[UK] Thomas Melton Moderator Application

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Well-known Member
Jun 27, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):UwU_03
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): 1 Week, 1 Day, 22 Hours, 1 Minute,
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: GMT-6
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Thomas Melton [KS-1]
Chaos name (include your rank): Don't Have A CI Character
Civilian name: Ranger Thomas E Melton [PR-5]
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:460065163
Do you have a mic?: Yes I Do
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- Yes It Is!
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-I Haven't been warned/Banned in over a month but here are my last ones:
RDM- Killed someone while messing around with a friend. FailRP- I believe it was cause speaking as an scp. Class X- This was a while back when I too wasn't taking RP seriously, and I belive due to bans.
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
-No I don't
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- Yes I do, some including Military RP, and some DarkRP's
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- After Work I have between 6-8 Hours
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
- Due to my time zone being GMT-6, there are rarely any admins on during the "Night" periods. During this time there are many FailRP scenarios, NLR moments, and just general Rule Breaking, In which ruins all RP scenes, which is unfair for the people whom are trying to Role Play. In general I wanna try to keep everyone's RP in good shape without any "minges" bothering, and just help the new people/anyone with any questions they have.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: Ive been on this server for a well over a couple months and have been around to see a lot happen, and well aware of many scp scenarios and would like to help anyone out to learn more. In general im a polite person and caring, Its pretty rare that I get stressed out cause I am well mannered and like to hear out anyone's opinions and info regarding a situation. Thank You


Well-known Member
Mar 11, 2022
Honestly really friendly guy that I would love to see apart of the admin team
He is mainly on during the late-during the night which not many admins on
Had great RP interactions with him since he tells people about the rules which isn't even his job and completely doing this out of his own time etc telling people about 914 during the night when there is no admins on so they can stop glitch abusing
Well liked in the medical department

Wish he was a bit more active during the day


Well-known Member
Apr 18, 2022
Neutral tending towards -support

- Had to issue a class X ban on you today for pac abuse + fail rp (2 big rule breaks)
- Loads of warnings + 2 class x bans

+ Active at off-peak hours


Active member
Apr 17, 2022

-Extensive Ban/Warn History
-Poor Knowledge Of The Rules
-Was recently warned for PAC3 Abuse (Allowing him to gain access to the armory the grabbed a matador and killed multiple people)

Closing Comments: I've had far to many negative run ins with this individual to offer anything nice to say about him in terms of him becoming staff the fact that this application is even being made is laughable. In my experience with Thomas he is strictly here to troll and goof around cause as much chaos as humanly possible finding any loophole in the rules possible to further cause chaos and waste the time of staff members going back and forth about things that are clearly wrong. Thomas has been banned far to many times and has over a page of warns / bans that being said I don't see how having him on the staff team would do anyone any good. I also don't think he has the capacity to be unbiased as he has proved time and time again he will break any rules as a means to help his friend (Yuri) by job abusing or attempting to loop hole the rules. I have no hate towards this person in anyway shape or form however I am offering my genuine experience and interactions with said individual quite frankly I'm amazed he is not perm banned


Well-known Member
Jun 27, 2022

-Extensive Ban/Warn History
-Poor Knowledge Of The Rules
-Was recently warned for PAC3 Abuse (Allowing him to gain access to the armory the grabbed a matador and killed multiple people)

Closing Comments: I've had far to many negative run ins with this individual to offer anything nice to say about him in terms of him becoming staff the fact that this application is even being made is laughable. In my experience with Thomas he is strictly here to troll and goof around cause as much chaos as humanly possible finding any loophole in the rules possible to further cause chaos and waste the time of staff members going back and forth about things that are clearly wrong. Thomas has been banned far to many times and has over a page of warns / bans that being said I don't see how having him on the staff team would do anyone any good. I also don't think he has the capacity to be unbiased as he has proved time and time again he will break any rules as a means to help his friend (Yuri) by job abusing or attempting to loop hole the rules. I have no hate towards this person in anyway shape or form however I am offering my genuine experience and interactions with said individual quite frankly I'm amazed he is not perm banned
The whole incident with (Yuri) was past a month ago and no longer interact with this individual, and the whole finding a loop hole with regards of the rules wasn’t my doings. Although the “PAC” incident was on my part.
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