[US] Ballsington's Ambassador Application

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Ball Man

Well-known Member
Oct 14, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:102584739
Discord name: ThingTaker
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I first joined the server around 9 months ago, 3 days this past month
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: US
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Ballsington
Civilian name: LeBallsington IV
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: None
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I received 3 warns when I first joined the server, all of them were in September/October of 2023

1. My first warning was for "Naming Conventions", this is due to a difference in how the SCPRP staff and the MRP staff treat appropriate names. I originally joined the CN community from the MRP server, and they allowed the name "Ball Man" to be used, however, the SCPRP staff thought differently and made me change the name and gave me a warning since this is a more serious server

2. A warning for RDM, I can't remember the details,

3. A warning for FailRP, this one was from Parawatch, again I'm not sure about the specifics

While I do have 3 warnings, I have learned from all of them, and I've been clean since October of last year

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
I want to help out new agents on their IA journey, that's the main part of it. I realize that IA is stigmatized and I think a lot of what has to do with that is that some agents don't know what to do. I want to be a guiding beacon, a helpful hand that agents can grab onto that will guide them to being better. I also believe that the law applies to everyone, so I am ready to hold Junior lvl 4s accountable for their actions if I am required to. I am also excited to be in a position where I can encourage more positive RP to be done.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
I feel that the quality that makes me most suitable for the Ambassador position is my experience. As said previously, I hail from the MRP server, and in that server, I was commander of the division that included the military police regiment, which was the equivalent of IA. Focusing on the SCP server, I have been maining IA for quite a while now, and I feel like a lot of people have seen me on for multiple hours at a time several times. I know the ins and outs of the legal codex as well as the code of conduct and code of ethics. If I become an Ambassador, you are not getting a beginner by any margin. Some other important factors are my ability to be level-headed, my decision making skills, my openness to constructive criticism, as well as how I sentence people. I don't go for the max sentencing outright, I factor in their experience on the server as well as if I think the crime is severe or not. If a Trainee who joined 5 minutes ago lets a Class D who is waiting in the medical line out, I don't think he deserves max time.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
A couple, I'm not sure about the exact number, however, I plan to start writing more in the future. I believe that a good document in the context of Internal Affairs must be readable, concise, organized, informative, and not unnecessarily long. An IA report is meant to deliver a medium amount of information quickly and has to leave no questions unanswered. The worst thing a document can do is leave the reader wondering "What happened here?", this defeats the entire purpose of the document, especially considering what we write about. For example, if we arrest a DEA Senior Agent, we are required to alert their superiors. If no one is on, it is important to make a report so that the proper personnel can be informed. If that document is unclear, unreadable, or doesn't have enough information, it not only compromises your integrity as an IA member, it also compromises what will happen to the person you arrested.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
As a member of the Department of Internal Affairs, Ambassadors are required to enforce the legal codex, however, Ambassadors are given further responsibilities. Firstly, they have the responsibility to observe IA Agents and Operatives to ensure codex enforcement is up to par. They serve as mentors, people that agents can come to for questions. Ambassadors must also look out for rouge agents who misuse the powers that are given to them. An Ambassador must also, if needed, escalate matters regarding violations committed by Jr Cl4 members, as Agents do not have the power to make arrests on personnel above CL3. Ambassadors are equipped with a level 4 keycard and are trusted to know how to use it properly. Finally, Ambassadors are responsible for training and inducting new IA members into the branch.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Born into a town right on the border of the Canadian side of Niagra Falls, Ballsington grew up loving nature and everything to do with it. Every day he would spend hours enjoying the nature around him. To him, nature was the ultimate escape, infinitely beautiful with an infinite amount of things to discover. Unfortunately for Ballsington, this didn't seem to last, as his town became the victim of an influx of tourists. Ballsington was forced to watch how all of the shops he used to go to as a child were replaced with souvenir stores and tourist traps. He was forced to watch what once was a quiet town be crowded with SUV upon SUV of tourists, not to mention the busses that parked right in front of his house, blocking his view of the falls. What was most disheartening, was watching and being helpless as the tourists destroyed the nature around them, how their garbage turned the water a different color, and how their footsteps destroyed the once plentiful fields of grass. Ballsington simply could not cope with this and decided to join the Canadian Army. Basic training was boring enough, but what defined his career was when he saw a soldier running away from the military police. The running man was ordinary, but he just so happened to look like the mayor of his town who was encouraging tourists to come in hoards. Almost without any thought to it, Ballsington stuck his leg out, causing the man to fall and land on his face. As he was being dragged away in cuffs, Ballsington realized that this was his destiny, to maintain order. He joined the military police and quickly became one of the top officers in the base. One day, he got an email about a technical expert who went AWOL from another Canadian base (which unbeknownst to him was Site-65). 12 hours after he got that email, Ballsington had the man shackled to the floor of the interrogation room, awaiting an escort back to Site-65. One of the site officials was impressed with how quickly the matter was handled, and gave Ballsington an offer he couldn't refuse. Ballsington was given the opportunity he couldn't refuse. An opportunity to do what he loved in a place that held nature's deepest secrets. An opportunity to join the SCP Foundation.
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SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Mar 17, 2024
Application Denied

@Ball Man

Thank you for applying to the position of Internal Affairs Ambassador. After careful consideration, we have decided to DENIE your application. If you wish to discuss this matter please get in contact with a Director of IA

Thank you.
Raixin, Director of Internal Affairs
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