[US]Mighty Beast's GSD Captain application

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Aug 6, 2023
Steam ID:

Discord name:myghtybeast
For how long have you played on CG SCP:280 hours
In what country are you located?:Romania
Time zone:GMT+3
Character name(s):Andre"MightyBeast"Sr.
Civilian name:...
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):USA
Do you have a mic?:Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:I do not hold/have help any roles
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:1 for metagame(i did not know what metagame meant at that time and im sorry)and 1 for Erp(i warned a mtf that if he kept harasing the chef in the d block kitchen on the phone there im gonna hmmm his uhhh)(he was harasing the chef for quite a while and he was begging me to do something there was no IA and im kinda sorry for what i said...)
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I am applying for captain as in my experience as a seargent i have found out that for Gensec activities to run properly there needs to be proper Captain authority and discipline when needed and i believe with my curent experience and leadership skills im ready to be a captain
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
In my experience as a RRT seargent ive found myself multiple times in need of taking temporary leadership of the GenSec having been the highest ranking GenSec at that time i had to organize the oficers and teach the cadets the job while also keeping them in check
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
The duties of a Security Captain are to make sure that the GENSEC are in line and not breaking the code of ethics, command the Security Units also to lead sweeps in case of riots while also hosting RRT and HW license and of course take away or strike RRT licenseces if needed job ban innapropriate gensec acting as a role model or guide for the gensec he comands
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Weight:87 Kg,
Background of subject:
Born in 20** in Eastern Europe living his childhood and adolesence in the Romanian Mountainside In the small moutain comunity of ******** In **** County having as he said in his words a"normal" childhood aside from Incident **** of him terminating a previously unclassified and undocumented SCP.
Incident is as folows:the small moutain comunity of ******** had been for aproximately 200 years under the threat of an entity known as "Muma Paduri"(translation beign "the mother of the forests").
An entity described by the locals as beign 3-4 metres tall with an aproximate weight of 200 kg bearing the visage of an "babă" or as an old woman it wore green brown and black articles of clothing a senior woman would usualy wear while also wearing a cloak with posible anoumalous proprieties that of camouflageing someone so well in a forest you could not see with the naked eye as described by the interviewed locals.
It is also known from the recovered remains of the entity that it had multible DNA fragments of local fauna such as deer and foxes its height being contributed by the deer legs it bore and it is believed to had also have wings as owl and easter eagle bones were found at the remains.
Subject Andre describes the termination as folows:
"That thing...it stole voices...when you would go in the forest to scavange for mushrooms berries and logs it would howl with the voice of one of its victims or would imitate one it had heard before...
In our part of the world when you go in the forests you howl to check up on your friends or family that you came to the forests with..
You hear a howl and you must howl back to confirm you're allright...thats how it gets you...
I was with my mother hunting for mushrooms for the winter we separated as to cover more ground ...
I howled for my mother to check up on her ...there was no response...
When i got to her...i found her crying without noise ...IT took her voice...
I was done with that thing...
My grandmother...my sisters...my aunts and all of my friends relatives...
Then my mother...
(the subject had taken a noticeable pause)
I took her home and told my sisters to take care of her...
I got my great-grandfathers axe and off i went into the night
I howled for that THING to come at me...all the night i roamed the woods..
The sun started to apear in the sky...when i found it...
IT stared at me...the grin it had on its face...
(the subject fumbled a little with his shirt and showed a masive weird scar on his back)
It gave me this...
I took her head...and burned its ugly corpse...
When i went into the town center with the things head...
I hear my grandmother for the first time in my life...
Nasty old woman she was...
(the subject does the sign of the cross for some reason)
When i came back home my sisters and mother talked again...
So did everyone who was cursed by that dammed demon...
The people in the vilage called me"Bestia Măiastră"(translation is Mighty Beast)
For no one had even come close to doing what ive done..
Then you guys turned up and you know the rest!
The Subject was asked to either forget or join the Foundation choosing the latter he found himself the youngest to be seargent beign recomended for captain by his superiors for his potential ,loyalty to humanity and admirable record
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