[UK] O5-4 "The Calamity"

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Well-known Member
Oct 1, 2023
O5-4 "The Calamity"
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
3 Months
In what country are you located?:
South Africa
Time zone:
GMT +2:00
Character name(s):
Sr Researcher Kian Durant
MTF O-1 Captain Melon
OSA Melon
Civilian name:
Jean Silverston
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF O-1 Captain
Executive Researcher
Overseer Assistant
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am playing for the position of O-4 because I would like to:
I would like to devote a lot more time in a position which I know I can shine upon if given the opportunity. It was shown from my previous site command application that members of the community do not believe I'm ready for such a position but I can assure that this is not the case. I'm still dedicated to get into a site command position not because of the power but of the opportunities that it will give me. Like I previously stated, I'm climbing through the ranks through hard work behind the scenes in the departments that I am in and various members of the O-1 officers as well as the Chairman would agree with this statement. I put a lot of effort into what I do because I enjoy it. I took the position of Prosecutors when the interest was low and investigations were non existent and I can guarantee that it has improved. My dedication to get into Overseers is definitely at an all time high.
Create Roleplay
I would love to create new opportunities for roleplay that has not been done. I feel that I could do more as an Overseer because I would like to create RP with GOI's as it currently has gone a bit stale at this very time. I feel that I could introduce more ways of communicating with them and making agreements that have not been done before as well as create a very unique scenario with my character which I will expand more on when I explain my storyline. I have experience of creating RP even though it might not have been in this community but I did enjoy it quite a lot which is one of the reasons which I would like to be apart of the Overseers.
Experience a CL5 position
I have held various positions across the foundation I might add, It might not have been a position in Site Administration but it positions such Executive Researcher which I've held a short time but still proves competency, Overseer Assistant and improving my documentation In Game as I focus more on External Documentation and as well as O-1 Captain. I want to note that O-1 might be on the other side of the coin but I still understand how the ISD departments work. I would like to be given a chance experience such a desirable position a position that will cement the way for me further on the server.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
I believe creating original roleplay experiences is very difficult to do and it's what a Overseer needs to create RP in Foundation. I have various ideas and have experience in a position of creating RP as a Executive Researcher and Overseer Assistant, mostly from my Senior Researcher position. I've explored various ways of making more enjoyable roleplay such as Speaking French to SCP 082 due to his French Origins, (Project Obelix) SCP-8837 pushing him to his limits to see what would make him realize he's in a containment chamber participating in a massive project (Project Homo Lunae) or even speaking to 049 and have him roleplay out a scenario where he can sense pestilence such as SCP-008. (The Plague Doctor) These are only a few creative ways I've done to create unique roleplay scenarios. It's very important as an Overseer to be able to create roleplay and I have proven it multiple times.
Throughout my time on Site-65, I've climbed through the ranks quite fast. It's because every position I have been in, I have genuinely gone out of my way to be one of the best and improve every possible way, contacting numerous senior positions asking how to better myself and produce documents that improve the overall quality of the department that I'm in. I've gone out of my to write multiple documents on ideas how to improve O-1 and also participated in meetings as an Executive Researcher to see how we can improve the overall activity of the Department. I've also improved the performance of Prosecutors and having tribunals be done again after it being on hold for a very long time due to the activity in the Squadron.
I believe as an Overseer you must be approachable too and be confident speaking with people as you are going to do a lot of communicating with the Ethics Committee, Site Department as well as all the other Department with matters that needs tending to. I've been told that I am a very friendly person who they can frequently communicate with In-Character and Out-Of-Character and I have helped many people with things that they might have not been aware of for example The time when I was dedicating my time on Researcher I went out of my way to ask the Jr Researchers if they need help and helped them with questions they needed answering about how to format their research papers and how to get them graded and I feel that having knowledge is important to have so that you can go and be someone who can guide them on how to correct problems in their departments.
An Overseer is expected to be an active part of the community, a position that is sought after by many and creates roleplay for multiple departments and has to speak to multiple departments In-Character and Out-Of-Character daily because there is always something happening on Site. I believe I'm a very active player of the community being on daily and always have my externals open for any enquiries, as well as having forums open for any new important threads that I have to read due to my duty as a staff member. I am also a Commissioned Officer in Omega-1 as well as a Prosecutor Lead which means it is expected of me to be on majority of the day to deal with incidents on site and always writing up documentation throughout the day which proves I am a very active player.
Documentation Experience
Documentation is a must as an Overseer, which I feel that I definitely have proved various times within my time as a prosecutor writing up Summons, Opening/Closing statements and having multiple pre-determined questions ready for the witnesses and having them be prepared as well as a few documents as an Overseer Assistant In-character as well as my time in the Research Department. I believe documentation has never been an issue for me as I do enjoy writing them up for the benefit of roleplay and there is various proof in my application of my documentation.

