Steam ID:
- STEAM_0:1:216385001
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- 2614 hours
- 17 (18 in less than 2 weeks)
In what country are you located?:
- United States
Time zone:
Character name(s):
- Foundation: Amenhe 'Oneirophobia' Pantera, 'Moxxie'
- CI: 'Knight', 'Tankian'
- UNGOC: Elias 'Goofy' Rivery
- Civilian name:
Daisuke Hideki, Joel Amenhe
What server are you applying for?:
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Chaos Insurgency Delta
- MTF E-11 SPC
- DEA Senior Agent
- Internal Affairs Investigator
- SCP-22415
- SCP-096
- MTF Nu-7 Maj
- UNGOC LT (2x)
- GSD Captain
- DEA Special Agent (3x)
- Medical Consultant
- Ethics Assistant
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have not received a warn, kick, or ban during my 2 1/2 years on the server
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- I want to continue my growth in GSD, having been a Sergeant since September.
- I want to help new members of the department learn and understand their role, as well as guiding them to be effective in their line of duty.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- I have been a part of many of the GSD subdivisions that have come and gone, such as A-6 and LCZRT, so I can easily change the way I play to best suit a situation.
- I have tons of experience in combative roles, and have a strong understanding of the rules Gensec need to follow.
- I have leadership experience, having been Nu-7 Major and a GSD captain in the past.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- Ensuring D-Block is operating and under control
- Ensuring that Gensec are following the Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics
- Punishing Gensec that act out of line
- Authorizing sweeps of D-Block when required/deemed necessary
- Teaching new Gensec how to do their jobs and answering questions directed at GSD
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- STEAM_0:1:216385001
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- 2614 hours

- 17 (18 in less than 2 weeks)
In what country are you located?:
- United States
Time zone:
Character name(s):
- Foundation: Amenhe 'Oneirophobia' Pantera, 'Moxxie'
- CI: 'Knight', 'Tankian'
- UNGOC: Elias 'Goofy' Rivery
- Civilian name:
Daisuke Hideki, Joel Amenhe
What server are you applying for?:
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Chaos Insurgency Delta
- MTF E-11 SPC
- DEA Senior Agent
- Internal Affairs Investigator
- SCP-22415
- SCP-096
- MTF Nu-7 Maj
- UNGOC LT (2x)
- GSD Captain
- DEA Special Agent (3x)
- Medical Consultant
- Ethics Assistant
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have not received a warn, kick, or ban during my 2 1/2 years on the server
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
- I want to continue my growth in GSD, having been a Sergeant since September.
- I want to help new members of the department learn and understand their role, as well as guiding them to be effective in their line of duty.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
- I have been a part of many of the GSD subdivisions that have come and gone, such as A-6 and LCZRT, so I can easily change the way I play to best suit a situation.
- I have tons of experience in combative roles, and have a strong understanding of the rules Gensec need to follow.
- I have leadership experience, having been Nu-7 Major and a GSD captain in the past.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- Ensuring D-Block is operating and under control
- Ensuring that Gensec are following the Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics
- Punishing Gensec that act out of line
- Authorizing sweeps of D-Block when required/deemed necessary
- Teaching new Gensec how to do their jobs and answering questions directed at GSD
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Amenhe Pantera was a member of the Italian Armed Forces (IAF), following in his fathers footsteps. He chose to join the Italian Air Force, climbing the ranks until he reached the rank of 'Sergente Maggiore Aiutante' (Chief Sergeant Major Adjuant). He fought in several battles during his time, most notably the battle of ████████ █████. After many years, he joined the 17º Stormo Incursori (17th Raiders Wing), where he was deployed to a remote area of ██████.
Amenhe would always be the look out for his squad, usually staying up late at night, making sure they weren't ambushed. This led to his squadmates giving him the nickname 'Onirofobia' ('Oneirophobia'), due to his seemingly "fear" of falling asleep while on guard. During his time at ██████, he was travelling through a dense forest with 3 squad mates, when they were suddenly attacked. Amenhe and his squad couldn't figure out where the enemy was, and were slowly picked off one by one until it was only Amenhe left. Despite being beaten and dazed, he managed to take the enemy down, discovering it wasn't anything human. After the fight, he called for rescue, and was taken to a military camp nearby.
During the action report, Amenhe explained what he saw, a strange, humanoid being with tough skin and inhuman proportions. He was sent to recover, being transferred out of the camp and to a hospital, where he could be given surgery for his injuries. After around a week, all of his surgeries were done, and he was recovering in the hospital, Amenhe was in his hospital room, one of the doctors entered the room, so Amenhe didn't give it any mind. However, the doctor injected Amenhe with a unknown chemical, making him pass out. When he awoke, he was in a dimly lit room, only a table in front of him. He tried to stand, only to see that his hand was handcuffed to the table, forcing him to remain seated.
