[US] Maxwell Shepherd's Executive Researcher Application

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Max "Arcturus" Shephard

Active member
May 18, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:627053523
Discord name: Tyrannical Dictator Iragan#8262
For how long have you played on CG SCP: About One Week.
Age: 23
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: Eastern Time (-4 UTC)
Character name(s): Maxwell Shepherd
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

None, and never planning to do anything that would result in receiving them.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

The primary reason as to why I am making my initial application to join the Executive Researcher team is due to my keen interest in the RP that the Research Division offer unlike most of the other divisions and is the only division that I am primarily active in. There has been many interesting interactions that I have had with several other members of Research/Site Administration with the RP experience I have to offer. While this is the primary reason, I do have a few others as to why I would like to join. The Research Division has had many newly hired Researchers to the roster, and have been assisting them with information or general assistance where I can, similar how I was orientated by a fellow Senior Researcher in my first days starting. When spotting or hear something that may potentially break protocol, I politely inform them that in doing said action will result in a breach of protocol and could potentially result in disciplinary action. As a heavy believer in protocols and regulations, I have continuously taken the initiative many times assisting Research personnel as long as it is within the guidelines given to the members of the Research Division. By promoting excellent etiquette, integrity and dedication to the cause, I hope to continue my line of work and assisting the Foundation as an Executive Researcher and inspire future researchers similar to how I was.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

Referring to a previous statement, I have been known to assist and help many different members of the Research Division as a Senior Researcher. By doing so, I have shown leadership skills and uphold proper integrity with the other members of the foundation. I feel as if it is my moral obligation to assist those who appear to be struggling or unsure on what to do. My dedication to the division extends beyond my own personal work. I have been assisting with my colleagues Research work, by giving them helpful advice and assisting them with their tests, which gives a boost in morale to everyone involved. Reiterating, By fostering a culture of exemplary etiquette, unwavering integrity, and unwavering dedication to the cause, I hope to bring even more expertise onto the team as an Executive Researcher.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

I have written about six Excellent Graded Documents, receiving commendations by several associates for one of them.

As for documentation, I believe that there are several key qualities that make a document receive an excellent grade. Three of the most important ones by are proper punctuation and spelling, organization/formatting, and comprehensive yet relevant information.

  • Proper punctuation and spelling allows individuals reading said document with ease, and adds clarity/precision to your writing. A lack of proper punctuation and spelling may confuse/disorientate the reader, and not give a proper emphasis when needed.
  • Comprehensive and relevant information will allow the individual reading your document process all information with ease and have the fundamental knowledge that is needed for your document. The relevant information within said document should always give insight to the main focuses of your paper, along with the key aspects that will support what you have written.
  • The last main key feature any document should have is proper formatting and organization. An excellent document will inevitably require a proper structure to allow the ease of processing information without jumping all over the place. An example would be to not start with one subject, proceed to change the subject, then go back to the original topic.
  • Other key features involve length of your paper (ensuring it is not too long, yet not too short), Accessability (ensuring everyone of all knowledge levels can read it) and finally, an overall impact on the individual reading it, allowing them to be inspired from what they saw.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

The role of an Executive Researcher is one that includes several major responsibilities, while ensuring that you uphold yourself in said prestigious role. Their first main priority is to be a supervisor for the Research Division. A respectable role model is of utmost importance to anyone who looks up to their leadership. The second priority is to uphold all standards and ethics of the foundation, and ensuring everyone else below them are doing the same. The third responsibility is to authorize proper tests that are requested by subordinates, and ensuring that the code of ethics is being properly maintained in said tests. Another important responsibility of an Executive Researcher is to work with other personnel in the different divisions to ensure a smooth workflow in foundation operations while maintaining safety.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Maxwell Shepherd is a dedicated and loyal Senior Researcher of the SCP Foundation. Maxwell was born in Colts Neck, New Jersey on July 7th, 1989 to Evelyn and Dominic Shepherd. At a young age, Maxwell took an interest in wanting to find and understand the unexplained. In high school, Maxwell excelled in the field of mathematics and science, eventually graduating with high grades and applying to Thomas Jefferson University. After four years, he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering.

After his graduation, he was approached by a private military contractor that required his expertise for weapon development. Maxwell began his career in the research and development of prototype weaponry that the company sold to agencies around the world. One of his assignment involved him overseeing a deal to an unknown buyer before being transferred to another research and development facility across the US. While Maxwell was in the process studying notes for a new potential weapon on the day of the meet, the convoy was ambushed by the Chaos Insurgency and was rendered unconscious after his vehicle was rammed off road.

Several days after the incident happened, he awoke in a medical room with a Foundation recruitment officer reviewing Maxwell's notes. Maxwell was offered a position as an intern for the SCP Foundation at Site-13, and worked there for several years. After some time working for the Foundation, he learned valuable skills and knowledge on various SCP Objects and the goals of the foundation, to which he learned to grow appreciation for the cause they had.On one fateful day, the Director of Site-13 had written a transfer order to Site-65 along with a promotion to Junior Researcher for Maxwell, marking the first day of a bright future for his career in the foundation.

With the guidance of seasoned researchers, he began to conduct several important tests that allowed the Foundation to learn new discoveries about the contained SCPs via chemical research. To this day, he continues to work vigilantly in hopes to maintain the goals the foundation has set up for him.

5/24 EDIT: Increased the amount of total excellent graded documents as of 5/24/23 from three to six.
Last edited:
Mar 30, 2023
+/- Neutral support

+ Good, detailed application
+ Good grasp of excellent documents
+ Good interactions

- Quite low playtime, and time playing

Im going to elaborate as to why i gave you neutral support. Do not get me wrong, you seem calm and interesting, and our interactions have all been good. I have not seen your studies but i feel they are pretty good and thorough. My only gripe here is playtime. It is nothing to do with you, just in general. You could have been playing for a while but i know you are very active and this playtime has been acquired in a short period of time. This is not an issue, i simply feel like you could benefit even more from greater playtime.

I have my own concerns regarding low playtime, new hcz and executive applications, but that is another matter. Ultimately this decision is not up to me, and people have been taken in with less playtime, so by all means feel free to disagree with me. I know you will keep up, so even if you get denied now, i am confident you will be part of the Exec team, at least, i am vouching for you.
Wish you the best of luck!

Kind regards. - Sprucer

Zero Hero

Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 15, 2022
From: kringer@scpf.int

To: mshepherd@scpf.int

Subject: Application Verdict

| Application Accepted |
Greetings Maxwell,

This is a message composed by the Research Directorate to inform you that your application for the position of Executive Researcher has been accepted. We thank you for taking the time to apply for this position; please contact a member of the Research Directorate to schedule your training.

You may contact either myself (Don't forget Hawaii#8207) or Dpt. Director Lunaro (Bees#4431) to progress your application.
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