Nate would be good fit as the new Chief of Security.
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Well-known Member
May 8, 2022
+ Support
I strongly believe and hope he will do amazing as he has countless times as CPT for GENSEC
Jan 8, 2022
Application Accepted

Hello, @Nate Mercer
Your Application has been accepted. Congratulations.
Please contact O5-1 or O5-3 to proceed to the next step.


- O5-3 "The Commissioner"
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