[UK] O5-4 'The Quartermaster' Application

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Mar 20, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24655601
Discord Name: brokage
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Late February 2022
Age: 30
In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Broda Kagen
Civilian name: Broda
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • Executive Researcher (Holding)
  • Director of Research (Held)
  • O5-6 ‘The Cortex’ (Held)
  • Site Advisor (Held)
  • Site Director (Held)
  • Ethics Committee Chairman (Held)
  • Medical Consultant (Holding)
  • Site Manager (Held)
  • Site Director (Held)
  • O5-2 ‘The Sovereign’ (Held)
  • Special Agent (Held)
  • Agency Manager (Held)
  • O5-1 'The Sovereign' (Held)
  • IA Ambassador (Holding)
  • Director of Internal Affairs (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
  • None
What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
O5-4 due to the recent opening of the role and my extensive experience, I believe I can lead the server back into the next level of roleplay quality with the current Council and provide excellent support alongside that. My enjoyment in the O5 Council stems from the ability to guide and create exciting scenarios for players. My tenure as O5-1 ‘The Sovereign’ alongside the permissions as a Senior Game Master enabled me to create some fun stories and scenarios for the O5 and MTF Alpha-1. O5 has always been, in my opinion, an excellent place to develop characters and involve other players in large, Foundation encompassing storylines.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
I stand out from other candidates due to my lengthy experience I've gained playing on the server. During my tenure, I've created roleplay scenarios and policies that have enhanced the player experience on the server. My proven initiative as a player, an RP Leader and as a Senior Game Master has yielded me an arsenal of knowledge and skill to develop the stories and policies going forward for all if successful in this application process. My decade long experience of roleplay across various platforms has aided me tremendously on this server and has proven to all I’ve played alongside that I am sufficiently experienced enough to become the best candidate for O5-4. I’ve created tools and a lasting legacy that others can attest to in every position I’ve played in. These lasting policies and impactful stories have helped shape the ongoing roleplay on the server.
An example of the policies and RP Stories I've implemented are as follows:

MC&D Storyline
This was run from an RP role and Game Master standpoint. This storyline involved literally everyone and is marked to this day as the most engaged and successful storyline on the server, even getting paid vpoints for it!

O5-2 Cortex Storyline:
This was a major storyline for the server and left a lasting impact on the players involved. I am no stranger to creating roleplay stories that involve as many players as possible to maximize engagement and enjoyment. The Cortex storyline dove into some of the more darker aspects of an Overseer’s personal agenda and how far they’d go to achieve that. Cortex still exists as one of the most notorious villains to this date. He is still out there.

Zone Jurisdiction Policy:
This was created by myself when I was Site Director the second time. This policy has paved the way and highlighted the powers and responsibilities of each respective MTF/Department. This policy is still in place to this day and is ever changing.

UNGOC Embassy:
After months of headache trying to get this sorted, I approached this with a brute force attitude as O5-2. Upon completion, the UNGOC had an embassy on Site-65 which is still used as an RP method primarily for Foundation x UNGOC relations to this day.

Audits were introduced when I removed the responsibilities of reviews from the Ethics Committee during my tenure as Chairman. Audits became the new norm for Site Command and continue to provide RP for all.

Ethical Reviews for Site Administration:
As Site Director, I highlighted an issue with the Ethics Committee running out of responsibilities and engagement with the site as a whole. As I hold no OOC ill will towards anyone or any resentment, I saw clearly an opportunity to create something that will get Site Administration and the Ethics Committee to work together more. Ethical Reviews are ingrained into the Site Administration monthly reviews so both departments can work together going forward.

DEA Departmental Infiltrations:
During my brief time as an Agency Manager for DEA, I’ve worked alongside the current team and created a new policy which enables the DEA to root out treasonous behaviour and potential information leaks. This new policy is empowered by Site Command and has given DEA the freedom to do information control.

Complete Revival and Rework of Internal Affairs
My time here with Director Merrick and Director Remmy has enabled us to work together to take Internal Affairs out of the dumpster fire and breathe back into its life. Internal Affairs now has various new powers and permissions available within it for all levels within. To name a few, power to arrest Junior Clearance Level 4 members and introduction of the Foundation Secrecy Act has given Internal Affairs Agents/Operatives enough power to conduct their investigations efficiently and uphold the Foundation Legal Codex.