In Conclusion I believe I'm ready to hold a position that is interested by many because I have the necessary requirements needed to take upon such a role. I might not have the Site Administration Experience but I can assure you that will not stop me from being an excellent Overseer.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:

- CL5 Duties

The Initiation of the Alpha Warhead in the event of Emergency Response Team (ERT) failure at Site-65 due to a breach of SCP. (Needs SL+ Permission)
Authorization of Code Black if Site-65 is in complete danger of the SCP Breaches and possible other RP Scenarios to completely reset RP.
Authorization of Mass Termination of D-class within certain scenarios.
Authorization of the use of the Advanced Armoury.

- O5 Duties
Commanding A-1 and providing passive directives
Tasking Overseer Assistants (eg. Investigating a Department, Security Issues and reporting significant events occurring on site)
Appointing someone eligible for the Position of A-1 COM, Site Director, Department of External Affairs
Oversee Site Administration and make sure they are managing the site correctly.
Enforcing the Code of Conduct onto Site.
Research approval on SCP Termination attempts.
Communicating with GOI's and maintaining relationships with them.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Applications
Overseer Applications
Site Director Applications
Director Of External Affairs Applications
Overseer Assistant Applications

- Other OOC responsibilities
Communicating regularly with Ethics to improve the Site.
Speaking to various departments across site so that their could be more interactions between Departments
Updating the FLC with the Ethics Committee to make ensure more roleplay scenarios

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Accessing SCIPNET...>>>
The Doppelgänger
Incorrect File
David "The Calamity" Smalls


Mark “Billy” Bob

Well-known Member
Mar 30, 2023
- Support/Neutral
Not really enough experience. I never see you around ever or have I seen you create any big RP. I remember you a little from Nu-7 and that’s about it.
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SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Jul 25, 2022


Hi melon the reason why a gave you a negative even thought I really like you is that there are really better candidates in my personal opinion, I have also not seen you creat RP before, I also feel like it would need a lot of leadership for this role like a dpt director experience etc.. it’s maybe just me, final thing is from O1 to O5, is a little weird skip

I hope you don’t be sad at me but I have to be honest, I wish you the best of luck!

Kind regards,
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Reactions: Melon
Hello @Melon,

I have taken the time to read your application and would like to leave a neutral leaning towards -support verdict.

To start things off, your application is highly detailed and I wish to thank you for the good read you have put up. I can tell that you are motivated towards gaining a position within site command. This does however also bring up a couple of questions that I have. First of all, I wish to state that my verdict is completely open to change depending on how you answer these questions. If you decide to do that in the first place.

One of my main questions is about your daily duties. You do acknowledge that you have to watch over site administration and that you are to make sure they operate up to expectations. I do believe that this will not be an easy feat for you to accomplish since you have never been a departmental director or a member of site administration. Do you think that you are knowledgeable enough about the procedures and the workings of site administration to be considered their overwatch? You can of course always fall back on the experience of other members of the council and you could immerse yourself into their daily field of operations, but at the moment of writing, I do fear that your lack of experience in managing a department or overseeing the site as a whole (in contrast to a squadron within Omega-1) could lead up to some mistakes along the line. How do you plan to overcome this experience issue?

You talk a lot about your administrative experience, which is mainly gained from your position as the prosecutor lead within Omega-1 and as a researcher on-site. I do have to say that the documents you have provided are good in content and the formatting is good. There is however a line to be drawn in these documents, all of these are based on research and your findings within these studies. Although I am a fan of research, I do wish to see how you would grade or interact with a larger body or group. This does not have to be based around a site administration monthly review, but you could make a document on a problem you have noticed with one of the departments on site and state a (couple) of suggestions to fix these issues. I think this would show how you would note down findings with suggested solutions towards specific problems.

In the section on creating roleplay, you state that you would like to roleplay a lot more with the GOIs on our server. I do believe this is a good thing to consider but I would like to see how you would implement this in the different departments and MTFs that will be dependent on the actions you take with these GOIs. Declaring a war could for example be fun, but a war is also demanding on the MTFs and does bring down some of the more non-combative aspects of the server. What other ideas do you have to create roleplay for the members on-site? Are you willing to include other departments and MTFs in the picture and if you do, how would you try to make it all coherent with each other? Since a lot of communication is needed to make sure that everyone is informed of ongoing larger-scale roleplay scenarios you have created.
I am currently an overseer assistant and I would like to see what orders you could come up with to keep the roleplay loop going for us. I do know that we can create our roleplay scenarios and get Alpha-1 members involved ourselves, but how would you go about delegating some of your tasks down the chain of command towards assistants or the members of Alpha-1?

I do know, this is quite the response and I do apologise, but I really would love to see how you would go about utilising the overseer job on-site, both within your daily duties as well as in the executive roleplay creation way.

I wish you the best with this application and I wish you the best of day.
Last edited:
Mar 20, 2022

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @Melon . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

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This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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