[US] Ricardo "Echo" Julius Overseer Assistant Application

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May 28, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67919358

Discord name: Hiroshima#4617

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 month

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: PST

Character name(s): Ricardo "Echo" Julius, "Hiroshima"

Civilian name: "Nagasaki"

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Chief of Medicine, CI A

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
- No

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
- There are a couple of reasons that make me the best candidate for Overseer Assistant. The first reason is I have experience in a LVL 4 position. I have a Chief of Medicine position in the Medical Department and although I have only had this position for a short period of time, I believe I successfully conducted my responsibilities and duties successfully and effectively. I believe I have trained a hefty amount of people for their medical licenses, overseen the medical personnel conducting their duties and responsibilities, and disciplined medical personnel if necessary. (See Ethics Committee member "Dinklesprinkle" and Site Advisor "Rizzo" for confirmation of my character and work ethic). The second reason I am the best candidate for Overseer Assistant is I have big ambitions. When it comes to my intentions on this server, I want to be a part of the 05 council. I am not one of those people who settle for a LVL 4 position and call stay there indefinitely. I have big aspirations and goals I want to achieve with my time at Civil Gamers and the way to achieve those dreams is to become of the 05 council. I want to make sure every who plays on this server has fun time and a good RP experience. Obviously. I am aware that it will be impossible to apply for 05 council right off the bat which is why I am applying for Overseer assistant. I know that in order to have a chance to become a council member, I need to have a good reputation that precedes me. I will become the most dedicated and passionate Overseer assistant that I can display to the community. All I need is a chance to show it. The third reason I am the best candidate for Overseer Assistant is my experience with leadership positions. I have currently 8,150 hours on Garry's mod and most of that time are from playing Serious RP servers. I have also obtained many leadership roles on multiple different RP servers which provides me the experience of being a leader. Anyone who has experience being in a leadership role knows that it is one of the most difficult things you can do. Your subordinates will look up to you for guidance, you will have provide the best examples for other people to follow, and you have to discipline people if they get out of line. Everyone who has a leadership position has made mistakes and I have made plenty of mistakes in the past and in the role of Chief of Medicine as well. I know the hardships people go through while being a leader and the successes they achieve as well. I will use the past mistakes I have experienced already to present a better leadership to my subordinates and will continue to learn on the future. The fourth reason I am the best candidate for Overseer Assistant is my passion for RP. While I was Chief of Medicine, I could of just done the minimum work acceptable for that position and the Medical branch would be boring. However, I did not follow that mindset and decided to go above my paygrade and did drastic changes. For example, I have improved branches relation with the other departments. As Chief of Medicine, I wasn't required to put in collaborative effort with other branches, but I did anyway to create more RP scenarios and a better RP experience for people. I was the first Chief of Medicine to ever consider performing Psych Evals on SCPs. I worked with the Research Department and Ethics Committee to make this a reality and it worked really well. To summarize, I have the mindset of taking risks and reaping the reward from those risks. I would rather do an unorthodox thing to make RP more fun than to stick to the same orthodox method and make RP stale and boring. I will continue to have this method for Overseer assistant as I will make constant suggestions and think of multiple ideas on how to make RP better and more fun for everyone. The final reason I am the best candidate for Overseer assistant is my dedication. When it comes my personality, whenever I put my on complete a task I have interest in, I will be obsessed to complete that task. For example, I have complete Psych Evals on SCP-049, SCP-035, SCP-106, and SCP-682. The problem with me doing SCP Psych Evals is I couldn't use the Psych Evals format for Foundation Personnel and each SCP has different anomalous properties as well ,so I couldn't use the same format for any of them. However, I didn't care because it was a chance to get on good terms with the Research Department, so I had to perform these Psych Evals. I have spent multiple hours typing up these different Psych Evals and spent hours performing these psych evals as well. While reviewing my previous SCP psych evals, all of them are at least 12 pages long. I wanted all of my Psych Evals to be the best quality as they can be so I will get a better RP experience and the Research Department will be happy with my performance. Whenever I had an interest in something, I will dedicate to that thing and right now, the only interest I have is to become Overseer Assistant and to become a 05 council member.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- The responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP is to delegate the orders of the 05 council. They are the voices from the council members and will delegate the commands of the council members to the departments of the facility. They are also responsible to give reports to the 05 council on certain topics. For example, they will give a report on the status of different departments and branches, the operational efficient of Site-65, and will report the behavior and actions of certain Foundation personnel

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Ricardo Julius was enlisted in the United States Navy as a Navy coreman. His main priority is to provide aid to his fellow soldiers on the battlefield. He was assigned to the 21st Yankee Platoon which consisted of 6 United States Marines. His mission was to keep these men alive and healthy. After his 3rd deployment tour in Afghanistan, he received a call from his former Commanding officer at the time, 2LT Richard McKinley. We talked on the phone for hours but the synopsis of the conversation was he wanted to give me a job offer to work for an organization called the Foundation. I've never heard this group before because I was interested because I was thinking a change in careers after I got back from my last tour. I accepted the job offer and decided to work for his organization. At first, I started out as a LVL 1 personnel of Site-65 which only allowed me to assist the doctors in the medical center while they perform operations and procedures. Eventually, after a couple of years, I became a combat medic working for the Foundation. Because of my previous experience with combat, I had the qualifications to become a combat medic for this organization. After I got my LVL 3 clearance, things started to make a lot of sense for me. As a Medical trainee, there were so many restricted sections that I wasn't supposed to go into, but now I know why. Site-65 contained multiple anomalous entities that were inhuman and dangerous. I assist multiple different MTF teams in their operations and duties as a combat medic in case I need to provide medical aid on their missions. However, Ricardo Julius was always more interested in medicine than combat. He didn't want to relive the experiences of Afghanistan all over again with this Foundation as well, so he applied for Chief of Medicine. He wanted more administration responsibility rather than being in a field. He also wanted to be in a leadership position like he always dreamed of becoming an LT in the Navy. After multiple years of performing his duties to the Foundation as a Combat Medic, I finally got promoted to Chief of Medicine. I was relieved that I managed to get the positive because if I didn't the years I put into the Foundation were have been for nothing. The Director of Medicine showed me the ropes of my duties and responsibilities as a Chief and thus, I began my work as the Chief of Medicine. However, one thing that surprised me the most is the amount of information I received as LVL 4 personnel. I always thought before as a Combat medic that there wasn't really any important information when you are LVL 4 clearance, but I was very wrong. In the Chief of Medicine's office, there were tons of data that I didn't know. There were formulas on how to make different amnestics, redacted Psych Evals that I had access to, and redacted operation procedures that I didn't know existed. However, nothing of this compares to the information that is the most important: knowing who the boss is. On one cold and stormy night, the door to the Chief of Medicine opened and it revealed a ton of Alpha 1 members and a man in a black suit. As a combat medic, I always see "Interal Security" throughout the facility, but I now know they were called Alpha 1 or "Red Right Hand" as their code name. I instinctively knew the person in the suit which was a 05 council member. He stated he was going to oversee the medical department for all of the SCP facilities. I grew an admiration for the council member because he had so many subordinates that will listen to any command he gives and he was well-respect from others as well. I thought I wanted to be like him, so I decided to apply for Overseer assistant to see what it was like to be an 05 council member.
Last edited:
Jan 4, 2022

From the office of ████████


Application Accepted

Congratulation for getting accepted for the post of ████████ Assistant. This position have you directly assist with member of the ██ and we have determined you to be fit for this position.

Contact O5-6 for the next step of your process
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