[US] Scopes Resignation Appeal

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Well-known Member
May 2, 2022
Name: Scopes | Civilnetworks.net (In-game is Alduin "Akatosh" Elder)

- I was also known as Jury (Ethics Member) and Enforcer (Overseer Assistant)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:104466972

Previous Rank: Senior Moderator

Date of resignation?: 9/4/22 When I said I wanted to Resign. 9/11/22 is when I was no longer staff.

Why did you resign? : I resigned due to complicated family issues and school. It's been a bit since I've had stress and was not really doing the best. I felt terrible and wanted to resign so I could keep my mental health at a steady pace.

Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: I resigned once and was Head Moderator and Platform Team and dealt with forum ban appeals and applications. I was demoted to Senior Moderator which is when I resigned. (DM me for more info)

- https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/us-scopes-resignation-appeal.6050/

(This was my first resignation appeal)

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: No. If I am wrong please correct me.

Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?: I believe I should return because I've been getting active again and starting to know the new players and new leaders. I can commit my time into staffing and help out new staff members and mentor over them which i've done in the past. I enjoyed staffing on this server and would love to help out the community again. I apologize for any complications from the past due to stress as it is now gone and I can show my leadership back on the staff team.
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Well-known Member
May 2, 2022
Hello, Scopes.

While this is generally left to your server's SL team, I am concerned about allowing you to return to the team after having resigned so many times. I would like to know if you're sure you're able to commit the proper time to staff duties?
I will commit and do what is required or go beyond. I will not leave out of no where like I did last time. I will stay and do the best as I can in leadership and helping players & staff.
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