[US] Bill Lloyd's Executive Researcher Application

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Active member
Dec 29, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
1 Week, 2 Days, 4 Hours, 30 Minutes


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Bill Lloyd (F), Ralph Stanley (Civ), Steven Kline (CI)

Civilian name:
Ralph Stanley

What server are you applying for?

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-FearRP (I was attempting to get killed as CGITV so NU-7 did not have to waste a Class-A and had a gun on me)
-Toxicity (I admit I was cranky in the morning and said some mean things I regret and haven't since)

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
-I want to help further teach and assist the research team in their endeavors. Along with assisting them I also want to shadow and teach any unsure researcher when in regards to the code of conduct with any testing that they might be unsure or have any issues with.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
-I pretty much only play researcher, I love making documents and exploring the RP heavy side of things. I've been attempting to the best of my ability to further the ongoing chemistry knowledge and explore new compounds that rise up (Such as with Pestilence)

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
-3, I make sure I am as thorough and focus on the finer details such as behavioral methods SCPs may show during tests and make meticulous interview logs, detailing everything from attitude to tone of voice in their transcript. Make sure it has something to set it apart, each generic test doesn't work with every SCP, you can't test 049 with the history of the catholic church or modern day chemical quizes, tailor your tests to best fit the SCP in an RP matter.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
-To be a standard of professionalism for your other researchers, someone they can look towards as a baseline standard to base their actions off of. Mentoring the research team and assisting them in any way you can, whether that be with a test, document writing, code of conduct or to give some creative thought when they might be suffering from any blockage themselves.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Bill Lloyd was always interested in the unusual or strange, culminating in his early study of cryptids such as Bigfoot, Mothman, and the Jersey Devil in high school. Whenever there was a free moment he would take the opportunity to research these folklore online on any forum of article he could get his hands on. He had written numerous articles in his school newspaper regarding these oddities of American folklore, seeking out any commonalities that he might have been able to find, such as the reports of Skunkapes and Bigfoot sightings and their geographical location or the appearance of the Flatwoods Monster of West Virginia arriving at a similar time as the Roswell incidents that echoed in his mind. Bill eventually evolved his interest once in his senior year of high school into the study of history, but this was just another opportunity to follow his passion of the cryptids he has obsessed with. His freetime evolved from studying and writing forum posts about Bigfoot and Wendigos to researching major events and their connections to the unnatural such as Napoleon's possession of the Lance of Longius, or the occult obsessions that the third reich had been so invested in during the late stages of World War Two in an attempt to gain any advantage they could. Just the idea of these major historical figures gaining some inhuman advantage with great artifacts grew in his mind as more than just coincidences, the connections he had made were too great.

Once graduating high school, Bill Lloyd had gone to university to major in his newfound passion and take it more professionally so he attended University of New Mexico and majored in history. Many of his class days were filled with daydreams of the same connections he had made back in high school, learning more and more about artifacts that throughout history had been looked over as trophies, but in Bill's mind had been more than just that, they had to have been sought out for more than a mantlepiece. His proximity to Roswell in New Mexico did allow for some sampling in his daydreams on his days off, sometimes driving hours back and forth from events and lectures about the incident, however all he could think about when attending these events he would still echo one thought in his mind "What is the correlation?" Nevertheless, his surroundings did influence his decision to continue down his path of study, reviving any lost interest he may have had through the years.

