[US] "Ryomen" OSA application

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May 27, 2023
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I first started playing around late December of 2022 though through mid to late 2022 I did take a break and now have been playing semi-consistently since
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
F: Lexi "Ryomen " Landry
GOC: Link "Ryomen" Landry
Ci: Lyka "Ryomen" Landry
Civ: Luci Landry
Civilian name:
Lexi Landry
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
GOC SPC, E-11 PVT, CI-A, GSD Captain, IA agent, & DEA agent.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

(None are active and are all warnings)

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
I believe my experience as a captain helps me to understand how many of the branches function and operate; from how Researchers tend to conduct themselves, how E-11 respond to breaches, or how gensec handle D-class, i've seen it all. Due to my line of work i'm up-to-date on whats going on, where it is, and why its happening. I also have plenty of roleplay expierence through not only the Foundation but from all 3 (excluding parawatch) GOI's. I've also roleplayed on more than just civil networks and have years of roleplay at this point. I feel that my experience in all these factors and more make me the best candidate to be an Overseer Assistant.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
Overseer Assistants responsibilities are to help handle some of the logistic duties of the 05 counsel. The act as if a hand to help enforce the orders and will of the overseers. Some of these are: To report any necessary information they've seen or heard to the overseers, authorizing Advanced Armory when necessary and under certain conditions, and to enforce orders from the 05 counsel.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:
After long enough on the General Security Depardment, Lexi felt he had bigger things he was needed for. He felt that he could help in more ways than just telling GenSec not to shoot themselves in the foot. After discussing with some of his companions in Site 65. Lexi learned more about the Non-combative duties and of their importance on site. He soon took a liking to the idea of becoming an assistant. Though he was still not 100% on joining, but that was before an incident changed his though process. It was a code-5 just like any before it, E-11 would soon show up to help out... right? Though unfortunately, due to them being delayed by other issues they were late to arrive on site. Lexi had to watch as many of his men were torn to shreds and ripped to pieces. He too was going to share the same fate soon. Lucky, he was able to be recovered by medical teams and E-11 before he would die. Lexi though he didn't leave unharmed, his left arm was gravely wounded and he might potentially lose it. Lexi took all of this horror and tried to see through it as a sign that maybe he should look into becoming and assistant...

Records and Information Security Administration

A message has been received from the office of ██-3 ██████████████

To: "Ryomen"

Hello. We appreciate the time and effort you invested in the application process for the position of █████████ Assistant. After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we have chosen not to move forward with your application at this time. We want to express our gratitude for your interest in applying.

Please contact me (via discord @bogitos) with any further questions or concerns regarding your denial. If you would like to re-apply you may do so in no less than two weeks.

-From ██-3 ██████████████

Application Denied
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