[US] Dallas' Ethics Committee Application

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Well-known Member
Apr 5, 2022
Dallas' Application

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:454552253
Discord name: Dallas#0608
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Half a year on the server.
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: PST
Character name(s): Dr. Halsey, Dr. Norman Osborn, DaeDae, Eric Wright, and Dallas
Civilian name: Dallas
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP:RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: CI Operative, I guess IA counting the job thing.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: A while ago I got warned for toxicity, it was false but my complaint was denied because my medal wasnt working.
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?: I believe I can be a great ethics committee assistant because I was already ethics committee assistant before and I learned from my mistakes and after 6 months I am ready to rejoin the ECom Assistants regime. I know the site codes and code of conduct and I dont power trip and I am active so I can approve / decline anything that needs approval. I have a unbias nature and I am in IA so I already have a ton of experience in this arena plus my ex experience as a ECom. I am here for a while I believe I can rejoin this branch. I have great history with the laws and I have IRL experience as human resources. I have been suggested to rejoin this department so here I am again.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?: Its quite simple, really in the name, Its the assistants to the Ethics Committee, Sort of like a stepping stone to the next big awakening or rank.

They are active when the Ethics Committee are active and if I am granted this position I will always stay in close range of the Ethics Committee and learn off what they do as a branch.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in: The character I have developed in the game is "Dallas Pressley" a ex researcher in the foundation who has seeked higher knowledge of the foundation and more responsibility within the confinements of the Ethics Committee, To show leadership and lead people to the right direction, With determination and gratitude.​
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The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: "Dallas'" Ethics Committee Assistant Application.

Thank you for showing your interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant and we have decided you are not yet fit for the position. Your application is a bit barebones and could use more work and overall you could use more CL 4 experience. You may reapply in 2 weeks.
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