Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:453971149
Discord name: Matt Cherokee
For how long have you played on CG SCP: ~1100 hours
Age: 26
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s):
Foundation- Formerly Jonny 'Bear' Hartman, now Matt 'Panther' Cherokee
GOC - Howard 'Bulwark' Hartman
Civilian name: 'Bulwark' [MSL-M]
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Director of Medicine - Holding
Consultant - Held
Combat Medic- Holding
GSD Sergeant - Holding
GOC 1SGT - Holding
GOC Attache- Holding
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1x Name con for trying to call myself 'The Jew' on my first day
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I want to take on more responsibility within GSD and I feel now that I am ready for it. I have been a GSD Sergeant for a while now, I think maybe a month and a half. (Can't confirm actual date, it isn't on the roster). I have thoroughly enjoyed working with other members of GSD and I feel like in the role of captain I could help expand on that working relationship and bring more to the GSD leadership team. I also enjoy the variety of challenges and opportunities that GSD has to offer especially with their expansion into different areas with their sub-divisions in addition to manning D-Block.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
I have garnered a lot of experience working as a GSD Sergeant and believe that I have the knowledge and confidence now to be able to be a CL4 leader within GSD. I believe that I have the patience to mentor a lot of the new players that come through GSD as well, as GSD is where a lot of folks start when they hit the server, and I would love to help make that an enjoyable experience for these players. I am also a very active player throughout most weeks, as I am usually online for 3-6 hours varying by the day. I also have a good understanding of the responsibilities of GSD and the protocol we have to follow to run a successful department. While I haven't hosted any myself, I have also sat in on many tryouts and think I have a great understanding of how to run them and I think that will give me a good leg up in jumping right into my the role.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
The responsibilities of a GSD captain are as follows:
Being a primary point of contact and leader within GSD
Mentoring and teaching the lower roles of GSD to succeed within their job guidelines
Hosting HWL, RRT, and SGT tryouts
Conducting sweeps of D-Block during code 2's
Maintaining the general order of D-Block during normal operations
Being a point of discipline for those that would violate both server rules as well as in game violations of the COE, FLC, and COC
Assisting more senior captains and the chiefs with tasks when asked to do so
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Matt Cherokee.
Not many would be able to tell you anything exceptional about him. He is a simple man, at his core. No nonsense and by the book, with a bit of a soft side for his family and friends. He was raised by in a small Native American reservation in northern Vermont, USA. He had a relatively normal childhood. Average parents, a few sisters, graduated school with unremarkable grades. Native reservations in his neck of the woods didn't have a lot of opportunity for moving up in the world so, he applied for the reservation police force and finally found something he excelled at. Attending BLEP at the Vermont law enforcement academy and graduating with good marks despite some remarks stating he was a very quiet and seemingly anti-social man. After working in local law enforcement for a few years thing started to get stagnant for him. He took a leap and applied for the state's game warden program and was accepted. In an almost concurrent chain of averageness, he passed the program with decent marks and was given his posting.
That is when everything changed.
Alot of people, as some may know, have superstitions about native reservations. Urban legends and folklore have a got chance to root into someone's brain.
One evening, while patrolling around his old stomping ground on the tail of a suspected poacher, he was alerted by reservation animal control about a strange amount of mishappen and disheveled dogs being aggressive and territorial by an old cave formation near the amethyst caverns area on the rez. Animal control isn't normally his forte but, something was off about these 'dogs'. Apparently, they had maimed a few people beyond the point of recognition. Normal dogs, even feral ones, don't just target and kill humans like that.
Cherokee unlatched the tailgate of his patrol truck and pulled out the tough box with the new little drone his troop had been given for surveillance. Activating the drone, he flew it in the direction of the caverns and saw... well... he doesn't know what he saw. Strange red and black quadrupeds, moving in erratic patterns trying to jump at and attack the drone he was flying. These... things. He could understand why someone may have thought this was a feral pack of dogs with mange running rampant but, that is not what these were. He attempted to recall his drone but one of those things seemed to come out of a tree and grab it. They all seemed to rush the noisy machine before the video image cut out. Matt swore under his breath because he just knew they would find a way to take that out of his pay.
Cherokee called it in and asked for additional support. He wasn't going to be able to approach these things on his own. He cranked on the truck and was putting away the tough box not noticing that a few of these dog... things... approaching him from the southeast. They must've been following the noise. As he went to his radio to ask where his support was, he heard a loud screech come through the speaker and simply heard a voice just say, 'Stay Still'. He moved to use his radio again to try and identify this voice. The voice came back over the speaker a bit sterner and louder this time and it said 'I told you, stay the fuck still. Now'. Erring on the side of caution he decided to listen. Shortly after he heard a few dull thuds as the creatures approaching him were dropped. As one of the creatures lay dying, he could've sworn he heard the same voice from his radio come from it telling him to stand still.
A group of 4 men in ghillie suits came running over, guns at the low ready. The same voice he heard over the radio spoke up from the group. 'Warden, we are going to give you two choices here. Either we cuff you inside your truck and take your keys, or you can help us with this'. Not in a position to refuse, he agrees to help.
The man speaks up again, "Warden, you're going to love your new job."
