[US] Jack "Cornelious" Edwards' 2nd Chief Application

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Jack Edwards (Spoon)

Active member
Jun 2, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:97993636

Discord name: spoon5522

For how long have you played on CG SCP: About 10 Months

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: United States of America

Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Jack 'Cornelious' Edwards

Civilian name: Jack Edwards

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Security Sergeant (Holding) Security Captain (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- One previous RDM warn due to a misunderstanding. One mixing warn for chatting with my buddies about out of character issues in game.

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?
- I have always loved Security. When I first joined CN I gravitated towards security, and I've stuck around. I enjoy the casual nature of GenSec, I've felt a sense of community and camaraderie within security, and would jump at the chance to lead the Department.

Despite my love of my department, it is notably flawed. For starters, security has little to no retention, as people tend to rapidly move on to MTF, CI, or GOC rather then stick with GSD, security is rarely offered a chance to do anything outside of D-Block, and GSD Cadets are given a lackluster introduction and given very little guidance about their role and the server as a whole.

I aim, like in my previous application, to remedy these issues and make GSD more engaging. I aim to collaberate with GMs and Admins to provide variety to GenSec's day to day operations by providing unique events, tailored specifically towards security and their interests. I plan to expand security's role beyond D-Block guards, by encouraging and organizing LCZ and EZ patrols, player driven events, war games, and working with other departments to allow GSD to assist them, granting more opportunities for security to experience more. I lastly plan to increase captain and sergeant involvement with new players, I seek to encourage cadets to seek help from captains, and to encourage captains to interact with guards and cadets more providing valuable training and advice.

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:
- I am an experienced and dedicated veteran of General Security. Ever since I joined roughly 10 months ago I have almost always been somewhere in security. I love security, and I will always put it first, like any good Chief should. I am familiar with the workings of the site, and how security ticks.

I have a clear vision of my goals for security, I want to make the department a fun experience for new comers and old veterans a like. As security is a general security force, it means theres a little bit of everything in it, and anyone can find their interest in security. I wish to take advantage of this multi-purpose role and encourage people to join security to not only experience their favorite part of CN, but to experience the other aspects, such as being able to fight SCPs, Police D-Class, Fight GOIs, and handle Internal Matters.

With this vision I back it up with leadership. Ever since I was an Officer, I have lead security in the daily operations involved with maintaining security in Site-65. I have lead countless squads to recontain SCPs, push back GOIs, raid GOIs, and patrol the facility. I have also began helping new cadets familiarize themselves with the basics of D-Block, showing them what to do and where to be. With these skills I plan to help GSD reach, maintain, and excel at their expectations.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:
Security Chiefs are the head and face of General Security. They lead the department as a whole in its operations to ensure the site is adequately protected and safe from any internal or external threats to the staff and the site.
This requires a leader capable of handling the diverse individuals that make up the General Security Department, being able to handle rifts that may form between individuals or even groups of GSD and being able to come to an agreement between these parties. This leader must also be able to effectively enforce departmental standards, ensuring the CoC and CoE is properly implamented and enforced, and ensuring security is adequately trained and prepared for the variety of scenarios it finds itself in.

Chiefs must also be able to settle inter departmental topics. Using their skills from handling security to cooperate with the other departments and the mobile task forces on site. Ensuring all departments respect each other, work effeciently together to further each other's goals, and settling tensions involving security personnel and the personnel of other departments. Chiefs must be capable of handing out punishment when needed to enforce adherence to the CoC and CoE, and to ensure inter departmental respect.

Lastly, Chiefs must ensure all training branches, and other sub departments, are properly staffed and maintained. Chiefs must keep a close eye on the happenings of the sub departments and training arms, ensuring they are properly meeting their goals and not becoming a burden to security, this is done by checking in on document maintenance, reports of sub department accomplishments, and appointing of capable leaders of the sub departments to spearhead their objectives and specialities.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Born along the East Coast of the United States, Jack is one of many jokesters amongst security's ranks. He is known to crack jokes and mess with other Foundation staff, occassionally catching the the ire of the wrong people in the process.

Jack came from a lower middle class family, growing up rural with a patriotic family, Jack grew to love his country. Devoting true loyalty only to his country. He wished to serve his country and protect those who called it home. These desires pushed him to dream of joining the police. After graduating High School, Jack went straight to college to study criminal justice to join the Police.

Despite his desire, he failed most of his first semester classes. His family lacked the money to cover an extra semester's worth of classes. This drove Jack to seek the next best method of serving his country in his mind, the Army National Guard. Jack volunteered at 19 to join the National Guard, where he received basic training and money to prepare for his second attempt at college.

After his discharge Jack wasn't able to afford to attend college right away. He began searching for work using the skills he aquired serving in the National Guard. He found security work in local banks and malls. Although it was a shadow of what he truly desired, Jack enjoyed the feeling of being something of a protector to the people around him, although he struggled to maintain a position for very long due to his casual, jokester nature.

After angering his last boss by making some creative changes to the meeting notes on a particulary bad day, Jack was out of a job again. He began searching around, finding nothing but dead ends due to his reputation. Due to this, Jack decided to take a break for a while and try to figure out what he wanted to do. This lead him to exploring the countryside, getting in touch with his rural self after so much time in the cities. It was there he came across a small Foundation facility. While it initally seemed like an abandoned complex, Jack soon found out it was still inhabited and was captured by the facility's security forces.

After learning that they were a security force, Jack inquired about the posibility of joining their forces. He was then passed on to a recruiter. Although his record seemed lackluster at best, some sites were in desperate need of new security members. Jack was then offered the position of Cadet in Site-65's General Security Department, beginning Jack's story within Site-65.

Although having no prior experience with the anomalous, Jack quickly picked up on the danger contained within the walls of Site-65, and swore to do his part in keeping these horrors away from his country. Although still loyal to his country, he saw service within the Foundation as the best way to protect it, especially with the danger the anomalous posed to not only America, but the world.

Jack's service within Site-65 inevitibely lead him to encounter the nearby GOIs, the Chaos Insurgency and Global Occult Coalition. Jack despises both of the GOIs, seeing them as nothing more then threats to the safety of not only the site, but the world. Jack viewed the Chaos Insurgency as nothing better then a terrorist group, seeking to use SCPs for their own benefit and to force the world into submission. While initially holding respect for the GOC, and even supporting their ideology to an extend, Jack's opinion of the GOC has grown strained the more he hears about their cooperation with the Insurgency. This causes Jack to view the GOC as nothing more then backstabbers, taking any opportunity, no matter how disgraceful it should be, to further their own goals.
A message has been received from the Site-65 Administrative Department
The Site Administration Verdict Report
REGARDING: Cornelious Chief of Security Application


Hello Cornelious, First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to apply for the open Chief of Security position. I am proud to announce that your application has been accepted. Congratulations on your promotion to Chief of Security.
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