[US] O5-4 "The Cultist"

Big Iron

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Dec 20, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:92520332
Discord name: bigiron.
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since December 13th, 2023
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Samuel Samson
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): U S A
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
[Holding] Site Advisor, Special Agent | [Held] A-1 CPL, O-1 LT, DEA Manager, ECA, E-11 CSG, CI-G, UNGOC CPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Nope

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for O5-4 as it was my end goal for this server. I wish to join the ranks of site command to do more RP with fewer restrictions Site Admin would normally have I.E. site-wide projects involving certain SCPs to gain a better understanding of them or weaponization of said SCP. I also wish to work with GMs to get new SCPs on site for a short while whether they be dangerous or not and organize research groups to study them to expand research's RP. I also wish to work with Alpha-1 again and give them an enjoyable experience on the server by doing neat little events with them. Overall I wish to breathe new life into the site wherever possible with fewer restrictions overall and improve players' experience in a general sense.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
I believe what makes me the best candidate is that I seek to make the site an interesting one to be on whether it be gathering researchers to do 008 tests to answer basic questions to making 2 department leads work together to execute a project that creates RP/increasing engagement for their department. I believe my strive to make the site better while making people want to do these tasks and actively taking their input and implementing it is what is desperately needed for any RP leader position including Site Command/O5. My ability to listen to people and take their opinions into account is by far what makes me the best candidate as many people have come to despise certain people as they don't take any opinions into account but their own when they change things, causing harm to the site and subsequently the departments on the site. Listening to people's opinions and the ability to take criticism/a different opinion and build off of that/change your own opinion is by far the best trait I have and is what makes me a great leader/candidate.

I also believe my experience as Site Advisor has taught me a lot about how to run the site, how to create RP with ease, to create engaging projects, how to coordinate with different departmental leads to either execute a project or to complete an order for their department, and how to liaison from their department to site administration/other departments. I believe this experience plus all of my other experience as a CL4 whether it be as an ECA making in-game documents and planning RP events, An Agency Manager handing out punishments for DEA or making basic documents, An O-1 LT leading Omega 1, attempting to improve the regiment, and managing the roster, to a Special Agent just attempting to do things for BORTAC. I believe all of the experience I have collected on this server is what makes me the best candidate for O5.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
Given that the O5 are the highest heads in the foundation only next to The Administrator they have quite a lot on their platter as well as a lot of major responsibilities. Some of these include working with department leads and site admin to make sure each department is running smoothly and the infrastructure for said department is up to date and accurate. They also make sure that site administration is doing their job and making sure the departments under them are doing their jobs as well and to make sure they are not running dry/stagnant. However, they should make sure they are not just micromanaging all the time to make sure there is no dependency on O5 to do all the work and to make sure site admin and the departments they are under have the creative will to do their own thing without scrutiny at every corner. Again you are an RP leader, not an RP dictator.
They also have the responsibilities of:
- Upkeeping/enforcing the Code of Conduct and adding to it when needed
- Authorization of certain tests such as cross-tests between two very dangerous SCPs and samplings of 008.
- Authorization of AA and KOS past airlock
- Liaison with Site Administration to implement policies when needed.
- Assigning tasks to OSAs to lighten workload when needed I.E audits of departments and department interviews

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Appointing the Site Director
- Appointing the new DoR
- Appointing the Alpha 1 Commander
- Giving input on Site Command forums
-Giving input on Site Admin forums when needed/requested
- Voting/giving an opinion on Overseer applications
- Voting on OSA applications
- Keeping server health in mind when making major decisions/any decision in general.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Hello, my friend, I would like to tell you a story about two brothers.
To put it lightly, these brothers were as clever as they were fools.
However, that didn't stop the two of them from getting into trouble with all sorts of things.
Types of things that were quite mischievous in nature.
That would change though as an incident would come that would set these boys' path in their lives.
It started on a cool autumn evening.
The first boy we will call Peter for simplicity's sake had heard a rumor from his friend.
The rumor was that there was an entity capable of granting any wish of any requestor.
He had heard that this entity only appeared in caves and would disappear after the wish had been granted.
Naturally, both brothers were infatuated with the idea of having their greatest desires come true.
However, they were not like most fools and wondered what the price for a wish was.
The second boy we will call Henry questioned whether it would be like a monkey's paw, granting your wish but it has a wicked twist.
Peter pondered for a moment and agreed with Henry, hatching a plan to get the exact wish they wanted.
They both wrote down what they wanted thinking of every consequence of each of their wishes.
They kept those wishes to themselves and played a friendly game of Rock, Paper, Scissors as a best of three.
It was a close game but Henry won and would be getting his wish to Peter's disappointment.
They both set out that night, flashlights in hand, looking for random caves.
They had come across two caves with nothing much in in them besides the usual mushroom, flora, and mouse if they were lucky but on the third. . .
A voice echoed through both of their minds simultaneously.
It spoke, almost in a command:

