[UK] Viktor Katona's IA Director application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:87962033
Discord name: Vollgas
For how long have you played on CG SCP: A month [6 Days and 18 hours of playtime]
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: Spain
Time zone: CEST / GMT +1
Character name(s): Viktor «Macbeth» Katona
Civilian name: Zandre van Jaarsveld
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF A-1 SPC & IA Ambassador
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
- None
Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?
- Currently, both Directors have taken positions of higher importance. I most sincerely believe myself to be capable of continuing the splendid work they've done with IA, and based on what I've been able to observe through the last weeks, a Director is required for the optimal functioning of the department. My intention is none other than to build upon what previous leaders have achieved and continue to make IA a professional, well-organized, and active department within the Foundation. Other than this, I simply consider IA to be my main priority, and thus, I'd like to have a position that would allow me to further help the department and the Foundation.
What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
- Activity: I am a rather active member of the community: ever since I joined SCP RP, I've played almost every single day. Also, I dedicate 75% to 80% of my time to IA Ambassador duties, and of course, I'm always willing to do more. If I was accepted as a Department Leader, I'd continue to do my best to be there for everyone who may require my presence.

- Experience: Out of all of the currently active (that enforce such role at least once a week) Ambassadors, I am the one that has had the position for the longest time. Other than that, I've been playing IA since the first week I set foot on the server, and I immediately fell in love with the department. IA has been what I've dedicated most of my effort, research, time, and learning, and thus I believe that's another reason why I could be a good candidate for the Director position.

- Professionalism, effort & work ethics: Ever since I joined IA, I have done my best to improve a little bit every time I go on duty; writing documents, learning more about the CoC, CoE, and Legal Codex (not only memorizing them but studying them and their implications) to the point where I almost know the number of every LC article from memory. In reality, I believe that always trying to improve, learn and build upon what you have already achieved daily is very important for ANY responsibility position in the Foundation, and I can proudly say I always try to give my best. Of course, I commit mistakes, but I always make sure to learn from them and improve so I never 'trip on the same stone' again.

- Leadership & training: To ensure the well-being of the department, I shall make sure that every member of it has adequate supervision, leadership, and training. Tasks shall be assigned every day, training and introductory seminars will take place frequently, and supervision will be constantly applied to all Agents and Operatives to ensure all of them work professionally. Of course, the same people in charge of supervising (Ambassador+) will as well be there to help them with everything they need.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
- The Director's duty is none other than to make sure Internal Affairs is functioning correctly and up to standards. This, of course, involves a lot of other smaller tasks, such as training agents, taking disciplinary action against rogue or unprofessional members of the department, actively observing the duty that's being performed by them, attending meetings with higher-ups to reassure the correct functioning and enforcing of the Legal Codex (and, of course, CoC & CoE), making sure the department is in the best standing possible ethically-wise, supervising and appointing ambassadors... All of this, in reality, is just all the little pieces that fit together into the puzzle of properly running IA and keeping it a healthy dpt. Within the Foundation.
Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Site 65 Internal Affairs:~$
$ ~ USERNAME: FoundationIA276532
$ ~ PASSWORD: *************

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Name - Viktor Katona, alias 'Macbeth'.
Birthplace - Kenderes, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Hungary.
Date of birth - ██ of May 1989.


Katona (left) being awarded the Hungarian Order of Merit by █████████ for his work on Operation ██████, 2018.

Born to a single mother after his father was executed by the Hungarian communist regime, Viktor Katona's career as a soldier began when he joined the Magyar Honvédség (Hungarian Defence Forces) as an officer after graduating from the Officer's Academy with outstanding performance and grades. It didn't take long for the Alkotmányvédelmi Hivatal (Constitution Protection Office), Hungary's main Intelligence Agency to show interest in him. Just a few years after joining the army, he was offered a position on said Agency, which he accepted. He was trained in counterintelligence and anti-corruption operations. His remarkable work managed to help him climb through the ranks rather quickly, earning him a commanding position in a relatively short period.

He reached peak performance when he conducted Operation ██████ in 2018, managing to uncover a corruption ring that involved several politicians, high-ranking public officials, army and police commanders, and even foreign diplomats. It was this Operation Of Dantesque proportions what earned him the Hungarian Order of Merit, and also what caused the Foundation to start showing interest in him.


Katona, on the field, commanding the last raid of Operation ██████, where Police Sergeant Miklós ██████████ and Mayor of █████, Gyula ███ were arrested for corruption and ████████.
Shortly after the mentioned Operation was finished, Katona was recruited by the Foundation due to his previous performance and abilities. Even though he was originally meant to be an Intelligence Agent due to his years in the Alkotmányvédelmi Hivatal, his expertise in anti-corruption operations made him a perfect candidate for IA. His previous experience allowed him to do a good job as an Agent, which eventually earned him the position of Ambassador. Now, willing to continue what previous Department Leaders have achieved and willing to build upon it to keep the IA the great department it is, he is trying to make his way toward Director.

Transcript IA.4.333-B

Roual Maot: Katona, have you checked the new documents on the corkboard?
Viktor Katona: I have, as a matter of fact. I can't believe ██████ broke the code of ethics in such a way and thought he'd get away with it...
Roual Maot: Yeah, good thing Agent █████ was in the area and managed to see it. That's the third arrest on this issue in a week...
Viktor Katona: Agreed. We need to continue working on it, the more we uncover, the fewer infractions will be committed.
Roual Maot: Certainly. By the way, how did the amnestication of ██████ go?..
Viktor Katona: Well it certainly [...]
End of Transcript
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Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022

Katona is a very active ambassador who puts his all into working in IA, he was a great mentor to me as an ambassador too, not only that he is passionate about teaching new agent and creating a professional enviroment for all.

+ Active
+ Friendly
+ Dedicated to his role
+ Amazing application ( I love the IA login info straight from the IA site I made!)
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Reactions: Vollgas


Well-known Member
Mar 24, 2022

+ Friendly
+ Helpful
+ Extremely Active
+ Good leadership skills

+ Mentor and a role model to IA
+ Great RP interactions
+ Professional
+ Dedicated to everything he does

Good luck!
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Reactions: Vollgas


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022


+ Great RP interactions
+ Great guy
+ Great work as ambassador

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Reactions: Vollgas


Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2021
Massive +Support
+ Valued member of A-1
+ Many high quality rp interactions
+ very friendly and approachable
+ Would suit the role well, has already earned it
+ always keeps situations professional
+ fair minded
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Reactions: Vollgas

Deleted member 55

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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Viktor Katona's application for a position as Director of Internal Affairs.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Director of Internal Affairs, the committee and the council are in agreeance that you are suited to be a director. Please contact me on Teamspeak once you're ready for your interview.

Once again, The Ethics Committee appreciates the time and effort you put into your application and congratulate you on your new position within the facility.

Signed and Approved

Director of the Ethics Committee.​
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Reactions: Vollgas
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