[UK] Osiris' Intelligence Ambassador Application

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Well-known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:532892422
Discord name: Largekeyboard#2798
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Roughly 2 weeks and 4 days (the earlier 2 weeks was when I was the original A-1 Commander)
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Uk
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Osiris 'Akira/Silencer/Cannibal' Junichiro | Obscene Ranger | A-1 Com "Nightmare"
Civilian name: Obscene Ranger
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF Alpha-1 Commander, MTF Nu-7 CSG - Previously held | MTF A-1 PVT, CI-A - Currently held.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 0
Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador?: The reason I am applying for Intelligence Ambassador is due to the fact that I have been taking the Intel Agent role for roughly 3 days now and have only managed to catch an Intel Ambassador once. Another reason I am applying for this is because I would like to assist the Agents and Operatives in their duties while giving them more activities to participate in. I would like to provide the Agents and Operatives more opportunities to pass the threshold from the facility to surface (with a valid reason). I would also like to make sure that Agents and Operatives know their job properly as some have said to me that they would prefer a more in-depth and detailed document about what their job entails and how to complete their tasks affectively.
What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?: I believe that I have skills and helpful abilities that can not only be developed by this position but also push the Intelligence Department forward into being one of the more enjoyable jobs for new people that have bought VIP and got most skills lvl 10, to play. One skill I have that I believe can thrive through the Intel Ambassador position would be leadership. As I previously stated I have been a Commander before, with that I believe I have the correct leadership skills to take up this role. Not only would I be able to lead the Agents and Operatives affectively but also be able to develop that skill so I can do my job at a better level. Another reason I consider myself prepared for this occupation is due to my strategic capabilities. I believe that I have a decent knowledge around strategy and this would be put to magnificent use. However, I also have an abundance of information to learn and I am able to handle critique well and take it under the belt and put it to good use. Being able to learn and be critiqued is one of the most essential skills and assets to have for a job like this as you have to be knowledgeable but also allow others input.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: I have written several documents outside of game and 2-3 in-game as well. I intend to produce multiple more documents as they are enjoyable to write and informative depending on what topic is on said document. The essentials to making a decent/good document would be; Correct grammar and punctuation (ensuring that is pleasant to the eye and coherent), a decent amount of in-depth explanation so that the reader is left knowing what the documents contents were about. A good document would also include something such as a contents table. This is due to the fact of a good grade document needing to be presented well so that the information that has been presented on the document is actually locatable.
What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?: In Roleplay there are a few, several even, jobs, tasks and responsibilities that an Intelligence Ambassador must hold and maintain. One of those jobs being to make sure that the Intelligence Department (All information going in and out, Agents and Operatives) runs like clock work without any faults. This is one of the jobs because the Ambassador is above the Agents and Operatives therefore they have more responsibility and control. Making sure that the ID is running smoothly is essential to the Site. The reasoning for this is because if any classified information gets leaked or an outside surface dweller learns about information that they shouldn't the SCP Foundation's secrecy and job overall is at risk. Another job that is expected of the ID Ambassador would be review documents and reports that have been written by Agents or Operatives. The reason for this is because they need to be checked for correct grammar and that all noted down data/information is correct before it is put through to be uploaded to the SCIPNET/Printed. The Ambassador must also lead surface operations and surface raids. This is because the Agents and Operatives are new to the department and may not make the correct decision within the moment. Another job would be to work closely with the Mobile Task Force Nu-7. This is as they are not only the largest MTF in the Foundation but also as they have control over the surface. If something goes awry they are the one to deal with it, so the ID Ambassador working with Nu-7 means that surface operations and information can run smoothly without anything being miscommunicated.
Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Osiris 'Cannibal' Akira was born on the 1st of September 1980. His birth location was: ███ (his accent is discernible and has UK origins)
Osiris was not his birth name, but a name that he adopted over time as he believed he was powerful and mighty (The ancient Egyptian word Osiris translate to both of these words in the English Dialect). His birth name was discarded along with his birth certificate, which occurred when he enrolled in the Intelligence Department as an Agent for the Foundation. Before this time came he previously followed in his parents footsteps. His parents were both part of the Military/Army, his mother being in the Directorate of Intelligence Department (DMI for short) and his father being an Officer in the SAS. Osiris joined the Marines at 17 and was recruited into the SAS at 23. He spent 5 years in service (3 of which were deployed in Afghanistan). After he returned from deployment he decided to seek out other occupation and possibly another career. Not only was Osiris intelligent but he also had a fast reaction time and strategic knowledge. The foundation had kept their eyes on him for an unknown number of years while he held his previous combatant occupation.

