[UK] Overseer Assistant Application

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Apr 11, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:92058794

Discord name: Tesco Piccolo Cherry Tomatoes#8475

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 week, 7 days (it's much longer but it's been removing days everytime I leave the server.)

Age: 22

In what country are you located?: England

Time zone: GMT+1

Character name(s): Damien R. Jones | Damien "Iota" [REDACTED]
Civilian name: Aiden McKenzie

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- SCP 096
- Nu-7 PVT
- CI-A
- Chief of Medicine

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
- Being someone who has had alot of experience with CL4 (Chief of Medicine). I feel I am ready to take a step forward and become much more involved with other departments. I'm very well aware of all the protocols that are in place with the foundation and I want to contribute more while showing that I am more than capabe of managing/assisting everyone where needed. I have also written up a fair-share of medical evaluations as CoM and SCP testing logs when researcher.

As a Chief of Medicine, I have been introduced to all of the departments and have always tried to be engaging and informative when speaking with them. Very recently I have been involved with exchanging notes with Site-56 (US server) and sharing our knowledge about how our medical departments operate from both sides.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- The Overseer Assistant answers to the O5 Council. Doing assigned tasks set by them, always reporting to the O5 about recent events and overall performance of the departments in the foundation. Assistants are also trusted to ensure the facility stays operational when they are absent. They are expected to act on behalf of them and to set a good example, such as showing leadership and complete confidence in every decision they make. They are also expected to remain level-headed and calm in stressful situations and do whatever they can to assist the O5 Council.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

[Audio Log starts]

- O5- █ | Do you have the document about "Damien" as requested?

- Ethics Commitee ██████ | We've had someone write up a full document about him yes, although we are unaware of some parts of his history. Most of what we know is right here.

*Rustling of papers can be faintly heard*

- Ethics Commitee ██████ | Might I also add, we have noticed that Damien has performed excellently ever since he was introduced to the foundation.

- O5-█ | Alright. Just give me some time to read through this first.

[Personnel Document]
Name: Damien R. Jones.
Rank | Department: Chief of Medicine ; Medical team.
Age: 22.
Damien has been someone who has been obsessed with Medicine and anything to do with studying human mentality. Reports here have shown that he graduated from the University of ██████ and decided that he would take a detor to Pinewood to meet up with his family and celebrate. We have only ever known about Damien's existence when he was seen tresspassing the Site-65 surface garage to revive and patch up our Nu-7 units.

Throughout his time here at the foundation as a Chief of Medicine, he has shown a great deal of leadership and cooperation with the medical team and the other departments. He has been giving medical evaluations to foundation personnel and was commended for his work by O5-█. He has always remained engaged with the medical team, ensuring trainees are properly trained and prepared before authorizing their medical licenses. Damien has also made sure that his department remain dedicated to the CoE to maintain a good image of their performance.
[Personnel Document end]
- O5-█ | Where is Damien currently?

- Ethics Commitee ██████ | He's at the Medical Centre. Reported writing up a Medical Evaluation in his office.

- O5-█ | Request MTF █-█ to escort him here. I'd like to speak with him privately.

[Audio Log ends]

Deleted member 1291

Application Accepted

Hello @Damien R. Jones

Thank you for taking your time to write an application. The council has decided to accept your application.
Contact any of the Overseers to further your application process.

O5-2 "The Umbra"​
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