I’ve created even more policies that stand the test of time to this day, projects and roleplay as well. But for the sake of the application length I'll keep it to the above. Based on this and my extensive experience within the Overseer Council, I believe I am the ideal candidate for the role.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
  • The Overseer Council is responsible for the oversight and management of the Foundation as a whole. On Site-65, they are observing and keeping departments engaged with roleplay projects, experiments and stories.
  • They direct Site Administration when needed. Site Administration as the extended will of the Overseer Council and proxy engagements with departments in situations that demand it. Only on the odd occasion does an Overseer appear at an office/bunks to express concern or praise.
  • An Overseer is directly involved in the process of changing Site Wide policy, such as the Foundation Legal Codex conduct charges or the shared conduct/ethical charges. Other various policies and procedures on the Site are dictated and created by Overseers, alongside Site Administration.
  • If a department has fallen below standards (This includes Site Administration) then the Overseer Council may call the leadership of said department or regiment to a closed hearing. This is primarily what is required to maintain site wide standards and to uphold the quality we push to keep high.
  • An Overseer does not usually care for the backlash or results of an order, as long as it is done. They are driven to gain results and encompass the Foundation’s mission statement, and sometimes… their own agenda.
  • If the Ethics Committee deem someone unfit for their position, the Overseers act as the enforcers of this duty and will remove site personnel from their station if required. Tribunals are common practice for this.
  • Auditing via the use of Assistants is a core action to keep an eye on departmental performance.
  • Editing the Foundation Legal Codex when required.
  • Delegate where necessary and focus on the Overseer's true directive, leading the entire Foundation from the shadows.
  • Work with the Department of Research to push unusual and secretive testing. Ensure certain tests are kept under as few eyes as possible.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
  • The Overseer Council votes on applications via a discord thread. Within this thread, they must display their verdict and reasoning behind what they’ve said. Primarily, the O5 Council will assemble to vote and deal with the following applications:
- Overseer Council Member
- Director of Research
- Overseer Assistant
- Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 Commander
- Site Director
- Site Manager (This is not voted on. But rather, the Site Director will say he will promote this person and the council will discuss it with him. The Council holds little sway and power on this decision process.)

- The Overseers will meet with the Ethics Committee, or rather they should, on a frequent basis to discuss the state of the site and how they can go forward with developing and improving the roleplay and gameplay experience of the every day player. Site Command operates on maintaining server health to ensure they have a Site to come back to the next day.

- Creation of roleplay scenarios is a priority for any Overseer Council member. Giving projects to departments and missions/operations to regiments enables the site to flourish and emboldens the position of an Overseer.

- If there are any OOC disputes within or between departments, an Overseer is expected to try and mediate any issues.

- Reviewing the performance of Site Administration and encouraging its growth. Site Administration is the proxy the Overseers will use to issue mandate upon the Foundation, specifically in this case Site-65.

- Organising Hearings to conduct in-character that can lead to out of character consequences if deemed necessary. Hearings are the ultimate tool the Overseer Council can use to maintain quality standards on any Site-65 player.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

So, I am going to leave a disclaimer here if my application is successful. This character will be rather brutal to those not following the Foundation's mission objectives. Please do not take anything said in-character to heart. This is a new character and will be leaning into the antagonist theme to stoke controlled conflict between The Overseer Council and Ethics Committee.

Under the Projects tab, anything with a blue line underneath is a hyperlink to give you a glimpse into those projects in this characters story.


Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Jan 13, 2023
I am still a relatively new player, and haven't been around to see your previous O5 tenure but I've heard good things and your RP ability as a DOIA has been great. Good luck with your app mate
My opinion remains mostly unchanged from you're last O5-1 app

Of course they will, the issue is that you left O5 due to your disliking of the spot after enjoying it beforehand.
Since you've already experienced and gotten all of the enjoyment out of being a O5, I would assume it would just mostly be that annoyance of it for you again.

For the rest, I'm glad that although you don't like the spot, you're willing to take it anyways. The only issue that could arise is that you leave soon after getting it, due to again, your stated disliking of O5.

Overall I'll be giving this a +/-Neutral. You've been a good -1 in the past, and you've got plenty of experience and know how to create RP and what's good/bad, but I'm unsure of your commitment, and I believe another current O5 should get the position (As this same situation happened when you originally got -1)
For this one I'll be giving it a +Support leaning towards +/-Neutral, as you've spent more time as IA Director, and your hatred seems to come from mostly the -1 position, not any of the other spots.
Mar 20, 2022
My opinion remains mostly unchanged from you're last O5-1 app

For this one I'll be giving it a +Support leaning towards +/-Neutral, as you've spent more time as IA Director, and your hatred seems to come from mostly the -1 position, not any of the other spots.

You are correct, the -1 position used to be quite a pain in the ass but the new measures enforced by NL to have dedicated SSL on standby will relax those in the position going forward. Besides, if successful and down the road a position ever opened up, i'd let someone else go for it. I got stories to tell and rp to do.
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Oct 11, 2023
Will be terrifying interacting with you IC...
Excited to see what you will bring to the council (again) 🤓
Last year when I was in O-1, Broda stood out as one of the best, if not the best Roleplay lead on the server and his dedication to improve both the roleplay but also taking care of Alpha-1 significantly enhanced the experience for everyone involved. I'm confident that if given the opportunity, Broda will not disappoint.

Keep up the great work Broda
Huge +Support
Hello Broda, from your previous application i am more than happy to + Support this current one. I've had no issues with you as O5 in the past and your RP creation is next to none. I feel more confident in supporting this application compared to your last which I did not find all too favourable. With this application it does feel that you are applying for all that O5 can offer which is lovely to see.

I would be happy to see you back, and as you would be leaving Internal Affairs in the capable hands of Remmy, I have no complaints regarding your application. I would be more than happy to serve by your side once more!

Good luck with your application and hope to see you back on The Council o7

Also, war with Ethics goes hard 🔥
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