[US] Billy BigWheels Ambassador Application

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New Member
Jun 25, 2023
Steam ID: Billy BigWheels
Discord name: No B#7785
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 Months
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Central Standard
Character name(s): Billy BigWheels
Civilian name: Barry BigWheels
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- None

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 week rdm x4 (was a misunderstanding hence 1 week for x4)

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
- I very much enjoy the responsibilities of Internal Affairs, it leads to some of the most fun RP moments I've had on RP Games in general. I feel like I would enjoy helping new agents learn their responsibilities and take my own responsibilities to another level.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
- I have a knack for hearing and investigating both sides of a story, but being stern and trusting my instincts on situations as well. Especially with IA there's a fine line of when to know when harsher or lighter punishments are suitable in pertinence to the person arrested, crimes committed, and cooperation in said matter. I feel one of my greatest strengths as an Agent thus far is having the patience to give appropriate punishments that will prevent further mishaps, and never letting personal feelings get involved. Also I am familiar with the hierarchy of Ambassadors and have no problem playing my role. I am active, but not the most and will always value fun and player experience (everyone involved) over advancement in the ranks for myself.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
- Quite a few arrest reports, a few HCZ documents, and quite a few research documents when I had the patience for that. What makes a good document is a detailed account of what is being documented in both a vivid, yet succinct way. Documents should be descriptive but to the point, unless extreme detail is called for.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
- Agent training, test administration, agent oversight, handling IA complaints, enforcement of legal codex on CL4, Investigation, approving and giving out credit to agents, standard middle management responsibilities such as personality management and figuring out how to best utilize our team of agents, standard CL4 responsibilities (blast doors, electrical center)
Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Billy BigWheels is a man who's spirit relies on his resilience and determination to carve his own path in life. Having grown up in Rockford, Illinois, son of Gerald BigWheels, Billy knew a modest lifestyle. His father was a new and used car salesman, who owned his own lot, known for his catchy tv ad slogan, "BIG MAN BIG WHEEEELLLLLLLSSSS" in a santa-esque jovial belt that really caught on with 3-8th graders who thought they were comedy actors. Billy and Gerald were close, and Gerald always desired Billy to one day take over the "BigWheels Emporium". As did Billy but with years of maturing and jokes from kids, the desire waned and became guilt as he had a much grander desire. Billy dreamed of being able to work with animals, anything from big and dangerous to small and cuddly.

One summer night, on Billy's 22nd birthday, he was home visiting his father from college, BIlly was attaining his degree in business to help advance the emporium, when he noticed how strange his family was acting. His father, mother, and 5 year old sister were essentially themselves, but a bit of themselves, almost unexplainable or unquantifiable at the time was missing. Emotion was low, and they seemed to care but not feel. Billy was growing frustrated with the unease, consequentially becoming paranoid. He himself was beginning to not feel right, or like himself. After a night of trying to get his family angry out of frustration with no success he went the shop to work on his new car that had oddly broken down with no clear indication of what caused it. Alone at the shop, gloved up as well as donning an apron to protect from oil, he felt a call. Something that drew him to the yard where scrapped cars lay. Almost at the same time in earshot was several helicopters and sirens, an announcement on the local radio, "Please evacuate, Military threat in city" over and over again. The call was unavoidable and caused a slow walk to the yard. Billy knew this was what he was searching for the entire time and the cause of such abnormalities in his life. As he was walking to the car what seemed to be military personnel swarmed the yard and were shooting at Billy. Never a moment of panic was felt in between the moment of the initial call and the apex of duress during this event was felt by Billy. What seemed to be impossible, bullets would simply miss and never harm Billy. Explosions would detonate everywhere around him but not harm him or the car that had attained his focus. When Billy reached the 68 Chevy Impala in question, he touched a door handle and was transported to a place where it was himself, the car was touching, and everyone who ever loved him around him smiling with an unspoken support in an a meadow, which's beauty would be insulted by an attempt at description. Billy entered the car and turned the keys in the ignition, finding himself driving through space. Next to him was a man in a blue military suit with a logo that said "SCP" who told Billy, "Don't fear, your place is held" who disappeared as quickly as Billy's entire vision went black.

Billy woke up and was wearing a suit, tie, holding a gun and arresting a cadet for opening the D-block doors without proper protocols in place. There was a moment where Billy knew this is when he woke up, but still had memories of being a lifelong agent. As if he had grown up went to college and joined the foundation and said goodbye to his parents. Billy still has a feud with his father thinking that his father was unapproving of his new career path, as he thought Billy was part of the military and going to fight in the war.
I have spoken with Billy about many things in-character and ooc. He is very competent, possesses a lot of interest in the DIA and would be a great asset to the ambassador team. Additionally, Billy had put together a great application for the position of ambassador which shows that Billy has a good work ethic. I feel that Billy can be slightly more active but nonetheless he is a great applicant.

Harold Hawks

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Group Moderator
Mar 12, 2023


Application Denied

Hello Agent Billy,

Your application was fantastic however outside factors lead to your denial and we do not believe you are fit to be an ambassador at this time. Please contact me for further details if you are curious as to why your application was denied, you may reapply in 7 days.

-H.H. ?
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