Discord name: Matt Cherokee
For how long have you played on CG SCP: ~1100 hours
Age: 26
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s):
Foundation- Formerly Jonny 'Bear' Hartman, now Matt 'Panther' Cherokee
GOC - Howard 'Bulwark' Hartman
Civilian name: 'Bulwark' [MSL-M]
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Director of Medicine - Holding
Consultant - Held
Combat Medic- Holding
GSD Sergeant - Holding
GOC 1SGT - Holding
GOC Attache- Holding
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1x Name con for trying to call myself 'The Jew' on my first day
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I want to take on more responsibility within GSD and I feel now that I am ready for it. I have been a GSD Sergeant for a while now, I think maybe a month and a half. (Can't confirm actual date, it isn't on the roster). I have thoroughly enjoyed working with other members of GSD and I feel like in the role of captain I could help expand on that working relationship and bring more to the GSD leadership team. I also enjoy the variety of challenges and opportunities that GSD has to offer especially with their expansion into different areas with their sub-divisions in addition to manning D-Block.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
I have garnered a lot of experience working as a GSD Sergeant and believe that I have the knowledge and confidence now to be able to be a CL4 leader within GSD. I believe that I have the patience to mentor a lot of the new players that come through GSD as well, as GSD is where a lot of folks start when they hit the server, and I would love to help make that an enjoyable experience for these players. I am also a very active player throughout most weeks, as I am usually online for 3-6 hours varying by the day. I also have a good understanding of the responsibilities of GSD and the protocol we have to follow to run a successful department. While I haven't hosted any myself, I have also sat in on many tryouts and think I have a great understanding of how to run them and I think that will give me a good leg up in jumping right into my the role.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
The responsibilities of a GSD captain are as follows:
Being a primary point of contact and leader within GSD
Mentoring and teaching the lower roles of GSD to succeed within their job guidelines
Hosting HWL, RRT, and SGT tryouts
Conducting sweeps of D-Block during code 2's
Maintaining the general order of D-Block during normal operations
Being a point of discipline for those that would violate both server rules as well as in game violations of the COE, FLC, and COC
Assisting more senior captains and the chiefs with tasks when asked to do so
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Matt Cherokee.
Not many would be able to tell you anything exceptional about him. He is a simple man, at his core. No nonsense and by the book, with a bit of a soft side for his family and friends. He was raised by in a small Native American reservation in northern Vermont, USA. He had a relatively normal childhood. Average parents, a few sisters, graduated school with unremarkable grades. Native reservations in his neck of the woods didn't have a lot of opportunity for moving up in the world so, he applied for the reservation police force and finally found something he excelled at. Attending BLEP at the Vermont law enforcement academy and graduating with good marks despite some remarks stating he was a very quiet and seemingly anti-social man. After working in local law enforcement for a few years thing started to get stagnant for him. He took a leap and applied for the state's game warden program and was accepted. In an almost concurrent chain of averageness, he passed the program with decent marks and was given his posting.
That is when everything changed.
Alot of people, as some may know, have superstitions about native reservations. Urban legends and folklore have a got chance to root into someone's brain.
One evening, while patrolling around his old stomping ground on the tail of a suspected poacher, he was alerted by reservation animal control about a strange amount of mishappen and disheveled dogs being aggressive and territorial by an old cave formation near the amethyst caverns area on the rez. Animal control isn't normally his forte but, something was off about these 'dogs'. Apparently, they had maimed a few people beyond the point of recognition. Normal dogs, even feral ones, don't just target and kill humans like that.
Cherokee unlatched the tailgate of his patrol truck and pulled out the tough box with the new little drone his troop had been given for surveillance. Activating the drone, he flew it in the direction of the caverns and saw... well... he doesn't know what he saw. Strange red and black quadrupeds, moving in erratic patterns trying to jump at and attack the drone he was flying. These... things. He could understand why someone may have thought this was a feral pack of dogs with mange running rampant but, that is not what these were. He attempted to recall his drone but one of those things seemed to come out of a tree and grab it. They all seemed to rush the noisy machine before the video image cut out. Matt swore under his breath because he just knew they would find a way to take that out of his pay.
Cherokee called it in and asked for additional support. He wasn't going to be able to approach these things on his own. He cranked on the truck and was putting away the tough box not noticing that a few of these dog... things... approaching him from the southeast. They must've been following the noise. As he went to his radio to ask where his support was, he heard a loud screech come through the speaker and simply heard a voice just say, 'Stay Still'. He moved to use his radio again to try and identify this voice. The voice came back over the speaker a bit sterner and louder this time and it said 'I told you, stay the fuck still. Now'. Erring on the side of caution he decided to listen. Shortly after he heard a few dull thuds as the creatures approaching him were dropped. As one of the creatures lay dying, he could've sworn he heard the same voice from his radio come from it telling him to stand still.
A group of 4 men in ghillie suits came running over, guns at the low ready. The same voice he heard over the radio spoke up from the group. 'Warden, we are going to give you two choices here. Either we cuff you inside your truck and take your keys, or you can help us with this'. Not in a position to refuse, he agrees to help.
The man speaks up again, "Warden, you're going to love your new job."