Unban Request for SCP-UK

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Well-known Member
Aug 29, 2022
Dear SCP-UK Team,

I am writing to submit an unban request for my in-game name, Alex West. I was banned from the server for "Server Toxicity and Stacked Bans." I apologize for my actions and any disruption they may have caused to the community. I am sincerely sorry for my behavior and understand that it was inappropriate.

Here are the details of my ban:

  • My SteamID: STEAM_1:1:563280633
  • My Steam community link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199086826995/
  • Date of ban: I am unsure of the exact date, but it has been approximately 20 weeks.
  • The ban reason that appears when I try to connect: Server Toxicity and Stacked Bans
  • The staff member who banned me: \ \ \'Grayman \ \ \'
  • Duration of ban: I am unaware of the ban length.
I acknowledge that I violated the rules of the server, and I take full responsibility for my actions. I assure you that I have reflected on my behavior and have learned from this experience. To prevent similar incidents from happening again, I will adhere to the server rules strictly and treat all players with respect and courtesy.

Prior to this ban, I have received warnings, kicks, bans on the server. This ban serves as a wake-up call for me to evaluate my actions and improve as a player.

I believe I should be unbanned because I genuinely regret my behavior and want to contribute positively to the SCP-UK community. I understand the importance of maintaining a welcoming and respectful environment for all players. If given a second chance, I will make every effort to abide by the rules and ensure that I do not break any other rule in the future.

I sincerely apologize to the staff and players who were affected by my actions. I understand the impact that my behavior can have on others' experiences and will make every effort to be a responsible and considerate member of the SCP-UK community.

I kindly request you to review my case and reconsider my ban. I am eager to rejoin the server and demonstrate my commitment to following the rules and fostering a positive atmosphere.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope for a favorable resolution.

Yours sincerely,

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