[UK] Vito's Internal Affairs Ambassador App

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Well-known Member
Jun 22, 2022
Steam ID https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199204684252/
Discord name: Soap#6680
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Almost a year
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Egypt
Time zone: EET, 1 hour ahead of the UK
Character name(s): Vito
Civilian name: Tacitus
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: YES
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: EX MTF NU-7 LCPL-EX CI ALPHA
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Received 2 warns when i started playing rp and i dont remmber why, and i remmber getting them removed on the forums

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador? I have plenty of reasons that makes me want to be an IA Ambassador, starting with, I have been playing as an IA Since i joined the server, that was even before the lobby elevator door was fixed and before the big updates came, and after a lot of time and experience with the role found myself a bit more professional then than the average IA Agent, and found that I can teach new IA agents a lot of usefull stuff that they can learn to become better and more professional, like not engaging in fights unless in danger, because they are not supposed to, its not really our job, a lot of new IA agents do not fully understand the role and sometimes misuse it, most of the time I want to help my fellow agents becoming better and not doing unprofessional things like just standing in the airlock without a disguise or taking a disguise in front of like 10 people who saw that, or having like 4 agents in the d block, and its always good to have order and stability in the site, like not having a chef running around with a radio in the airlock, and i sometimes get on and there is no ambassadors at all and there is just mess and young IA agents who do not even know anything about being an agent, and i just wish i could help them be better, but i dont really have the authority, i can give a advice or 2 but that's it, some people cant enjoy their time because of minges sometimes and i can help keep order if there is no admin available.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?: I have 900+ hours on gmod, I used to train people on other military type of servers and gained nco ranks and co ranks, i have the mentality to lead and teach, I have emotional stability I would never get mad at someone who needs help, I am always happy to help someone who is in need, like d class, and etc, I always make sure to fix the issue for the person who called for help if they requested me personally as an ambassador or if there is no agents, having order in the facility is a top priority, we cant have gen sec cadets on the surface for example, I can teach the agents who needs help understanding the role or the code of ethics and bring order to the facility, i usually would oversee the agents or oversee gensec if there is no agents available to make sure there is no abuse to the d class or there is no any false arrests and, also if there is no admin if there server i can still keep it in order, by having agents stationed in various areas and always keeping an eye out, it is good to watch everybody have fun without some 1 ruining their expierence by keep law and order in the facility for example, if a cadet shoots a d class for no reason to have some xp, he just ruined someone's day just for himself to have xp, same goes to other code of ethics breakers.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
i had like 4 on research and 1 as IA, a good document is a document that has to be well written, no grammatic mistakes, good choice of letter's as well as good rhymes with words, no too much stuff going into each other, that makes it look bad, it should be easy to read and have a flow to it, as well as the date and time and good thinking, no rushing

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
The main responsibilities of Internal Affairs Ambassadors are to oversee the Agents below them and to make sure there is order in the facility and the IA department, make sure agents is acting professional and everything is in order, teach agents a thing or two if they see them doing something wrong, since ambassadors is cl4, they can help with cl4 matters if some 1 requested them to do so or if they found some 1 on a restricted cl4 area or etc, an ambassador should always be professional with his way with talking to people, even cadets, there must be respect shown, even if they are cl4

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Name: Vito

Security Clearance: Level 4
Specialisation: Enforcing the code of Ethics and Law

Site of Operations: Site-65

(Profile) Ambassador Vito is operating in site 65, Usually working with agents, Vito makes sure the site is always in order and everything is going in harmony, the ambassador is known to usually have an eye on people in the site and specially the d block without them noticing, usually because he is upset humans are treated like test subjects and sometimes treated badly, unprofessional cadets,Gensec, and researchers, usually does not leave his Watchfull gaze.

History: Born in Cairo, Egypt, Vito used to get bullied at school while being a Peacefull human being, after he passed high school he was studying about human rights and thought about joining the police force for enforcing the law, but that was not really what's on his mind, he wanted to do both human rights and enforce the Law, but he tried applying in the police academy anyway and got denied, and tried joining the human rights protecting program and also got denied, one day he took a vacation to canada to cure his depression from the past events and settled in pinewood village, after sometime he get out of his home wondering and saw a big military base in a strange position, so ofc due to his curiosity he found the front gate open and just entered, 5 minutes later he found a group of black wearing military personell running then gun pointing him and taking him to an interrogation room, where he explained everything to them, after they knew what he was capable of they decided to make him an internal affairs agent, then he worked his way up from there.

Application Denied

Good day, Agent Vito

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application form, we truly appreciate your interest and effort. After discussing with the ambassador team, we concluded that you are currently not qualified for the position.

Ambassadors and I both agreed on you still have a lot to learn about Internal affairs we do appreciate your effortless work in the department I highly encourage you to play more when ambassadors and director are on site and ask ambassadors for guidance

If you want further information, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the ambassadors. Do not let this discourage you from reapplying in the future. You may re-apply in one week

P.S. Your documents on research are irrelevant in the Internal affairs department

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Mikhail Fergus and John Dear.
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