[US] Jason 'Amoral' George / 'Blaster / 'Ox' Site Advisor Application

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Well-known Member
Dec 4, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:16412227
Discord name: 0x48756773
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Over 1 year (I've seen tons of changed) 22.95 days (551 hours) in game.
Age: 37
In what country are you located?: Canada
Time zone: Central
Character name(s): Jason 'Amoral' George (SCP), Wildrider 'Blaster' (Goc), Max 'Ox' Power (CI)
Civilian name: George Gregorvich
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

I currently hold a SGT position in the GOC, along with a CI-B position in Chaos Insurgency.
I used to hold a Senior Agent position in the DEA.
I am currently whitelisted for SCP-096 and SCP 22415.
I've also been a server moderator on two separate occasions.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: No Kicks or Bans. As for warnings, I believe I received one warning for job switching as SCP-323 after being captured, but I'm not sure if that was officially logged anywhere.
Why are you applying for Site Advisor? I'm applying for Site Advisor because I love the role play aspect of the server, and I want to contribute to more on the foundation side. I've played as Gensec, Research, and a Doctor, and currently hold all licenses possible on the foundation site, however I've never been in a position to roleplay as a senior position. My hours of play are also very different from the majority of the server, given that most of my time on is usually between the hours or 8am to 3/4 pm Central time, usually when there is a shortage of CL4 personnel, especially on the site administration side of things.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?: My suitability is due to the time I've spent on this server. I've been around for a number of changes, and I'm always looking at discord for upcoming events, and change logs as they come. I'm also on during a period of low site administrative activity, which would increase the roleplay ability for players during this time, by helping to authorize testing that doesn't require ethical permission. This would also allow for the site to combat SCP Breaches that typically lead to surface entry because I would be able to auth AA during allowing for easier containment, and not having to waste the time of ERT.

Finally, having a site admin on during these period of lower population gives department leaders extra time to approach site administration for issues / questions, without having to wait until someone is able to hop on at a later time.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?: Responsibilities of Site Administration include appointing management for departments, reviewing dossiers and appointing MTF commanders, performing tribunal activities for lower level staff.

They also authorize testing that does not require ethical considerations. Liaising with site command to advise on new departmental and site policies.

Authorizing advanced armoury during raids and/or SCP breaches.

Authorizing partial site closures for maintenance, events, or other situations. Auditing and reviewing departments for proper work ethic, and adherence to policy, protocol and procedures.

Liaising with other GOIs, especially during periods of high tensions.

Finally general site administration, including heading up the role as department contacts and emergencies.
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
My character, Jason 'Amoral' George is a very bureaucratic character, one who has been known for strict enforcement of rules. He was originally brought in from another site to help with strict enforcement of the rules, with an unwavering dedication to the foundation. His previous role included heading up tribunals in other sites, which resulted in him "cleaning up" the acts of other members, sometimes in a less than ethical way.

Under his previous role, foundation staff who were found to be breaking site rules found themselves enrolled in the D-Class program as punishment, with the promise that their transgressions would be forgiven if the survived 30 days in the program. Unfortunately all "Foundation d-class" who went through the program never found themselves reformed. All falling to some form of accident during testing. Some say that all accidents were setup by Jason, who earned the code name 'Amoral' for these harsh punishments. The foundation held Jason in a tribunal to prove that he setup the accidents, but nothing was ever proven, and the only witness that the committee was to bring forward suffered fatal electrocution due to a tesla gate malfunction.

With the tribunal over, the foundation decided that Jason's innocence along with his reputation would make him a great candidate for a new program where they would bring in an outside advisor to see how a site was operating, and clean it up if necessary. With the recent infiltration of GOC that resulted in SCP-008 being destroyed, along with the number of breaches that have reached surface, the foundation decided that Amoral would be the best person to bring in given his reputation.
Last edited:
Jul 1, 2023
From: Site Director Marvin Garden
To: Jason George
Subject: SA Application Decision

[ Application Status: Denied ]

Agent Jason George

Site Administration thanks you for your interest in becoming a member of Site Administration.

This message is to inform you that your application has been Denied.
After discussion, we have decided to move forward in another direction. We hope you will continue to excel within your current position, and look forward to seeing you grow as a member of your department.

If you wish to discuss further, you may reach me by email.

Site Director Marvin Garden

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