[US] Rainer's Executive Researcher Application

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Active member
Mar 10, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:88081252
Discord name: Mr.Rainer #0712
For how long have you played on CN SCP: 3 Months
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Vincent “Rainer” Thomas (CI), Ace “Rainer” Collins (Foundation)
Civilian name: “Mr.Rainer”
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP US
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Currently holding CI-B, Internal Affairs, RRT Unit, and Doctor roles

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? If yes, why?:

Unfortunately, yes. I had received a two week ban for MRDM on my first week of playing, I used scrap to buy a knife and started going after anyone and everyone, not fully understanding the rules at this point. I also have one warning for FailRP by combat jumping during a fight with a UNGOC. I have learned from my mistakes since then and have been a dedicated member of the Civil-Networks SCP-RP community.

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

Taking on an executive role would allow me the opportunity to provide excellent training and mentorship, while following the organization's guidelines, to ensure the success of the research division and further contribute to its growth and overall well-being. My further motivations are, I believe education should be accessible for all in every regard and this promotion would allow me to directly assist each and every researcher to achieve that higher plain of understanding, give the assistance and care needed to further their research prowess within their appropriate clearance level. I hate seeing researchers becoming discouraged or having a writer's block during research and I hope to be able to help any and all research personnel.

What makes you suitable for an Executive Researcher position?:

While on-site, I immediately check which Research members are on and make conversation with them, helping with potential ideas and bringing shadows along with me on tests. I have an extensive knowledge of chemicals, as well as testing procedures, which has allowed me to assist research members conduct their tests when they have asked questions about it. With nothing but the utmost respect for guidelines and regulations within the research department, I believe that I can further help the research branch expand and provide guidance to create productive members that excel in their work.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

I have created a total of three Excellent Graded documents, with the most notable one being the SCP-912 Detainment test, testing various weapons to see how SCP-912 would react and detain noncombatants showing hostility and belligerent attitude towards SCP-912.

An excellent document requires a concise, grammatical, punctual, and professional explanation of what went on during your test. In my personal opinion, I believe adding heart to your document will further make the document excellent. Barely attempting to follow proper formatting and protocols in document creation is usually a sign of lack of motivation, as the best documents in the records will have passion for the test performed with a sense of professionalism. This shows the brightest parts of a researcher’s ability to the foundation. The more dedicated a researcher is, the more potential they have to excel in their duties. Documents should still have a list of participants, materials used, and above all clearance cited and signed for within the research division guidelines.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:

The role of an Executive Researcher is a highly regarded and sought after role. It is important to understand that an Executive Researcher is a supervisor for the research command staff. They are in charge of preserving the general health and standards of the research department by doing various tasks. The two most important responsibilities are enforcing the Foundation’s Codes of Conduct and Ethics and helping new researchers on-site take their first steps into the department by guiding them through the testing procedures and practices as an excellent role model. Some of the other responsibilities are the authorization of safe testing, grading documents, and keeping all research personnel safe and on the path to further success. Mentorship of aspiring researchers will allow an Executive to promote an excellent work environment and boost morale of all foundation staff.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Following a long line of enlisted soldiers, Ace was the first to break the family legacy and adopt a more humanitarian, peace-based life. Ace decided to pursue a career in botany as well as medical studies to learn to heal the earth and its inhabitants instead of tearing it further apart with war and violence. Becoming a newly dictated outcast to his family. Ace had a profound interest in plant life and nature since he was a young child, always being outdoors and exploring the woods that surrounded his hometown.
He had a green thumb and a gold heart, studying botany at a local college, and dreamed of traveling the world to discover new species and help conserve them. He was especially fascinated by the rainforests of the world, where he imagined a paradise of biodiversity and beauty. One day, he got an opportunity to join a humanitarian mission in a village in South America. He was thrilled and packed his bags, eager to see the wonders of nature and help the people who lived there. He boarded a plane with a group of volunteers and flew to Brazil.
The village was located deep in the canopy, accessible only by boat.
Ace was amazed by the sights and sounds of the forest, the colorful birds and butterflies, the exotic flowers and fruits, the towering trees and vines. He felt like he had entered another world.
He also felt a connection with the villagers, who welcomed him warmly and taught him their culture. They showed him their crops and gardens, their medicinal plants and rituals, their stories and legends. They called him “Rainer” because of his love for plants and his almost-drowning kindness.
Ace spent his days helping the villagers with their needs, teaching them about nutrition, distributing supplies and medicines, treating wounds and illnesses. He also explored the forest with them, collecting samples and documenting new species. He was happy and fulfilled.
That was until he returned to New York being suffocated by the dense buildings, crowds upon crowds, and ever-multiplying cars. Having enough he drove off wherever the road may lead, until he found a long road and a worn-down farmhouse.
He picked up a rock, tossing it up and down in his hand until he encountered SCP-038. Bored and depressed about returning to America, he decided to throw a rock at the tree. Upon contact, another rock appeared to materialize out of thin air. Confused, he picked up another rock and threw it against the tree again with similar results. He decided to call local law enforcement and reported the strange occurrence.
Upon law enforcement's arrival, he was promptly taken into custody. After being questioned and a thorough background check was conducted, he was approached by Foundation officials and offered a position in the research department at Site-65, specializing in researching botanic SCP objects.
Mar 30, 2023
- Support

+ Decent Application
+ Nice Lore

+/- Lacking Ex Document detailing
- Zero interactions
- I have never seen you on site

I do not have issues with people applying whenever as they can do, but i have never once seen you even online and i often do check. I recommend you be a little more active, or play for a bit more, and then once you apply i may very well change my opinion.

Kind regards. - Sprucer

Max "Arcturus" Shephard

Active member
May 18, 2023

+Good Application
+Very well spoken and professional
+Very helpful to all personnel who are struggling

+/- Decent activity during early morning hours

Overall, I do believe that you could make a fine addition to the team. However, we do need to see you on a little more as an Executive if possible.


Active member
Oct 23, 2022
From: Site-65 (USA) Research Directorate
To: Rainer
Application Verdict


| Application Denied |

Greetings Rainer,

This is a message composed by the Research Directorate to inform you that your application for the position of Executive Researcher has been unfortunately denied. We thank you for taking the time to apply for this position; after much deliberation, the team has decided to deny your application.

If you would like to discuss manners further, you may email (Discord message) either myself (Bees#4431) or Dpt. Director Kyle Ringer (Don't forget Hawaii#8207).

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Kind Regards,
"Lunaro," Director of Research​
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