[UK] Scoofy's Captain Application

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Well-known Member
Nov 29, 2023
Steam ID:
Discord name: scoofy. (with the dot)
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since February 2023.
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Sweden
Time zone: Central European Time (CET)
Character name(s):
Foundation: Scoofy West
Chaos Insurgency: 'Scoofy'
UNGOC: 'Tuna'

Civilian name: Todd Crapper
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?:
Yes, however due to personal reasons I will not currently use it.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu-7 CSG (holding)
- CI-G (holding)
- UNGOC LCPL (held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Several, however none for the past 2, nearly 3 months as I've gotten a lot more serious about the server where as before I used to lean more towards the minge side.
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
One of the major reasons I wish to become a Captain & join the GENSEC leadership team is to help newer players of the server & GENSEC.
I hope to drive the department in a positive direction and particularly help & guide newer & old players of GENSEC to better understand their duties & make their experience more enjoyable. Additionally, I hope to enforce the rules of the Security Department & eliminate minges or otherwise players violating the rules or ruining it for others.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- Experience
For many months, I have spent many hours in D-Block whether it be as Gensec, Combat Medic or Nu-7 HH. As such, I have gained the experienced needed to become a Captain & effectively perform the duties of being a Captain. During my time as Gensec & HH, I've aquired good knowledge of the ins and outs of Gensec.
I posses good knowledge of the Gensec rules & guidelines aswell as decent knowledge of the FLC.

- Leadership
Personally, I believe I posses the required leadership skills to become a Captain.
I have somewhat decent knowledge of hosting tryouts for HH aswell as sometimes having to guide Nu-7 when no LDR's or CO's are present.
As a Captain, I will always provide clear & direct orders to the other members of Gensec to make it easy for them to understand where to go & what to do.

- Activity/Dedication
As a Captain & member of the Foundation, I will be fully dedicated, committed & devoted to my role. Always showing professionality & being active for several hours per day. Generally, you could expect to see me online for 4-ish hours per day as Captain.
- Communication
I personally believe that I posses good communicative skills.
Always effectively utilizing the radio for callouts or other necessary things such as orders etc.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

- Hosting Tryouts
As a Captain, I will be expected to host heavy weapon & riot/SRU license tryouts frequently.
- Assigning orders to other members of Gensec
You as a Captain will be expected to assign lower members of Gensec orders. Such as guard airlock, man watchtower, escort researchers, etc.
- Organizing sweeps
Captains are expected to call out Code 2's when necessary as well as take charge & lead sweeps of D-Block
- Take orders from CoS+/manage the department
Captains will be expected to take orders from CoS+ when necessary to effectively help manage the department
- Enforce the rules & guidelines of GSD
As a GSD Captain one of your primary duties will be enforcing the rules, guidelines & policies of GSD.
- Assign D-Class work
If nothing else is going on, Captains may assign D-Class work via the work program.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Scoofy West is a 27 year old male, living in Sweden who used to work in regional prisons. Scoofy West was born in southern Sweden, Gothenburg & lived a fairly normal childhood. After sucessfully going trough school, he became a prison guard & started working for the correctional institution in Högsbo. After three years of working there, he moved to Örebro where he started working for Sweden's maximum security Prison "kriminalvårdsanstalten Kumla". After overperforming as a guard within the prison, he was contacted by a mysterious organization whose promised him better opportunities & to step up within the ranks. After joining the Foundation, Scoofy West moved to Canada where he was assigned to work in site-65 where he started a Cadet, however slowly worked up his rank to Officer & now aspires to become a part of the GSD leadership team.
Jan 2, 2022
---The Foundation---

Greetings Mr.West,
Today i will be giving you a
+support for the following reasons.
-i have seen you on gensec
-clean record
-Never been warned by me
[Captain ''GHOST'']
-good app

Hope to see you on our team.

Kind regards,
---The foundation---
GSD logo.png


Thank you for showing interest in the position of GSD Captain, after careful consideration we have decided that you are ready to take on the challenges that the role of Captain has to offer. I’m happy to announce that your application has been ACCEPTED.

An interview is required before you are officially a member of Gensec leadership so please contact me on discord to arrange a date and time: dontorro

Kind regards
Chief of Security Cary “Raven”​
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