Unfair ban by Gard, need help pls!

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New Member
Jun 29, 2024
So I was cuffed/dragged into a rp scenario with another dude to be tested on, and during the whole time we were doing nothing in a room for a solid 15 minutes. I complained obviously because I felt like I can spend my time doing something else. Time goes by and we finally make it to the testing room, but yet again we have to delay it because something is happening outside. I was completely done by then and wanted to go back to spawn, same with the other D class dude. By then we get dragged into a sit by some admin named Gard, he says that we weren't wanting to rp or anything, which is untrue, then preceded to give me and the other dude a 1 day ban. There was no means where I didn't want to rp, I just didn't want to wait out a roleplay scenario for ridiculously amount of time. I feel like this ban was not right to be given, by all means I can sit out a jail sit or something like it, but I feel like a 1 day ban is overkill. I just want to play the damn game man, I just don't want to wait out for so long to play a game.
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