[US] Jay 'Corvid' OSA Application.

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Jay "Corvid"

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jun 5, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:77430527
Discord name: Mexiimex
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I believe 4 months.
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: Australia
Time zone: Aest, GMT +11
Character name(s): Jay 'Corvid' [Foundation]
Civilian name: Michio 'The innkeeper' [Civilian]
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
My levels are at minimum 50: Yes. I am level 135.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

I am currently holding
Executive Researcher.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

0 Warns/Bans. and I plan on keeping it this way.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

I do my very best to remain in character and provide professional and well eloquent roleplay scenarios, making sure I am clear and consice with my requests and responses, making sure that whatever I am saying will resonate.
From my experience as an Executive researcher I am well versed in what is expected of a junior CL4 role and the responsibilities and classified information I will uphold, While having to follow the CoE to a strict guideline to ensure correct testing/sampling and the CoC to stay within reason, It has given me a very good insight to what will be expected if I am to be elevated to the position of OSA.
This position has also allowed me to interact with every department and learn what to expect when dealing with a wide variety of responsibilities.
During what most would call my shorter amount of time on the server, I believe to be proven as an upstanding member of both the foundation and as a citizen.
I do my very best to keep myself out of trouble and making sure that every action I take is thought out and proven to be reasonable and of clear mind.
My current and future aspects are to remain the same. Keeping myself professional, Keeping the peace and helping the foundation stay in line.
I am also extremely receptive to feedback and information. I always keep an open mind and admit mistakes I have made and then act to rectify those mistakes by asking questions on how to improve or asking questions on topics I am not familiar with.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

OSA's have a wide variety of responsibilities. This list includes:
Authorizing Advanced Armory and Authorizing Kill on Sight past D-block Airlock during situations it is required such as during code 5's or an extreme code 2.
Upholding the foundations Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics.
Preforming any tasks requested by members of the Overseer Council, or Assist MTF A-1 during said tasks.
Ensuring healthy site preformances and keeping staff in line.
Preforming basic Cl4 requirements such as closing/opening bulks when neccassary or opening breach shelter.
Ensuring lower clearence level staff are well informed if they have questions that require my expertise.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

From humble beginnings, Jay 'Corvid' was always the inquisitive child. Wanting to explore the unknown and had very little fear for that which he did not know. This path lead him down roads paved with confustion and inquiry. Not fully understanding what he's been experiencing. Skipping his teens and early adulthood which were nothing but a blur at this point. He was found unconsious by the foundation at age 19 after an incident in New york known as Project Palisade. Designation: 1K0-M55-W17. Genetically engineered biofilms introduced into population of New York City. Biofilms induced hypnagogic state in roughly 10% of infected individuals. Notes on Jay 'Corvid's body include: Rate of reality decay is increasing, but total collapse has not yet occurred, a rare and unusual case.

After being taken back to Site-██ Corvid was eventually woken to the bright lights of a medical bay, one unlike he has ever seen before. Walls lined in white and blue paint, an extremely sterile environment. Confused but curious at his current situation, he remained calm. As he was speaking to the doctors about his missing memories. A man in a grey suit approached Jay. Introducing himself as a member of the foundation and an Ethics Community Assistant. They were interested in the medical records and results of such an obscure and low percentage of survival rate. Only few others have experienced reality decay without instant termination or acute insanity.

Fast forward to his full recovery. Jay was offered a position of junior researcher on a site across the border north. Canada. Site-65. Not one to turn down such an oppotunity he accepted and was shipped off within the week. Days and days of spending his time in what was essentially what seemed like hell on earth to most. Was some of the most exciting times of Jay's life, experiencing anomolous activity he always suspecting of existing but never had the proof. Writing documentation was a cakewalk when every piece of information was more interesting than the last. Rising easily through the ranks he eventually plateu'd at Executive, his goals were to further this. Studying day in and out of the codes he was required to follow and uphold lead him to applying for the position of Site Inspection Assistant. Seeing a new career path down a road not yet traveled made him extremely interested at what the future will hold.

Ensuring all the pieces fell into place and all the responsibility he was to take on what would be daunting but an extremely exciting prospect. Speaking with as many contacts Jay had in the site. Learning the ins and outs of every single role. Making sure that no mental or physical barrier would stop his journey. All that was left was left to the mercy of the Council. Was all his efforts in vain? Surely not. He spent months working to finalize what Jay believed his best effort.

Thank you for reading my application. I appreciate any feedback and deliberation that you may have to improve my current and future applications.
If I require a longer biography or greater explination of being a valid candidate please feel free to reply or contact me on discord. Username above.
And as always. Glory to the foundation.
Last edited:
Jun 8, 2024
+Support, my boy mexi deserves this position immensely, very professional, one of if not the kindest person i know on this server and immensely dedicated to CN, his RP is also immaculate Mega Support
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Jun 4, 2023




Hello @Jay "Corvid",

We thank you for your interest in becoming an assistant to the Site Inspectorate. After a lengthy evaluation, we've determined that you are fit for this position. As such, your application has been marked as
ACCEPTED. Please send communications to my secretary (_.shark._) when you are ready for debriefing and training.
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