[US] Gian 'Carlo' (Polo Salad) Site Advisor Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:125852918
Discord name: Blox#5815
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 5 months
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: United Arab Emirates
Time zone: GMT+3
Character name(s): Gian 'Carlo' (previous Polo Salad)
Civilian name: Axe Jack
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Current: Internal Affairs Ambassador and CI Alpha
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I've received 18 warnings in the past and they were all from a long time ago.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

I'd like to be in a leadership position with more accessibilities or permission to be able to lead or assist the facility if things do go wrong, and from what I'm seeing as well, I rarely do see any Site Advisors on-site so I'd be more than happy to be able to take the position. I also I know I am very well-suited for this position due to my experience in the server and holding a CL4+ position for more than a month. I'm confident I'll be able to do well as Site Advisor & do what I need to do.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

I've been in the facility for a very long time and I've held about 2 CL4 jobs in the past. I know how most things work & run in the facility and I know I am able to assist others with tasks if need be. I may not be the best but I always try my hardest and I think that I would make a good fit to become a part of the Site Administration team. I've enjoyed my time in the facility a lot especially since I previously mained holding the Security Department and later on became the Captain and then promoted to Department Chief. I've resigned from those 2 positions as I've had my fun with the Security Department & I do hope it improves a lot one day. As of right now, I am an Ambassador for the Department of Internal Affairs and it is my duty to ensure both the facility and my Agents and following the CoE and CoC. I want to step it up a bit & take on more responsibilities for other things as I know I am able to handle them.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

The main responsibility of Site Administration in RP is to ensure the facility is running smoothly & all personnel are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Specifically, any orders to be given from Site Command are to be done swiftly as Site Command trusts Site Administration with highly classified, dangerous tasks & Site Admins are capable of doing it. Moreover, Site Advisors can also assign duties to other Mobile Task Force units & make sure they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. (Specifically Nu-7 & Epsilon-11). This means assigning them duties to ensure they are not doing nothing & also checking upon them for any latest feedback or reports. Site Advisors are also to look over other CL4 personnel & assist them if they do need help with something.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Gian 'Carlo', born in Greece in 1984 had a rough childhood growing up and everyone used to bully him. Gian 'Carlo' did not mind that at all & he used common sense and did not fight with stupid people or be involved with them. Polo Salad then decided to join the military at the age of 16 becoming a recruit and later on started climbing the ranks and becoming a Sergeant at the age of 21. Gian 'Carlo' has seen many incidents happen in his life so far but during the last war he went to, he saw a suspicious "lizard-like" creature running around while being gunned down by loads of men. This turns out it was SCP-682 has broken containment and Mobile Task Force units apprehended any nearby civilians & decided to amnesticate them. Gian 'Carlo' was brought to a special member to speak to as one of the supervisors sparked at Gian 'Carlo' & his skills and decided to recruit him to join his Department. Polo Salad later on agreed and he became one of the Internal Affairs Agents in Site-65 and was later on interviewed to take a more senior position to be able to assist his crew. After staying at the facility for a while, Site Command, specifically [REDACTED] ordered Gian 'Carlo' to [DATA EXPUNGED] [CL5 REQUIRED]
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 27, 2022
Mega + Support.
Shame it's for the US server but Gian was an amazing Dpt Chief of Security at the UK Server and he is 100% qualified to possess this role.
+Great guy
+Super mature
+Would make an amazing addition to Site Admin


Active member
May 6, 2022
I don't doubt your experience on the UK site but I have barely if any time seen you on the US site. I feel as though if you were going to apply for the US site SA to make more of a presentence here. There is nothing against you just simply I would like to see you more on the US site if you truly are going to apply for SA.
I don't doubt your experience on the UK site but I have barely if any time seen you on the US site. I feel as though if you were going to apply for the US site SA to make more of a presentence here. There is nothing against you just simply I would like to see you more on the US site if you truly are going to apply for SA.
Hey there, thanks for replying!

I do understand your concern about the inactivity part and I can say the same thing to you. I'm most active when it's around 10 pm until 2-3 AM and in that time, I rarely ever see Site Advisors on-site which is why I decided to apply so there is at least there is someone on-site and ready to help out the foundation.

Appreciate your reply though, hopefully, this fixes it. :)
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Active member
Mar 18, 2022
Both Site Advisors have been on LOA for an extended period of time, there has just been bad timing with finals week and other OOC issues. This isn't a representation of their typical activity, as my advisors are quite active on site on normal occasions.

I trust you have experience in the server, but little-to-no site administration, O5, or Ethics have really seen your work, as we are on at different times of the day.

I leave no stance on this application, neutral. I'm awaiting further responses before putting my views.
+ Support.
+ Very mature
+ Has experience
+ Good application
love the guy , He has extensive experience and takes "RP" seriously. A special and talented person who has the ability to solve any problems and helps everyone in a friendly manner. hope u get that position Carlo cuz we need someone like you.

Dpt. Chief Of Security

Brian <3

Well-known Member
May 15, 2022
+ Support.
+ Very mature
+ Has experience
+ Good application
love the guy , He has extensive experience and takes "RP" seriously. A special and talented person who has the ability to solve any problems and helps everyone in a friendly manner. hope u get that position Carlo cuz we need someone like you.

Dpt. Chief Of Security

"Dirty" Dan

Active member
May 16, 2022


+/- Support
+ Active
+ Knowledgeable

+/- Decent RP
-- Multiple Warnings

- O-1 LT "Dirty" Dan
- IA Ambassador
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Rice Cooker

Well-known Member
Mar 20, 2022

From the office of ████████

Application Denied

Thank you for taking the time to apply for Site Advisor. This position assists the site director and ensure their site functions to the best of its ability. After experience as IA Ambassador, we have determined you are not yet suited for this responsibility.

The main concern that was brought up was the lack of experience demonstrated on the US site. Due to your timezone, your activity remains primarily on the UK server and results in limited interactions with the US site administration members.​
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