Understanding how suggestions are reviewed

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Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Purpose of this thread

The purpose of this thread is to highlight and provide transparency how the SCP-RP Content team works, in order to reduce misunderstandings and complaints whilst also highlighting the reason for the ever-growing backlog of suggestions.

Content Team

The SCP Content team are a team of volunteer Staff Members made up of Senior Mods+ and Developers, who review and respond to suggestions made on the forums, test and monitor bug reports and finally monitor the health of the server for the continuation of a healthy RP environment.

Due to the popularity of the SCP-RP Servers, the Content Team has two meetings a week to discuss and go through suggestions, however as people can appreciate due to the ever growing daily backlog, we cannot expect our staff to spend a overwhelming amount of time in this meetings going through every suggestion posted.

During meetings the Content Team will pick out a determined number of suggestions to go through with the team to discuss the ins and outs of the viability of the suggestion and the impact it can have on the server and its health, once this has been gone through and debated between the team members, they then decide if the suggestion should be accepted or denied in line with the discussion had and the viability.

Types of suggestions and response times

Due to the ever-growing amount suggestions being posted almost daily, it has become apparent we have had to adapt the way the Content Team works in relation to suggestions, and below will outline the suggestion types.

Suggestion Type (By tag)
Who handles these
Response Time
Content SuggestionContent TeamVaries dependent on backlog however it is estimated around 1 - 2 Weeks~
Rule SuggestionSuper AdminsVaries around discussion times between the Super Admins to come to a concise and appropriate review of the suggestion, Estimated response time 1 - 2 Weeks~
Network Leadership RequiredNetwork LeadershipVaries on the level of complexity and discussion, generally brought up at weekly meeting, Estimated response time: 1 - 2 Weeks~

NOTE: During holiday / Exam seasons or due to availability of team members, these time scales are not to be taken as gospel and are fluid dependent on the availability of Staff.

When will my suggestion be implemented?

Unfortunately due to the development backlog, suggestion implementation isn't the main focus of the Content Team (With exception of edits that can be done by Senior Admin+) and as such can take a significant time due to the ever growing backlog we have, we have no current timeframe on when suggestions that require development will be added, as our Developers are volunteers and get to choose what tickets they wish to work on to fit with their expertise.

Furthermore suggestions made months ago and that are reviewed as impossible to do or no longer relevant, may be deleted by the Content Team leads, Super Admin Team, Network Leadership and the Lead Developers.

What to do if you disagree with the verdict?

If you feel a judgement is incorrect and have a valid rationale on why you believe a suggestion should be Accepted, please contact the Content Team Lead and first raise the complaint with them, if the verdict has been issued by a Super Admin, please contact a member of Network Leadership.

Please note: this does not mean you should bring every suggestion to us, just because you "feel" it should be accepted, unless there is an appropriate rationale, if no one is available to contact, please raise a Server Content complaint via the Complaints form

Kind Regards
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