Bill did finally achieve his masters degree in history a few years later, by that point his surroundings in New Mexico influenced his daydreams of the unexplained into an almost full blown obsession. One day Bill went out into the desert of Roswell, maybe for a walk but he knew in his head he felt more at home with these unusual areas than he did back at his apartment. While on the walk he noticed at first a few odd things take place, at first it was pebbles tumbling down the face of a rock wall in the desert without anything disturbing them. As Bill hiked on the irregularities grew, what were just pebbles falling for no reason soon became full sized rocks, as he hiked onward the size and frequency grew until less than a mile into the hike it seemed like a landslide was imminent. As Bill ran forward on the trail to avoid the rocks falling behind him the speed grew, eventually he could look to his side mid sprint and watch as boulders started to fall towards his position. Bill ran faster and faster, the sound of the crushing rocks was deafening at this point, it was like the earth around him was about to start collapsing in on itself, with every step he took, the louder it became. He ran for what seemed like forever but in reality was only close to a minute when he finally tripped on the trail, he covered his eyes with his hands, too afraid to witness his own death at the crushing weight of the rocks above. Bill waited, and waited, and waited, no death came, he opened his eyes and looked around, all of the rocks were seemingly frozen in time, at first he thought he might actually be dead and this was his mind trying to make sense of it in the final moments. He gasped a breath of dust filled air and looked around, the path he had came from was covered with the landslide, no matter how long Bill looked at his situation his mind raced faster than his heart trying to rationalize this. After a few moments to catch his breath he stood up, his legs were shaking from a mixture of true fear and the exhaustion he just endured from his flee for his life. It was true, the rocks were frozen in place, neither falling to the ground or continuing on their trajectory straight towards him. Bill had taken a step backwards on the trail, trying to get a better look at the rocks closest to impacting behind him, as he did the rocks seemed to retreat back a few inches. He stepped backwards in shock and the rocks reverted back even further, he took a moment to take this in, taking mental notes at the oddity, wishing he had brought some sort of camera to record all of this. Bill continued back down the trail he had arrived on, watching the rocks that had once been so close to killing him revert back to position with each step until finally he arrived at the bottom of the trail. He had a gut feeling something was not right, "Am I going crazy?" , "Did that even happen?" , "How can I even tell anyone without being locked in a looney house?" he thought to himself over and over again, he had finally found a first-hand experience of what he always daydreamed about but couldn't tell a soul without people thinking he had lost it. His thoughts were soon interrupted by the sounds of wind impacting off of the rock walls, it was almost like a sequence, he listened for a few moments, the sound getting louder and louder, he started the feel the thumping of the wind against his own chest. Soon enough the sound became clear, a singular, blacked out CH-47 Chinook appeared in the horizon, flying towards his location barely 10 meters of the ground.

Past that exact moment Bill doesn't seem to recall much, his vision was blurry from that point forward but he does remember the grueling interview, the darked out room, the one way mirror that displayed his shocked face to himself, and the neatly dressed agent asking him what he had remembered, what happened, and how it happened. The differences between the blazing sun and the mildew scented room were burned into his senses, however after hours of questioning the agent moved onto his personal life. The agent began asking questions about his studies, about my interested, hell he even printed out an entire folder of his forum posts back from high school, but they weren't everything, he didn't include any posts asking about videogames or local restaurants Bill had made. Every single page printed out that the agent went through related to the unexplained theories that Bill had posted all the way back from when he was a teenager to now. Eventually one phrase struck Bill's ears "Why are you so interested in these stupid things?" Bill felt insulted and responded back "Stupid things? All throughout history the greatest names in history have wielded that same artifacts, the similarities between all of the things in that folder are too much to ignore, let alone call 'stupid'!" Bill thought he had fucked up, that he just said more than he was supposed to in order to stay alive, but that thought was quickly quelled when the agent's face turned from a stern expression to one of content. "How about a proposal?" he said, and from that point forward Bill was employed with the Foundation, taking every opportunity to explore and help explain the 'unexplained'. His studies of history at the University of New Mexico had come into extreme help when he learned of SCP-049, 035, and 7722, multiple times having friendly conversations with the individual SCPs in regards to their legacy. SCP-7722 peaked Bill's curiosity multiple times, finally getting a chance to explore Bill's obscure study of the Volgate Bible and 7722's affinity of the Latin Bible. Bill would spend most of his freetime conducting interviews with the three SCPs, learning about their history and connecting any corelating events he had noticed between the group. Many of these interviews were kept not only as experiment logs but also as something audio logs for Bill to listen to during his downtime, attempting to still feed that childhood curiosity of the unexplained.
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Active member
Oct 26, 2022
Incoming Message: Directorate of Site-56 Research​




Greetings, Bill!

I would first like to thank you for expressing interest into, and taking the time to apply for the position of Executive Researcher within the Site-56 Research Department. This effort is much appreciated.

Upon review, your application has been denied.

At the time, the Executive Researcher team's roster is full; and unfortunately, additions to the team cannot currently be made.

I apologize for any inconvenience as a result of this verdict.

For questions, please contact myself over email. (asomeJFK#7561)​

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