[UK] Wild Site Director Application

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Active member
Nov 21, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

Keenun Wild#3885

For how long have you played on CG SCP:

3 months now



In what country are you located?:

United Kingdom

Time zone:

UK / UTC +0

Character name(s):

Keenun 'Wild'

Civilian name:

Mike Willis

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:

Yes I Do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Overseer Assistant [Holding]
Ethics Assistant[
Licenced Internal Affairs [
Licenced Intelligence Agent[

SCP-096 whitelist[
E11 MTF[Held]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:


Why are you applying for Site Director?
As someone with a background in management and organization of site operations within The Foundation, as well as knowledge of ethical guidelines, I am applying for the Site Director position because I have the necessary skills, experience and qualifications to lead and manage the site effectively. I understand the importance of my role in the chain of command, and I am able to take orders from the 05 Council, and issue orders to all departments and Mobile Task Forces. I am also committed to ensuring that the site runs efficiently and safely, while meeting all project goals and objectives. I am able to receive regular reports from Directors and Commanders and address any issues that may arise, which demonstrates my ability to lead and manage the site effectively. Furthermore, I am passionate about the work of The Foundation and I am eager to take on new challenges and responsibilities that comes with being a Site Director. I believe that my background and experience make me a suitable candidate for the Site Director position and that I can contribute to the orderly functioning of all site operations and to the success of the Foundation's mission.

What makes you suitable for Site Director over Site Advisor?:
As an experienced and skilled individual with a background in intelligence, security, and leadership, I am well-suited for the role of Site Director. My extensive experience working in these fields, as well as my reputation for my ability to gather and analyse information, think critically, and solve problems, makes me an ideal candidate for this position. Additionally, my previous experience in leadership roles within the SCP Foundation, including as an Ethics Assistant and Overseer Assistant, has equipped me with the necessary skills and expertise to effectively lead and manage the site. I am also deeply committed to the mission of the Foundation and am dedicated to protecting humanity from anomalous threats. All these qualifications make me suitable for the role of Site Director over Site Advisor.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
As a Site Director within RP, my main responsibility would be to lead and manage the overall functioning of the site, ensuring that all departments are working together in a cohesive manner to achieve the goals of the Foundation. This includes assigning tasks to each department and reviewing their performance, as well as communicating with department leaders directly to get better results.

Another key responsibility would be dealing with any serious problems that may arise within the site and on the surface area, such as organizing MTFs to handle SCP breaches and CI raids, and working with both Ethics and O5 on matters related to serious Ethics/Conduct violations or Info leaks.

As a Site Director, I would also be responsible for training and mentoring new Site Advisors, making sure they understand their roles and how to perform them correctly. I would also be responsible for organizing and holding meetings with other Site Administration and Site Command teams to ensure effective communication and collaboration.

Furthermore, I would be a trusted leader and point of contact all foundation personal, addressing any concerns or problems that may arise, and continuously finding ways to improve the site for all foundation personal. Overall, my role would be to ensure the site is running efficiently, safely and effectively, while meeting all project goals and objectives of the Foundation.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Keenun Wild, a highly skilled individual with a background in intelligence and security, was approached by the SCP Foundation with an offer to join their ranks as a member of the Department of Internal Affairs. Despite being hesitant at first, Keenun ultimately decided to accept the offer and began working for the Foundation. In their new role, they quickly made a name for themselves as a valuable member of the team and were eventually promoted to a leadership position within the department.

After several years of dedicated service within the Department of Internal Affairs, Keenun's skills and leadership abilities were recognized and they were promoted to the position of Overseer Assistant. In this role, they are responsible for overseeing multiple departments and Mobile Task Forces, and for coordinating with other foundation personal to ensure the smooth operation of the Foundation. They are deeply committed to the mission of the Foundation and are dedicated to protecting humanity from anomalous threats.

As an experienced member of the Department of Internal Affairs, Keenun has a strong understanding of politics, leadership, and the ability to work long hours. They are known for their ability to gather and analyse information, as well as their ability to think critically and solve problems. They are highly respected by their colleagues and known for their ability to produce high-quality intelligence products and deliver results.

Keenun's experience as a leading figure within the Department of Internal Affairs has helped them develop into someone who is capable of leading multiple people, advising others, and taking care and leadership roles in any situation assigned to them. They are known throughout the facility as someone who is open to questions and willing to help in any matter, and their experience in overseeing multiple departments and MTFs has helped them become a valuable asset to the Site Administration team.


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 20, 2022
- Neutral
Hi Keenun, You have no Departmental leadership experience to warrant a jump from Junior CL4 to Site Director. I highly advise going for Advisor (aha pun intended).
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