[US] Sark, the deaf Ambassador.

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May 17, 2024
NOTE WELL! () WILL BE USED FOR OOC SECTIONS, ANYTHING WITHOUT THEM ARE FOR THE CHARACTER! BLUE ARE USED FOR SARK. and disclaimer, this contains photo of brain parts, to explain what I'm talking about, if you don't want to see it, DM ME via discord, and I can send you the texts only. (mordhaureferee)

Sark, the first Deaf Ambassador of IA. (maybe) After joining the site as an Internal Affairs Ambassador, having problems communicating, and had to write by hand on a clipboard to ask questions/answer, he had enough.
Asking the site and sending a document and schematics of something.. Medical is needed for this, but for what? What is this schematic? It seems like an 'implant' to the brain, but why? Sark himself wrote the following
¨This schematic is an implant to the brain, I studied and with the Technician, Engineers and careful consideration I've made a schematic to transfer Speech to Text (STT), as it allows for me to understand better and able to communicate to Text To Speech (TTS). It has a program to allow for any 'logs' also called 'Chat Logs' for the user to allow to see any conversation and any 'logs' of any conversation that I had in the past. It works as a memory, basically, but allowing me to see at will. There will be 2 implants in my brain, one Occipital Lobe and Hippocampus.

The Occipital Lobe is a part of the brain, that allows the transfer of sight to information from the eyes. This allows me to SEE so-called Chat Logs. It lets me to see what im trying to say via TTS.


Hippocampus is used to store the Chat Logs, as memory, think about it as internal storage. The Hippocampus is a part of the brain, to storage memory and anything related to memory


At the end, is his signature, of his name and role and another sentence.

I will allow any other Deaf site personnel to use this.¨
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