[US] Hypnos' ECA Application (2nd)

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Junior Developer
Mapping Team
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Mar 6, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:68721039

Discord name: HypnotizingZeta

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since March of 2023

Age: 19

In what country are you located?: United States

Time zone: PST (Pacific Standard Time)

Character name(s):
'Hypnos' Sano [CSTS-CSO]
CI: Hypnoz (No Longer Hold Rank)
Civilian name: Hypons

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Foundation: MTF E-11 SPC [Held]
MTF Nu-7 LT [Holding]
SCP-096 [Holding]

CI: CI-A [Held]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

I have one warning that was for FailRP, that was over a year ago. It was from when I was still quite new to the server, and if I recall correctly it was just a misinterpretation of RP that led to me receiving my warning.

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

There are many things I feel make me a good fit for Ethics Committee Assistant. Throughout my time on the server, I have developed a solid understanding of server rules, and policies. This includes the policies written in the CoE, and CoE, as well as things in the legal codex. My experience has allowed me to develop skills that would directly suit the position of ECA, things such as the ability to lead, communicate effectively, and problem solve. I am currently an LT in Nu-7, and have been working to better my regiment as much as I can as a CO. This position has allowed me to gain experience as a CL4, which has exposed me to situations that I had not previously had to handle. This experience has also led me to be confident in my decisions, and how to act/ RP as a leader, and role model. Being on the server for as long as I have been, I have had the opportunity to develop a deep understanding of how each role in RP works to bring the whole foundation together. Another thing I feel makes me fit for this position is my character. I am a kind, outgoing, approachable individual which is important when working with others in the foundation. I pride myself on my professionalism, and ensure I am working as a role model for others. It has, and will continue to be my goal to leave a positive impact on whatever department I work in.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
- Act as a professional representative for Ethics.
- Authorize AA during Code 5 (If Necessary).
- Carry out orders from the Ethics Committee.
- Assist in providing D-Class with work permits.
- Uphold the CoE, CoC, and FLC
- Conduct department reviews/ interviews when requested.
- Authorize KOS past airlock when deemed necessary.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Hypnos lived what many would picture an ordinary, peaceful life. Growing up, it was hard to call one place home with the moving around to find a place that fit best. Hypnos found himself finding ways to pass the days until he could hopefully find a place to make lasting friendships. As an only child, a lot of Hypnos’ free time was spent on the computer, this love for computers gave him the opportunity to truly explore what could be done with his future.

After some years went by, the feeling of finding a place to call home had fled. His family settled down into a reasonable place, and with Hypnos’ age he felt decisions needed to be made about where he would take his future. There was a battle deciding what path he wanted to go down, but he knew he needed some things that would challenge him. With his knowledge of working computers, Hypnos started out as just a simple technician within the foundation.

Fast forward 4 years, Hypnos had experienced almost all the foundation had to offer. The incident of 173 breaching and being within mere meters of him, or the time D-block had a rare successful riot. Hypnos had been around, and was well known throughout the foundation at this point. In this time, he had moved from being a technician to guard work which is where he found a strong suit of his. Hypnos’ time as a guard demonstrated high capability, which did not go unnoticed by Nu-7. With vacant spots in their force, Hypnos found it was time to try something new, and gave the tryout a shot. Passing with flying colors, Hypnos was in. Hypnos had advanced through the ranks, learning more about the foundation that he didn’t even know was possible. Late one night, Hypnos found himself at the desk of his commander, which had his mind running through the possibilities. “We are pleased with your performance as a CSG, and think you'd be fit for our CO team, we believe you’re demonstrating that you have what it takes.” Remaining professional, “Thank you sir, I won’t let you down.”

Hypnos’ time as a Lieutenant helped him build a strong understanding of wrongs and rights, as well as a deeper understanding of the CoE, CoC, and FLC. This experience would be required of him, as it was his job to effectively teach new recruits wrongs from rights. Being a LT, Hypnos met many new people, and developed new relationships with people that weren’t previously possible. He kept refining his skills and experience to ensure he was the best CO he could be, with ambitions for more. However after the loss of a fellow CO to a raid from Chaos Insurgency right in front of him, Hypnos began thinking about if his passions were leading him elsewhere, if his journey in the foundation had reached its peak. Within this deeper level of thought came the idea that he moved more toward the people, and away from the combat he once loved. Hypnos wanted to make it his goal to help individuals in the foundation find themselves, while also assisting in upholding the standards the foundation is held to. With an open spot as an Assistant to the Ethics committee and a belief that he has what it takes to make a positive impact, Hypnos took this chance and submitted the application.​
The Ethics Committee Verdict Report

REGARDING: "Hypnos" Ethics Committee Assistant Application.
Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Assistant, the Committee agrees that you are suited to become an Assistant, please get in contact with Ethics Member "Coral" at your earliest convenience.


Vice Chairman Mr. Pavish
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