"Твоё желание скоро исполнится. Иди ко мне."
The Voice had frightened both of them and they bolted away from the cave wondering what had just transpired.
Peter then realized it was Russian and with his very little understanding of it, he pieced it together and came to realize the wish granter was here.
He ushered Henry with him, who after experiencing that, was very content on sitting outside but went with Peter nonetheless.
The cave was warmer than both of the boys expected and had an unnatural aura to it.
It twisted and turned with seemingly no end until they came to a clearing with something in it.
They came to a hall with a floating stone in the middle. It had glowing inscriptions all over it and seemingly looked like it was made of granite.
It wasn't even large at all to Peter's shock as he heard it was massive, it was really only the size of a small box with the peculiarity that it was floating.
The Stone echoed in the crevasse of their minds:

"Пришло время. Я вижу твоё желание."
Their little adventure had ended so quickly as they walked up to their goal.
Peter confirmed this was the wish granter he had heard about.
They had wondered with this as easily as accessible as this thing was, how was the world not majorly changed?
They had not decided to dwell on that thought for long and Henry stepped forward, reading off his paper, and stated his wish.

"I wish to have absolute power, the ability to change anything to my will on a whim, to have no drawbacks entirely to it, with limitless amounts of this power."
"Oh! Also, I get to create anything and keep it forever and my abilities as well!"
The stone stated in English only once:
"Very well, Enjoy your wish."
The stone began to crumble as Henry felt no change.
Both boys decided to leave the cave to see if Henry's wish came true. When they looked behind them, the cave was gone.
Now Henry tried to wish for a cheeseburger to appear in front of him and it did.
Henry and Peter decided to return home and enjoy the new wish not thinking how the stone crumbled instead of disappearing.

Henry and Peter had decided to keep this a secret but Henry with this ability had started to build a god complex.
With in a year Henry had become estranged from his family and subsequently, his brother.
Henry, now living on the streets starts to realize why the world hasn't changed with the wish granter's existence.
The thing would curse the person as a lesson to them.
Henry thought how to reverse the lesson against it, to spite an inanimate object.
Henry thought about becoming the wish granter himself. He performed miracles in closed circles and had an eventual following behind him, a cult.
He led his followers to do rituals in his honor for untold blessings, preaching how he was the only one they should worship.
The rituals would continue, day by day, each one slowly becoming more insane.
Each request from the cultists being more grand than the last.
The breaking point is when they killed a family of 4. The first and only human sacrifice they did.
Henry was so disgusted and horrified by the sight that beheld him at the ritual spot.
He was filled with unfathomable rage that they had killed in their greed for miracles.
Henry had hunted down each and every cultist, wiping them out one by one until they were all gone.
He was done with his priesthood ending the cult with its people.
He had wished for his powers to be nullified until he said a certain word again.
Like always, his wish came true.
Then he wished to be back with his family, but this time it did not come true.
Slowly but surely, Henry reconnected with his family, never speaking of what he did while he was gone.
It would be buried, never to be brought to the light ever again.
Well until you walked in here.
How does this relate to my recent submission to RAISA?
You wanted to know more about me, no?
Well this story is about me and my brother Samir.
God rest his soul.
I have always wondered if the Wish Granter was catalogued as an anomaly as I saw it and I have seen nothing of it while I rose up.
Yeah that is one of my many reasons to join the foundation. I always wanted an answer to the object that cursed me that dreaded day.

Alright onto the next topic.
As for cutting costs towar-
. . .
No, we are not removing Pizza Night.
And no that water machine is mine and I pay for it.
What? The fuck are you saying?
No? I told you we are keeping that program.
Get out of my office before you piss me off anymore.
No, I don't want a forum to raise my complaints.
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Active member
Jul 27, 2024
+ Support

Samuel is perhaps the most dedicated Site Advisor in SA currently. He's exceptionally well-suited for this position because of his professionalism and excellent work. Best of luck!