[US] Green's Second O5-3 Application "The Forgotten"

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Well-known Member
Jul 13, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:11519307

Discord name: lordxgreen#4294

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since June

Age: 24

In what country are you located?: US

Time zone: Central

Character name(s): [LoM]"Green" | James "Tennessee" Green

Civilian name: James Green

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): US

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- [Holding]
MTF Nu-7 LTCOM, Overseer Assistant, and GOC CPL | [Held] CI-D

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
None That I Can Think Of

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for 05-3 "The Forgotten" for the purpose of furthering my experience and knowledge inside the Foundation. I have done all I can for Nu-7 and have completed all the tasks given to me as an Overseer Assistant to the best of my abilities. I've worked with every department of the Foundation in some way or another at this point and wish to have a higher position in which to further help them shine.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
I believe with my extensive knowledge of the Foundation and ability to not only command but assist with MTF Units and Departments makes me the best candidate for the job. I can make any and all groups in the Foundation become better and more efficient than they are currently.

For an example of my work in improving regiments and departments then just compare the current Nu-7 to the old Nu-7 and you'll see the night and day difference. In the past Nu-7 barely had any presence within the Foundation and CI would infiltrate the deeper levels of the Foundation with little to no resistance. Now CI raids rarely make it to LCZ and HCZ without most or if not all of their initial strike force for being neutralized. Nu-7's current presence also is the most active to the point we usually have a small squad sent to assist HCZ.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:

The O5 Council is the head of the Foundation, so nothing happens or changes without their knowledge and approval. As such they have many responsibilities while on sight in the Foundation.

- Their job is to run the Foundation and keep the Departments, Administration, and MTF organized, efficient, and meeting any/all of their goals.

- Each member of the council oversees a part of the Foundation and makes sure that they're following the goals, rules, and professionalism required of them. If any of the departments or regiments are not meeting the criteria expected of them then we are to ensure they are punished and improved upon so that they may function properly.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
O5 Council is responsible for the forum applications revolving around high level 4 jobs such as:
- Chief Of Security
- Director of Research
- Director of Medical
- Director of Intelligence
- Director of Internal Affairs
- Overseer Assistant
- Site Administration aka Site Advisor and Site Director

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
When "Green" first stepped into the Site he'd one day call "home," he did not step in as the proud valiant man people know him as today. No, he came into service as just another Gensec cog in the machine. Doing his job and following orders felt second nature to him by the time he hit Security Sergeant, he almost missed the flyer for "Nu-7 Hammer Down" tryouts on his way to D-block.

It's safe to say, seeing that flyer has made this Foundation a much better and safer place.

Getting into Nu-7 was a breeze for Green and the Nu-7 command easily recognized his potential. He worked tirelessly under the watchful, yet guiding eyes of LTCOM "Rudy" and CPT "Zala" to make them proud and keep his comrades safe. His best friend and closest ally "Epicap" enlisted on the same day and together they rose through the ranks at rapid speed.
An excellent leader and an excellent soldier, it wasn't long before Green was given his first appointment as a Lieutenant. He and "Epicap" both agreed that neither of them would leave Nu-7 until it was the greatest unit in the facility. Tirelessly, they continued working and reforming the unit into one with the greatest presence and most well-formed MTF in the Foundation. CI raids became less common and even less likely to get past the entrance zone when Green was in command.
Green watched as other CO's came and went, always maintaining the discipline and superiority of his regiment no matter the change in leadership. Eventually his time came, and Green was given LTCOM of Nu-7, the greatest honor he'd ever been given. Green took in the sight of his men expertly combatting CI and knew then, he had finally done it. Nu-7 was a unit he could look proudly upon and a squad he could call family.

Of course, Green's extensive experience and capabilities could not end there though.

Shortly before his appointment to Major he had been hungering to do more for the Foundation, so he took the time to apply for a Site Inspector Assistant. When he placed down his extensive resume on the poor desk worker on floor 3, it was safe to say the position was his. Maintaining his work ethic and time, he quickly became a favored assistant for his extensive knowledge of the site's day to day along with his unique perspective as an MTF CO. At no point did he ever lose focus on either of his jobs, he just continued in his upward trajectory to higher places.

Now with the experience, time, dedication, and pride he's gained with all his time in his various positions - Green is ready for a new challenge that will truly make a difference in the facility. Green is ready to see his name expunged from his family Nu-7, knowing his CO team will be able to continue the great legacy he leaves for them. Green is ready to see his name expunged from the various documents he's written in his time as an Overseer Assistant.

Although Green knows his name will now be Forgotten in the history of the Foundation... He knows his work will never be.

O5-3 "The Forgotten"
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Well-known Member
Jun 14, 2022
+ Active
+ Mature and professional
+ Very good RP + Interactions
+ Excellent Leader and experience
+ Mentioned me in lore!

Green has been playing this server long enough from both a moderator and player standpoint that I doubt you'd find anybody more fit for this job than him.


Oct 31, 2022
+ Active on assistant and Nu-7 LTCOM

+ Shows good leadership and is patient with others
+ Has experience

Green has made a major impact on Nu-7. He improved Nu-7 beyond my imagination with his masterful leadership. He has put the time into improving Nu-7 and has held a position as an assistant for an extended time. In my opinion, he is fit for the role of site inspector.


Active member
Oct 11, 2022

- Great leader
- Experience
- Good interactions
- Good person


Well-known Member
Aug 30, 2022

+ BIG FAT Support!

- Active
- Great Leader
- Very Respectful
- Reasonable
- The list could go on and on

I have never had a bad experience with Green, he has always impressed me and made me feel comfortable. He shows amazing leadership and dedication to his work. Plus, he seems really passionate about this, I would love to see him spread his wings for the foundation ☺️

Ethics Member Ms. Abbie Rose


Well-known Member
May 24, 2022

Application Accepted

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the ███ position.

Your work in both the Nu-7 regiment as their LTCOM and an Assistant to the ██████ have not gone unappreciated. We have watched you for a long time, we have shared the details of orders far beyond the scope of mortal men, you have spearheaded operations that most military couldn't even dream of. We have watched you build a fine unit fit for keeping us safe from the dangers of the surface.

You are the shield. Scuffed as you may be, you wear your battle scars with pride. Keeping the Foundation safe from all that seeks to harm us, you are the mighty sheet of steel that lies between a great Foundation.. and oblivion. However, you are meant for so much more than accumulating those battle scars, Lieutenant Commander.

Look forward, for the life you have led thus far is behind you. The boney digits of Death have consumed your old name and expelled your identity, your body nothing more than a host for the new, powerful being that you have become.

Cast away your former name... for you now stand at the pinnacle.

Welcome to the ██████, ██-7 "The Forgotten".

For more information, please contact ██-1.​
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