The Foundation (Namely O5-) noticed his possible serviceability and decided to have ID Agent's going on covert operations to keep tabs on him. This was a substantial outcome for Osiris as this would guide him into his new career path. After being recruited to the Foundation he was first situated in the Nu-7 Hammer Down MTF Unit. This was due to his years of previous military service. In the Mobile Task Force, Osiris earned the rank of MAJ and also the codename "Cannibal". The main reason for his nickname was unidentifiable, however most units speculate it was due to the fact of him ravaging through hoards of enemy GOI's and SCP's without any remorse while holding a sick and twisted nature about him. After serving 10 years in the MTF Unit (Gaining MAJ extremely quickly due to his continued and unrelenting effort and dedication towards the Foundations cause) he was recruited into the ID (Intelligence Department). The Director of Intelligence felt that they had no need to keep Mr Akira at an Operative level as he had shown unprecedented amounts of skill very rarely unearthed. After being Agent for around 2 years Osiris believed he had found his true calling in life as he genuinely enjoyed his work and his new occupation. This soon lead to him applying for the position of Intelligence Ambassador as he believed his unimaginable skills and work ethic could be put to greater use.
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Well-known Member
Jan 16, 2022
+/- Neutral
+A lot of playtime it seems like?
+Server experience

/Unsure of Intelligence experience
?You claim in your reasoning for applying that you have only seen an Ambassador on site once in the past three days that you have been playing as Intelligence. This is weird as I have also been active the past week, and the past three days, and ive seen multiple Ambassadors on-site, even at the same time. Whats odd is that I havent seen you, at all, playing as Intelligence. Which makes me question your susiness
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Well-known Member
Jan 15, 2021
+/- Neutral
+A lot of playtime it seems like?
+Server experience

/Unsure of Intelligence experience
?You claim in your reasoning for applying that you have only seen an Ambassador on site once in the past three days that you have been playing as Intelligence. This is weird as I have also been active the past week, and the past three days, and ive seen multiple Ambassadors on-site, even at the same time. Whats odd is that I havent seen you, at all, playing as Intelligence. Which makes me question your susiness
I began to write this a couple days ago there have been a few on since that I have seen just might not have caught you specifically
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Active member
Apr 10, 2022

He would be great in this role no dought


MRP War Veteran
Dec 26, 2020

Good RPer
Great and well-detailed application
Well suited for this role
Active in-game and teamspeak
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Reactions: ObsceneRanger
Jan 23, 2022
Application Denied

Hi @ObsceneRanger , Thank you for taking the time to make this application, however, it is with great sadness, that I regretfully must inform you that have not made the cut to be part of this batch of ambassadors, this is due to several reasons, the first simply being that we had reached our limit, we were willing to take two more ambassadors and sadly, out of the three applicants, yours was the one we had the most hesitation on, we had hesitations on your activity, sadly you didn't prove to be as active as the other applicants, we had hesitations on your knowledge of the department, somewhat due to the fact that you weren't on enough to gauge it, and due to the lack of documents you may or may not have created that were brought to my attention, on top of all of this you didn't make apparent any particular skill of yours that the others hadn't (I.E excellent writing skills, excellency in creativity, etc...), it was well tried, but didn't make the cut.

Feel free to reapply after 2 weeks, however due to the cap on intel ambassadors, you may only pass if one of the 2 accepted ambassadors don't pass their 1 week trial period.​
  • Angry
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