After what seemed like forever, he saw a door open and a figure enter the room, sitting across the table from him. Before Amenhe could ask where he was, the man slid a file across the table, revealing a logo Amenhe had never seen before. The man across the table explained that what he managed to take down was something called a 'SCP', and that the Foundation was impressed with his actions. They offered him a job, one that paid more his current job in the IAF. Amenhe didn't want to just up and leave his current life, but having just witnessed his closest friends be killed by a monster, he decided that helping the Foundation deal with these creatures would bring justice to his deceased friends. He decided to accept the mans offer. Before Amenhe could say more, the room filled with a gas, and Amenhe fell unconscious
When Amenhe woke up again, he was in a blank room, laying on a bed. He sat up, noticing the pain he had felt before was gone. He looked down and saw that there were no scars on his body from the surgeries and the pain was gone. He stood up, reading a document that was on the desk beside the bed. It seems that the Foundation has chosen to put him in the General Security Department. He was later approached by a Captain, who informed him of his role, rank, and job. Amenhe quickly caught on, using his experiences from the IAF to quickly rise through the ranks of GSD.
After around a year of work, he rose to the rank of Officer, having been exposed to many traumatizing experiences, such as breaches, riots, and raids. Amenhe didn't react to the trauma like most normal people would have, which was noticed by the senior GSD leaders. After helping deal with a riot in D-Block, Amenhe was offered a tryout, which he passed with flying colours, getting promoted to Sergeant. Amenhe also joined a sub-division that was tasked with keeping LCZ safe, which saw more bloodshed and violence, which he almost died to a CI holding a hallway. After that encounter, Amenhe was left with a horrible scar across his face, which is hidden by the balaclava GSD are outfitted with.
Amenhe would always be the look out for his squad, usually staying up late at night, making sure they weren't ambushed. This led to his squadmates giving him the nickname 'Onirofobia' ('Oneirophobia'), due to his seemingly "fear" of falling asleep while on guard. During his time at ██████, he was travelling through a dense forest with 3 squad mates, when they were suddenly attacked. Amenhe and his squad couldn't figure out where the enemy was, and were slowly picked off one by one until it was only Amenhe left. Despite being beaten and dazed, he managed to take the enemy down, discovering it wasn't anything human. After the fight, he called for rescue, and was taken to a military camp nearby.
During the action report, Amenhe explained what he saw, a strange, humanoid being with tough skin and inhuman proportions. He was sent to recover, being transferred out of the camp and to a hospital, where he could be given surgery for his injuries. After around a week, all of his surgeries were done, and he was recovering in the hospital, Amenhe was in his hospital room, one of the doctors entered the room, so Amenhe didn't give it any mind. However, the doctor injected Amenhe with a unknown chemical, making him pass out. When he awoke, he was in a dimly lit room, only a table in front of him. He tried to stand, only to see that his hand was handcuffed to the table, forcing him to remain seated.
After what seemed like forever, he saw a door open and a figure enter the room, sitting across the table from him. Before Amenhe could ask where he was, the man slid a file across the table, revealing a logo Amenhe had never seen before. The man across the table explained that what he managed to take down was something called a 'SCP', and that the Foundation was impressed with his actions. They offered him a job, one that paid more his current job in the IAF. Amenhe didn't want to just up and leave his current life, but having just witnessed his closest friends be killed by a monster, he decided that helping the Foundation deal with these creatures would bring justice to his deceased friends. He decided to accept the mans offer. Before Amenhe could say more, the room filled with a gas, and Amenhe fell unconscious
When Amenhe woke up again, he was in a blank room, laying on a bed. He sat up, noticing the pain he had felt before was gone. He looked down and saw that there were no scars on his body from the surgeries and the pain was gone. He stood up, reading a document that was on the desk beside the bed. It seems that the Foundation has chosen to put him in the General Security Department. He was later approached by a Captain, who informed him of his role, rank, and job. Amenhe quickly caught on, using his experiences from the IAF to quickly rise through the ranks of GSD.
After around a year of work, he rose to the rank of Officer, having been exposed to many traumatizing experiences, such as breaches, riots, and raids. Amenhe didn't react to the trauma like most normal people would have, which was noticed by the senior GSD leaders. After helping deal with a riot in D-Block, Amenhe was offered a tryout, which he passed with flying colours, getting promoted to Sergeant. Amenhe also joined a sub-division that was tasked with keeping LCZ safe, which saw more bloodshed and violence, which he almost died to a CI holding a hallway. After that encounter, Amenhe was left with a horrible scar across his face, which is hidden by the balaclava GSD are outfitted with.
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