[UK] Texmex's (John Sack) Site Advisor Application

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Well-known Member
Mar 16, 2022
Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:190157955
Discord name:
  • Texmex2506#0304
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
  • Total playtime - 00w 1d 08h 00m
  • 20
In what country are you located?:
  • Denmark
Time zone:
  • Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Character name(s):
  • John Sack
Civilian name:
  • Clyde Elrod
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
  • Yes, I do.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • N/A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
  • N/A
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

I would like to pair my RP experience acquired over time with my experience within the CGRP SCP-RP server to the role of Site Advisor, which in turn would provide the server with unique, engaging roleplay which is less seen.

The Site Advisor is a role that is not occupied often, and I believe it holds great potential to enhance the experience for everyone in server. Oftentimes site operations are chaotic, disorganized, and generally messy - the Site Advisor will, in the absence of the Site Director, help avoid this being the case in the future.

Whenever the correct person is occupying the role, it helps organize operations - normal or under various emergent situations (such as an SCP-Breach). An organized and coordinated site is a more effective site, which in turn makes everything more enjoyable for all parties, and will in most cases help us avoid disagreements, grudges, and other conflicts.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

In order to explain my suitability for the role, I will first outline what I believe are key attributes that all members of Site Administration must possess.

Firstly, one must be mature. Maturity is vital in being a good leader who is able to be unbiased in their decisions. Additionally, a mature leader or advisor is often highly respected and therefore can complete their task more effectively. Mature comes both with age and experience. My maturity is not just from my age (being 20, soon 21) but also from my occupation. I am an actively serving member of my country's armed forces, in a "middle manager" position where I am responsible for multiple others. In addition to this, I am a very sociable individual who through many years of social interactions has obtained a certain tolerance for all kinds of behaviors, and this has hardened my personality.

Secondly, one must be able to make decisions of all types, in all situations. Everything from small decisions to large ones during stress, it is vital to be able to make a call when one is needed. As a natural part of my job, I must be able to work effectively in high-stress and high-intensity situations whilst making decisions that will have a direct impact on others. This is daunting, but through experience and mistakes made, I believe I am able to effectively coordinate a team effort - both with and without stress involved in the equation.

Lastly, I believe familiarity with SCP both from within the server and from lore is vital. I have played a lot of SCP-RP on your server, played multiple SCP games (Multiplayer and singleplayer), and have read documents and watched videos about the concept online for a while. I find the storyline intriguing and am interested in helping "play out" this interesting world of SCPs and other factors. I continue to read and watch about SCP and will continue to play on the server in order to partake in the story. In addition to this, I have a lot of experience in Site Affairs, especially in Internal Affairs. I've studied the rules of the site, dealt with rule-breakers, and have often had to take the well-being of the entire site into consideration when making decisions on punishments and correct actions.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

Simply put, Site Administration ensures that Site-65 is running smoothly - but there's a lot more to it than "just" that.

There is a multitude of roles within Site Administration.
Firstly, the Ethics Committee Director, its members, and assistants are part of the Site Administration. They ensure operations within the site are ethical as the name suggests, and determine when "enough is enough". They are vital in keeping the sanity of the entire staff intact.

The Director of Research is in charge of all research personnel and decides exactly which experiments may be conducted - and which may not. Additionally, they have the necessary authority to conduct and oversee high-profile testing, which may be significantly riskier than "regular" tests.

Lastly, the site director and site advisors are present to ensure all operations are running smoothly within the site. They are in charge of everything from ensuring d-class are kept contained sufficiently, to ensuring attacks from CI are successfully defended against. The important part of their job is to act as the "glue" between departments, hence they can issue orders to all MTFs and members of staff (except lvl5 staff).

The Site Director and their Advisors smoothen everyday operations and help resolve issues that arise. Additionally, they receive reports from department leadership (such as the Chief of Security) about issues that arise and need resolving - and they then help resolve these issues.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

My character, John Sack, was born in the United States. From an early age, his father taught him how to, in his image, be a man. He was raised tough, but in a loving home. John was raised with the value of loving everyone else, no matter their looks, beliefs, or actions.

At the age of 18, John enlisted in the United States Army, following his childhood ambition to become a soldier who could fight for his country. After two years of work stateside, John was deployed in the Afghanistan war during Operation Enduring Freedom. During his deployment, John become uncertain if what he was doing in the US Army was correct. He became unhappy with himself, despite his friends feeling they were making a difference - John felt as though he could do more to ensure the safety of humankind.

When he returned, John decided to start a career in law enforcement. Firstly, John attempted to become an FBI field agent but failed to make the academy due to a technicality. After bettering himself and having gotten some time to self-reflect, John was recruited to the Central Intelligence Agency's Directorate of Intelligence. During his work, he made notable contributions to the CIA's [REDACTED] task force, and during the highly classified Operation Garden Party. It was through the CIA and his work within it, that the SCP foundation became aware of his capabilities and recruited him.

John Sack has after a lengthy career in the Security department and Internal Affairs decided to accept an offer to become a Site Advisor. He's an experienced man who, after extensive work, has experienced life within site-65 for many years. He started in GENSEC, but has since served in Internal Affairs as a trusted employee.

John Sack is known to be fair but firm and is highly respected for his will to help others. He's talked to countless D-class personnel whilst in security and has heard the pleas and explanations from many different members of staff in his time in Internal Affairs.

John Sack is not hesitant in his work. He happily puts extra time and effort into his duties in order to ensure the well-being of his workplace and has previously been commended for working tirelessly on IA cases in order to resolve them in due time. John has put a lot of consideration into the position and is proud to be able to serve the foundation in a new way.
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