[UK] Tim ‘Kraken’ Gong 3rd site advisor application

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Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0628383349​

Discord name: D1#3218
For how long have you played on CG SCP: vtime stuck at 1 week but by now definitely 3+ months
Age: 14
What country are you located in england
Time zone: BST
Character name(s): Tim kraken Gong
Civilian name: Tim gong
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): uk
Do you have a mic?:
- yes I do and have a spare just in case
Listw all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI-delcom, nu7 LCPL & 096 ex A-1 cpl , e-11 lcpl and o-1 lcpl and ethics assistant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- yes but I have turned a new leaf and I am very mature in serious rp situations like the ones a site advisor would have to take part in as well as being seen fit to be an ex-moderater and current TGM

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- because I know I am a good leader and that my contributions can be seen as beneficial for the efficient running of the site and my decisions will be seen as needed in tough rp situations. I know people will come to rely on my decisions during raids and scp breaches. If there is ever an issue people have with certain situations I will be able to help both sides of the party and I will take the views of both participants. I will be seen as a model person within the foundation and I know people will look up to me and can freely say that I am a great leader. I would like to be focussing on the gensec department preferably since d block is where many new people come and it is where I would like to set a great example for not only the d class but gensec as well.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- I have been with the server for what I feel like is a while and that I am integrated in the server well with all people and I know I am an approachable person that can and will talk to everyone as well as being able to take on criticism and I will learn from mistakes that will may or may not happen. I guarantee that people can present there problems to me and I know I will be able to deal with them whatever they may be. I know I will be in good standing with not only the o5 and ethics but with everyone even that of clearance level 1 personnel. Many people will be able to say that site advisor Tim Gong is an amazing leader and decision maker. In nu7 I have shown to be a great team leader as many people will vouch for and I have lead many 323 terminations as well as debriefs. I have shown many times to have loyalty and dedication to the foundation by following orders and always trying my very best to benefit it. Although I sometimes get over excited I have been working on it and acting more seriously in day to day life. I feel like I have a strong connection to many of the people in the foundation so many people can trust and talk to me whenever they need to. As well as having vast amounts of experience and have observed SA so I also know how to act around people and what decisions to make during breaches and raids.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- they help run the facility and make decisions that will affect many of the personnel as well as following the orders of the site director, the o5 and ethics. I guarantee I will be able to follow these duties to the fullest and I am capable of utilising any recourses necessary to fulfil them. I will always obey orders however if I see that they would be detrimental to the foundation and the personnel I would try and seek a better course of action instead of refusing to follow orders. My main priority will be to keep the facility in tip top shape and will do what ever it requires to stay that way. They must always follow the Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics to ensure that the foundation is working to the upmost efficiency. No matter the situation they must have a calm and levelled head to ensure that others can remain composed as well.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
The birth of Tim gong occurred.
He was a small boy with blue eyes and brown hair that grew up with a lot of interest in the supernatural and strange phenomenons. He was one of the smartest kids in his school acing every test put before him. His skills with dealing with situations were amazing. He had many friends and would spend most of his time studying the anomalous events of the world, like strange places of the planet like the Bermuda Triangle. He grew obsessed with these events and was considered by some to be borderline insane.
Tim gong just graduated his university with a many degrees but not many places to go. Until an organisation approached him with the opportunity of becoming a researcher to study the anomalous creatures. They put him through many interviews and sign and incredible amount of paper work. They had finally revealed themselves to be the SCP foundation. An organisation that’s sole purpose is to find, secure and contain these anomalies. He started off working with inanimate scps to get a better understanding of how the facility worked in which he did in only a few tests
fast forward another 5 years
Tim gong has been promoted to an executive researcher due to hard work and and following the code of ethics and conduct without fail as well as providing many great results for tests on many scps. He was almost leading the research department and was being observed from the shadows. After nearly a month of observation he was approached by men in suits and was told he was about to be given an amazing opportunity. They told him to sit down and to listen very carefully to what they said. he was told that he was a candidate for the position of site advisor due to incredible leadership skills and good decisions in tough situations. There were many interviews and paperwork to fill out but he was almost nearing the end of the decisions that will determine the biggest opportunity of his entire life. It took longer than expected and was told to come to the waiting area on floor 3. One last interview to determine what would happen. He passed. He was put on a trial period to see whether the decision was correct and it was. He was now a full member of site administration. He was a site advisor.

thanks to everyone that reads my application it is appreciated and any feedback or questions feel free to talk to me

Jimmy Wrecking

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 4, 2022
+ Support +
After speaking to Mr Kraken I believe he would be a good fit for Site Administration.

Has good knowledge on the CoE and CoC (O1 CPL)
Friendly and approachable.
Has a few warns, but has learnt from this in order to become a better member of the community.
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Well-known Member
Apr 25, 2022
-able to lead
-can make difficult choices
-lore is cringe


Well-known Member
Mar 24, 2022
Application Denied

Hello @Tim gong
Your application for the position of Site Advisor has been denied.
The council is in agreement that you are not ready to take on this new responsibility

You may re-apply in 1 week.

- O5-7 ' The Recusant '
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