[US] Garrick's [AXO-IV] Captain application.

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Nov 30, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80524518
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 336.55
Age: 22
In what country are you located?: Ireland
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): Garrick "Grizzly" W. [AXO-IV]
Civilian name: Garrick Winters
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: None.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None.
Why are you applying for Security Captain?:
My first reason for applying for Captain is due to the amount of inactive Captains I have seen over the past week of playtime.
My second reason for applying for Captain is to attempt to fix the on going issue of GENSEC struggling to have Captains on at lower population due to my different timezone I am on much earlier than most of the NA Captains.
My third reason for applying for Captain is because I believe I could provide an environment where newer players to GENSEC could grow and be respected by MTF regiments and help them achieve the knowledge to either reach higher ranks among GENSEC or be respectful and know the ropes well enough to progress towards something they want.
My fourth reason is I believe GENSEC is most often overlooked and feel neglected due to being at there posts but rarely being rewarded due to not escorting which in turn makes it feel overall more of a chore than rewarding.
My fifth reason is I can adequately perform the role with my knowledge and experience of the department.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: I personally believe I am very well suited in becoming a Captain due to my overall understanding and experience with the CoE & CoC, I am also a very respectful person who would be an amazing role model for any new GENSEC and I am very approachable and respectful if they would have any questions.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: The four main responsibilities of being a Security Captain are.
1- To provide an environment where GENSEC are actively learning the ropes and knowledge that will better them as an officer.
2-To be proactive in D-Block, by Over watching D-Block and the Guards who are on duty at all times & Overall making informed rational decisions
[i.e Sweeps etc.]
3-Maintaining an overall professional and respectful environment in D-Block at all times.
4- Responsible for providing RRT and HWL training.
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in: A young man by the name of Garrick J. Winters was contracted into a PMC by his Father who was an ex-PMC himself and wanted his son to continue in his footsteps.
One day Garrick and his unit would be sent on what they thought would be a simple snatch & grab like the brief would explain, but they were all horribly mistaken what they were not informed about was that the target they where after wasn't what it seemed like, little did they know the target was an unknown SCP entity that would summon ungodly "Entities" in masses during the mission the man holding the target was killed but, during the same time as the target was killed the capsule containing the unknown SCP would break leaking out some type of disgusting black ooze that would spread like Wildfire causing a mass amount of "Entities" to spawn which in tale caused Garricks entire unit to be overwhelmed but, during this time some mysterious PMC looking crew would appear from a Black hawk behind them, These mysterious men would start assisting Garrick's unit and saving there lives after the entity was for the time being contained another Black hawk would appear and Garrick's unit would be told to board or be terminated and after hearing that Garrick's unit would willingly get on the Blackhawk which would lead them to a Facility deep within a mountain range, once they landed they where blindfolded and escorted to the facility entrance and through some hallways then Garrick was seated and the blindfold was removed and in front of him would be an older looking gentleman who had seen his time on the front lines long ago, This man would talk slowly and respectfully during this time Garrick was informed about the Foundation and therefore after two options were given by this gentleman "Either serve the foundation till your days are over or be forced to forget anything that has happened and continue to live a life of ignorance".
And this was the day Garrick would become apart of the GSD of the Foundation.
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Robin Trinket

Active member
Oct 13, 2022

Hello there,
This is Dpt. Chief Robin Trinket and I want to thank you for applying for this position.

I am glad to inform you after your application has been Accepted. Please get into contact with me for more information on what to do next.

From the desk of Dpt. Mijur Decmuski and Dpt. Robin 'Iron' Trinket
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