[US] Boris Smith's Chief of Medicine Application

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Jul 20, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42337913

Discord name: SantaIsReal#1664

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I started playing about the 28th of June, so 38 days roughly.

Age: 18

In what country are you located?: Australia

Time zone: Australian Central Standard Time

Character name(s): Boris Smith

Civilian name: Mr New Vegas

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF E-11 PVT previously, but I left the role to instead focus on being a doctor

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Chief of Medicine?
I've really enjoyed being apart of the medical staff, I think its an enjoyable environment that offers a significant amount of freedom to those that play it to be able to do what they want. Whether that be to go into D-Block and heal wounded D-Class and GENSEC or go elsewhere on site and make sure that everyone is healthy. But I've also found a significant amount of enjoyment in the more RP focused aspects such as medical check ups, mental health check ups or psych evaluations. These things are a great experience to me as it allows others to take a break from shooting and actually focus on their own characters and develop them more thoroughly and think about their approaches to roleplay. As a Chief of Medicine I would hope to be able to encourage these things and further flesh them out and potentially introduce new systems that really encourage a more heavy roleplay focus that isn't strictly combat as for a majority of players these aspects not usually experienced. I also find that I enjoy being in leadership positions as it enables me to have a positive influence and support others better.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Medicine?:
I'm a very approachable person who is willing and happy to engage with a wide variety of people. I believe this to be a good trait for a Chief of Medicine as you're going to have trainees who are not fully confident in themselves or may not have a clear direction and being in that position of authority you can give them guidance to set them onto a good path so that they can best enjoy their time as a doctor. But I can also be firm and strict in situations where there are people who are not engaging with their tools properly, misbehaving and not representing the medical department in a proper light. Similarly, ensuring that when there is a role for Medical Staff to play in a scenario that they are properly represented and able to fulfil their function as expected.

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
Very frequently as a Doctor you will have patients come in with fractured limbs which require calcium targeted to a specific limb to heal the injury so that they can return to proper form. When a patient comes with a fractured limb they are to be taken to the medical centre and then placed on one of the scanning beds. Once this has been completed the display above will then indicate which limbs have been fractured. If for instance the left arm is broken the following will be required to produce the drug required to heal the fracture. An empty beaker, an empty drug pot and a test tube with calcium for the left arm. These items can all be sourced from the medical cabinet through !medic while nearby. The test tube is to be placed inside of the beaker and then that beaker is to be emptied into the drug pot. This will then produce the necessary drug to heal the fractured limb so that they may return to their duties. Instead of making the drug, the drug may be purchased, but the cost is not worth when comparing to the time required to make the drug yourself. Following this you make sure that the patient has indeed had their fractured limbs healed and you may send them off if they confirm.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Medicine in RP?:
A Chief of Medicine's responsibilities are to provide guidance and training to new medical trainees. Should they be confused as to what they should do or what they need to learn, you may personally teach them or direct them to the relevant bulletin board that provides comprehensive information regarding their duties, how to perform certain procedures etc. Once a medical trainee has gained a sufficient amount of experience they are qualified to undergo an exam to receive their medical license and become fully fledged doctors. Additionally, a Chief of Medicine should be continually engaging with site doctors, informing them of new changes or expectations of medical staff so that they remain informed as to their duties and can fulfil those duties. Additionally, meeting with medical staff to personally check on their own wellbeing within a highly stressful environment. You may also inquire as to their current opinions of the medical department or ideas they have to further the medical department. Providing encouragement and positive reinforcement to those that show exemplary performance and drive so that they know their efforts are being appreciated. A Chief of Medicine will also be engaging with other departments on the Site to formally represent the medical department. This could be meeting with ethics to discuss new ethical guidelines and the expectations regarding the medical department. Advocating for the medical department to ensure they are able to best perform their duties.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Boris Smith was a promising young doctor in general practice driven and hopeful that he could have a positive influence on others around him with a genuine care for those around him. After 6 years of practise Boris Smith was approached by Foundation recruiters with a proposition to join the medical department of Site-65 with the option to deny this proposition with amnestic being given to forget the encounter. But what peaked Boris Smith's interest was the existence of SCPs contained by the Foundation and the potential medicinal applications they could have for the betterment of society and his own medical practice. Boris Smith accepted the offer by Foundation personnel and was promptly transferred to Site-65. While in Site-65 Boris Smith has been a strong advocate for ensuring an acceptable level of treatment for D-Class Personnel. With a belief that despite their crimes they are still of value and providing care for D-Class and deescalating potentially hostile scenarios. While at the Foundation Boris Smith learnt that despite some SCPs having incredible medical applications such as SCP-500. That the primary function must remain Secure. Contain. Protect. As revealing to the wider society the existence of these anomalies could have disastrous effects. Though Boris Smith still holds to the belief that medical practice may be elevated through studying these SCPs. Over time Boris Smith was able to prove himself as a valuable asset through strong leadership and commitment to the medical department. Eventually being offered a position as a Chief of Medicine, which Boris Smith believes will be invaluable in his goal of vastly improving the quality of medical practice at Site-65.


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2022
Application denied
Hey Boris
Thank you for your interest in the medical department, but unfortunately at this time all the slots are taken up. You may reapply when a spot opens.

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